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April 2010 Brides

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Originally Posted by btn1091 View Post
I found this on the Dermatology website;
Q. What is an SPF?
A. SPF stands for sun protection factor. Sunscreens are rated or classified by the strength of their SPF. The SPF numbers on the packaging can range from as low as 2 to greater than 50. These numbers refer to the product's ability to deflect the sun's burning rays.

The sunscreen SPF rating is calculated by comparing the amount of time needed to produce a sunburn on sunscreen-protected skin to the amount of time needed to cause a sunburn on unprotected skin. For example, if a sunscreen is rated SPF 2 and a person who would normally turn red after 10 minutes of exposure in the sun uses it, it would take 20 minutes of exposure for the skin to turn red. A sunscreen with an SPF of 15 would allow that person to multiply that initial burning time by 15, which means it would take 15 times longer to burn, or 150 minutes. Even with this protection, sunscreen photo degrades (breaks down) and rubs off with normal wear, so it needs to be reapplied at least every two hours.

Dermatologists strongly recommend using a broad-spectrum (UVA and UVB protection) water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater year-round for all skin types. This will help protect against sunburn, premature aging (e.g., age spots and wrinkles) and skin cancer

Awesome- thanks! I know reapplying it helps a lot. FI and I were really diligent about putting on sunscreen every few hours or after we were in the water and I think that helps a lot. Also- we always buy fresh sunscreen rather than keep it from year to year.

Tracy- love the fans, too! Wow- you're going all out, your guests are going to love it!
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Thanks so much for the support everyone, it is greatly appreciated, you guys are so sweet. :0)


No one lost money, luckily. BUT, everyone has to wait for their credit card companies to put the charge back on their cards, which can take up to 3 months. Needless to say, that's not as easy for certain guests as it is for others, especially those with big families!


In the meantime, I am just going to keep getting great ideas from here! The shot glasses and fans look great! And I don't think I ever commented, but the boudoir photos are STUNNING!!!! Did you end up doing any pictures in the Habs jersey?

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Originally Posted by taratoons View Post
Thanks so much for the support everyone, it is greatly appreciated, you guys are so sweet. :0)

No one lost money, luckily. BUT, everyone has to wait for their credit card companies to put the charge back on their cards, which can take up to 3 months. Needless to say, that's not as easy for certain guests as it is for others, especially those with big families!

In the meantime, I am just going to keep getting great ideas from here! The shot glasses and fans look great! And I don't think I ever commented, but the boudoir photos are STUNNING!!!! Did you end up doing any pictures in the Habs jersey?
Yes, we are always here for support, and for you to vent. Great positive thinking though!!! I am sure it'll all work out in the end, hopefully 'fingers cross' people can get the money before booking again.
Please keep us posted with the situation.

Thanks, I couldn't justify speading another 30-40$ on labels, so I just made 'em myself lol.
Thank you so much for the comments on the boudoir pics, I did end up doing the jersey. The pics I posted were just teaser the photographer was nice enough to send me. I am still waiting for all of the pics to come in the mail. Hopefully tomorrow!! I will def post a pic of one of those!! I think those will be the FI fav even tho it's not to revealing.
Will you being do this type of session?
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Erin, I totally got in on CinciTan's VDay weekend palooza! Got a package for the diamond bed (the 99% UV-A/non-burning bed), been going for 7-min sessions. I'd burn at 8 mins too! 7 has been good so far. I'm going about twice a week. Generally I'm anti-tan, but this is my wedding and I want to look my best :)


I'm trying to put together hangover kits. I remember seeing packages of mini hand sanitizers, 3 for $1, but now I can't remember where that was!


I want to find individually packaged meds too, it's surprisingly difficult!! Has anyone checked Sam's Club? I know there's a seller on ebay who sells 100 ibuprofen for $4.44 but shipping alone is nearly $6. Lame!


I still need to find the actual bags. I was thinking either drawstring bags or other basic/inexpensive bags that I don't plan to personalize. Anyone have suggestions for a good seller?


I should receive my mugs tomorrow, hope they look okay!

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Tracy - you did a great job on your shot glasses! I'm totally about the make-your-own labels!!


tara- glad to hear that things have been slowly getting worked out. Sorry for all the sress it's put you through but it sounds like you'll be pulling it off and I'm sure your guests understand that none of it was in your control and that you're doing everything you can to help them through.


Kimmy - we have the mini hand sanitizers at our dollar store here and I definitely have extras if you want me to mail them to you?! Let me know how many you need/want in total and I can get them shipped off this week probably?? Oh and for bags I was looking at discountmugs.com and they actually have a really good selection and prices are decent as well.

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Originally Posted by KimmyG View Post
I'm trying to put together hangover kits. I remember seeing packages of mini hand sanitizers, 3 for $1, but now I can't remember where that was!

I want to find individually packaged meds too, it's surprisingly difficult!! Has anyone checked Sam's Club? I know there's a seller on ebay who sells 100 ibuprofen for $4.44 but shipping alone is nearly $6. Lame!

I still need to find the actual bags. I was thinking either drawstring bags or other basic/inexpensive bags that I don't plan to personalize. Anyone have suggestions for a good seller?
Iâ€ve looked at Samâ€s Club online and the local stores and I couldnâ€t find anything. I bought some items for my OOT bags from minimus.biz (hand sanitizing wipes, advil, & pepto bismol chewable tabs) and amazon.com (12 pack case of Dramamine 2 tablet packs for motion sickness). Minimus.biz offers free shipping in the US if you spend over $20. I should receive my minimus.biz order by Wednesday.

As for the bags for the hangover kit, I ordered these clear cellophane bags from PartyCity.com today Clear Large Party Bags 25ct - Favor Bags - Boys Party Favors - Party Favors - Party City. I'll seal them with a label using the template from this thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...mpletes-44213/. Hope this helps!
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Tracy, great job on the shot glasses and the fans, your guests will love them!!


Taratoons, thankfully everyone is getting their money back!!! that is sooooo good to hear, even if it does take a little bit at least they can rest assured that it's on the way. I am sorry to hear that your FI lost his job in all of this, hopefully he will find something fairly fast!!

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Okay girls, gotta admit that I'm a little stressed right now. I've been cruising along rather easily for a number of months now and I think I'm kind of paying for it. I've told you the problems that I was having with a few friends surrounding FI's bachelor party (coming up this weekend) and unfortunately it was on-going up until last week - my friends just didn't understand that it's not at all cool that they're laughing at me for getting frustrated about their lack of communication. I finally voiced my concerns to FI and he was actually much more understanding than I thought because it turns out he's a little frustrated about the same thing. Granted that I am officially "in the know" at this point because the guys needed me to pack a bag this week etc... but it really doesn't seem like the problems will end here.

In addition to all that, I talked to my sister (moh) yesterday and apparently she has been having lots of troubles with my other bridesmaids with their lack of planning and organization for my bachellorette party in a couple weeks. She feels like she's on her own with it and like they just don't feel like making the time to sit down and actually make sure everything is on track. My sister was almost in tears because she thinks I'm going to be let down and not have as good a time. And if it's any indication... the actual date was only decided on less than two weeks ago and the only sort of invite sent so far was a "save the date" at my suggestion this weekend because not all the details are ready to send everyone. And I had to practically insist the email be sent because I've got friends asking me about it and I had no answer to give them! Plus, I already know people have plans and won't be able to make it since the date is only two weeks away!


The final problem is that when I was choosing my bridesmaids, I had one friend who I already knew was getting married this summer and so although I wanted her in the wedding, I talked with her and explained that I didn't want her to feel any pressure with being involved in my planning and that was why I wasn't going to ask her to be part of the wedding party. She was TOTALLY okay with that since it was pretty much equal on her part in return. Except all along, she's been a big part of planning with the girls and a ton of help for me! AND, one of the girls who I *did* ask to be a BM got engaged shortly after and has often been too busy planning her wedding this summer to be around much (nevermind that she lives about 9 hours away). So now I'm thinking of adding the other girl into the wedding party anyways but it just makes such a lot to deal with!!! AGGGHH!!


So I know there are far worse things that I could be having problems with and I'm really trying not to let these things get to me but I honestly haven't asked a lot from the people around us and it seems like now that's all being taken for granted. I officially have SIX WEEKS left until the day we're headed to the airport and it just seems like I'm being let down by the people who I totally thought would step up right now. Thank god FI has been a complete doll lately and really seems to be making an effort to give me his opinions and help out when I need him. God I love that boy.


Sorry for the crazy long rant...

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