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April 2010 Brides

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LOL I knew you didn't mean spring cleaning, I was just saying that for myself. But I can totally relate to your home office, my kitech table is like that, piles and piles of wedding stuff. Another reason I want to get it over with to start putting them in the oot bags.

It's driving me nuts, all the mess.

And my wedding corner in my bedroom is no longer a wedding corner, it's half the room now.

I can't wait to get it all out and see my floor/wall again!


I admit as well, I never use sunscreen until the end of last summer, that's when I found out my mom has skin cancer. So I don't want to chance it with all the meds I take that say 'avoid sun'

My mom got me SPF 30, it's the highest I've ever used. LOL the FI gets 50 and still burns. I think his skin is a lot like yours Mel

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Sounds like he's like me for sure, Tracy- I wore SPF 40 (or maybe it was higher) when I was in Punta Cana last year and I still tanned a bit over the week. I've heard that sunscreen isn't really that much stronger once you get over SPF 30, though, I wonder if that's true? I'll definitely be piling on the sunscreen down there, though- the sun is just not the same at all and I hate being sunburned.


Oh, and the game was great tonight- amazing third period! Canada versus USA on Sunday for the gold- I can't wait. It's going to be a good game, both teams are awesome.

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Hey guys, I hope your planning is going better than me! I will have to sift back through all these pages to see what you have been up to.


I'm not sure if anyone has heard of Go Travel South, but they went out of business on Wednesday, and this has majorly affected my wedding planning. Firstly, my fiance was employed by them, so now we are down to one salary, and our wedding is in forty-some days. Additionally, we had booked our wedding group through them, for 43 people total. Needless to say, I haven't had much BDW time lately, as we are trying to figure our re-booking everyone through other airlines, for similar prices. It's been a hectic few days. :0(

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Originally Posted by taratoons View Post
Hey guys, I hope your planning is going better than me! I will have to sift back through all these pages to see what you have been up to.

I'm not sure if anyone has heard of Go Travel South, but they went out of business on Wednesday, and this has majorly affected my wedding planning. Firstly, my fiance was employed by them, so now we are down to one salary, and our wedding is in forty-some days. Additionally, we had booked our wedding group through them, for 43 people total. Needless to say, I haven't had much BDW time lately, as we are trying to figure our re-booking everyone through other airlines, for similar prices. It's been a hectic few days. :0(
Oh no, so sorry to hear that. I hope you get things worked out.
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Originally Posted by taratoons View Post
Hey guys, I hope your planning is going better than me! I will have to sift back through all these pages to see what you have been up to.

I'm not sure if anyone has heard of Go Travel South, but they went out of business on Wednesday, and this has majorly affected my wedding planning. Firstly, my fiance was employed by them, so now we are down to one salary, and our wedding is in forty-some days. Additionally, we had booked our wedding group through them, for 43 people total. Needless to say, I haven't had much BDW time lately, as we are trying to figure our re-booking everyone through other airlines, for similar prices. It's been a hectic few days. :0(
That's horrible new.....talk about stress! I hope everything works out for you :)
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I am so sorry to hear your part of that group, espically for the wedding. I hope it all works out. DId anyone lose money?!?!?!?

I know the feeling of only 1 salary coming in this house, we totally know the feeling.

Hopefully it wont take to long for him to find another one.

Good luck with everything, please keep us posted!!

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Originally Posted by taratoons View Post
Hey guys, I hope your planning is going better than me! I will have to sift back through all these pages to see what you have been up to.

I'm not sure if anyone has heard of Go Travel South, but they went out of business on Wednesday, and this has majorly affected my wedding planning. Firstly, my fiance was employed by them, so now we are down to one salary, and our wedding is in forty-some days. Additionally, we had booked our wedding group through them, for 43 people total. Needless to say, I haven't had much BDW time lately, as we are trying to figure our re-booking everyone through other airlines, for similar prices. It's been a hectic few days. :0(
Yikes, good luck!!!!! That is a lot to deal with so close to the date!smile03.gif
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Originally Posted by taratoons View Post
Hey guys, I hope your planning is going better than me! I will have to sift back through all these pages to see what you have been up to.

I'm not sure if anyone has heard of Go Travel South, but they went out of business on Wednesday, and this has majorly affected my wedding planning. Firstly, my fiance was employed by them, so now we are down to one salary, and our wedding is in forty-some days. Additionally, we had booked our wedding group through them, for 43 people total. Needless to say, I haven't had much BDW time lately, as we are trying to figure our re-booking everyone through other airlines, for similar prices. It's been a hectic few days. :0(
I'm so sorry to hear that you've been impacted by this so much! The wedding is bad enough but your FI losing his job is terrible. I'm sure you two will bounce back but if you need any support or just want to vent in the meantime we're here for you. smile03.gif Good luck!
Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
I finally figured a label for my shot glasses for the men.

I also did the fan's..post a little later.
Those are really cute! I love it- can't wait to see the fans.
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I found this on the Dermatology website;

Q. What is an SPF?

A. SPF stands for sun protection factor. Sunscreens are rated or classified by the strength of their SPF. The SPF numbers on the packaging can range from as low as 2 to greater than 50. These numbers refer to the product's ability to deflect the sun's burning rays.


The sunscreen SPF rating is calculated by comparing the amount of time needed to produce a sunburn on sunscreen-protected skin to the amount of time needed to cause a sunburn on unprotected skin. For example, if a sunscreen is rated SPF 2 and a person who would normally turn red after 10 minutes of exposure in the sun uses it, it would take 20 minutes of exposure for the skin to turn red. A sunscreen with an SPF of 15 would allow that person to multiply that initial burning time by 15, which means it would take 15 times longer to burn, or 150 minutes. Even with this protection, sunscreen photo degrades (breaks down) and rubs off with normal wear, so it needs to be reapplied at least every two hours.


Dermatologists strongly recommend using a broad-spectrum (UVA and UVB protection) water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater year-round for all skin types. This will help protect against sunburn, premature aging (e.g., age spots and wrinkles) and skin cancer

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