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April 2010 Brides

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Originally Posted by taraappl View Post
I had to laugh about your MOH.... I actually have the same situation going on too. We have a single guy and a single girl that have never met before and they are sharing a room to save on costs. They however both would consider themselves 'slutes' and we have no doubt in our minds that they'll end up hooking up. In fact, I bet the first night they'll get drunk and end up in the same bed..... we'll find out! Stay tuned and I'll let you know what happens. :smile:
lol that's too funny, I can't wait to see what happens. If they are anything like my BM they will definitely end up in the same bed the firt night
Me too my BM and friend had never met each other before either until the day we all got together o book their trip!
lol too funny!!

Originally Posted by taraappl View Post
Tracy- Holy cow! I would be freaking out about the room thing if I were you too! I'm so sorry you have to go through this...... I hope it all gets straightened out for you and you dont have to go through too much more. Hang in there smile03.gif
Thanks so much for your kind supportive words.
We should have a def answer by this afternoon on what's happening, if someone will pay for our upgrade.
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Tracy- I hope that itravel gets this sorted out for you, that situation truly does suck. I hope they come through for you.

I have a link for that ipod docking station FI bought- but he paid about $75 less for it last month because it was on sale and it looks like it's gone back up in price. Hope it helps anyway


Harman Kardon Go + Play iPod Dock (GOPLAY5BLK) - Future Shop


FI was kind of lukewarm about the TTD thing at first, too, but he could tell I really wanted it so he came around. Now he's looking forward to it. He also really likes the idea of doing some pictures the day after the wedding because that gives us a bit more time to spend with our guests on the wedding day.


For me there was never a question of taking FI's name- I feel pretty strongly about not changing mine. He doesn't seem to care one way or the other. I told him he's more than welcome to change his to mine though fryingpan.gif He didn't go for it huh02.gif . We also plan to hyphenate our children's last names so they can have each of our names (and this was a concession on my part because I thought they should have mine, FI says I'm a female chauvinist lol). Funny the different things that are important to different people- it must be hard for couples when they each feel really strongly about this and don't agree.

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Originally Posted by hoyt75 View Post
How did you girls convince your FI into doing a TTD? Mine's totally not for it, and I would love to do this. Sounds like everyone who didn't do one really regrets it later...

Who is everyone using as their photographer? We've booked Sascha Gluck, I feel in love with his photos and he was in our price range.
FI was/is completely and totally against having a professional photographer. He figures that there will be enough people taking pictures that I don't need anything more and besides, "his brother didn't have a pro.photog so why should we?" Are you F**KING kidding? I don't care what his brother did or didn't do!!! AGH!

That spaz aside, I convinced/told him that we were having professional shots done because I wanted to and because he doesn't have to smile for all of them - just look at me and looooooove me! LOL! It's really hard to get him smiling in photos so I figured that having the more private 2hr shoot on our own would be better for us both since I will get the intimate shots that I want and he'll get to relax a little more and not feel like he needs to have the perma-smile that everyone else will be wanting from him. Basically when I was booking, it came down to the fact that I was putting up with a TON of Sh!t from his parents so my reward was getting what I wanted.

Oh so yah, we're not having the pro photogs for our TTD pics, just a more intimate personal photo session away from all our other guests for the most part. I have two friends/guests who do photography as a hobby and will likely be doing our TTD shots. I'm not entirely sure if FI knows about this or not, but he'll be doing them cheesy.gif

And we have Lori and Lincoln from Moments That Matter and I am SO STOKED that I was able to get them booked!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yes and of all strange things - FI's request was that as soon as we finish the ceremony that we jump out of the gazebo and into the ocean!!! Nevermind that it would basically ruin my chances for wearing my dress the rest of the night and my hair would be shot etc.!!!! So I think we're definitely going to be doing that at some point for pictures. Our friends are cool enough that they'd probably get back into the same clothes they wear for the ceremony just so we could do photos and have it pretend to still be the wedding day!!

Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
It's tomorrow!!!! I am so bloody nervous. and my session is a 11:30 smile41.gif
Will I look like an alcoholic if I have a few glasses of wine before that? lol
I hope not I'll need it!!!!
I'm hoping I can find a bar in cornwall(little small town in Ontario) open that early!
I will def let you all know how it goes when I get back home!

Tracy - most pubs will be open and serving liquor by 11am so as long as you can find one that's really close to your photog. studio/location and you don't mind chugging a little bit then you'll totally be able to get a few drinks down!!

And I'm sorry to hear you're still having troubles with your room booking. Here's my perspective - if SOMEONE will admit to making the mistake when booking then that's step 1. If all the regular deluxe suites are booked now there isn't too much you can do about that so you have two options. First, get upgraded to an even better room (maybe wishful thinking, given how stubborn they are being) or at the least get a refund back for the extra money you paid for the better suite but didn't get. FI and I had considered getting an upgraded room but we figured that since we'll be out of our room so often, whether its in town or just out at the pool or on the beach, that it's not the size of the room that matters so much as whether or not we still have everything we want in it. Shower big enough for two - check. Full room service anytime of day/night - check. Restocked bar if we decide to hide out for two (or five) days - check. A nice BIG king size bed - check. So while I absolutely agree that you deserve what you paid for... and you should see it through as much as possible... the other way to look at it is just whether you have your own private space with all the benefits you want. You'll be a MRS and that's what will matter, not the size of your room, when it comes to just the two of you.

OMG and there's not a chance at all that I would be allowed to hyphenate my name either!! It would just be WAY too long for me at that point anyways, but I don't want the complications for our kids either because I know it was always confusing at school when I was growing up. Maybe it was just so much less common then than it would be now.
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Thanks ladies... I'll try showing FI some pics to see if that convinces him to do a TTD.


I'm so glad I found another bride using Sascha!smile159.gif I'm exctatic to use him! When is your wedding and what resort are you going to?


Tracy - Their are a couple small bars in Cornwall that you can stop at. I use to live on the border and we would go to Cornwall all the time to go drinking as kids! They're not fantastic, but it's still a drink!

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To be honest, it didn't take much to convince FI to do a TTD shoot, but I think that may be due to my omission of the fact that he's actually a major fixture in the shoot. I think he may suspect it's all about me, so that might be a big shocker when we're there!


Regarding the Sears dress I bought, it definitely doesn’t fit that well, and I'm definitely not in love with it, but it was pretty cheap, and it will be “flowy” when wet I think. It really looks nothing like my dress for the ceremony, but I'm totally fine with that. I got the TTD dress approved by my photographer, since she wanted something flowy that would take on different shapes in water.


Sasse – That is so awesome and perfect, and far less work, to have the same last name as FI already! :0) Plus how fitting and cute! Like it was meant to be! I’ll be a Woods from here on out, and FI jokes (at least, I hope it’s a joke), that our first boy will be named Tiger. He’s a pretty big fan though, so I laugh it off, hoping he’s not serious!


Jerseykitten i totally copied you on the barefoot sandals, i had never seen such a thing, but they are way GORGEOUS and i can just imagine some cute shots of FI and my feet! Thank you for the idea, and sorry for swiping your creative idea!


Aw, Tara (wonderful name, BTW :0), this MOH drama must be EXHAUSTING. It totally sucks that things have to be so hard with her! She's supposed to be a major supporter and NOT cause trouble. Maybe she will meet someone on the trip to keep her occupied! Your letter looks great!


Tracy that SUCKS about the room, you don’t need that added stress! I really hope that something works out and they can get you in the accomodations you want/booked originally. Good luck with the BD shoot too, let us know how it goes! Where are you doing it in Cornwall?

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Wow - I go out for a couple of hours and so much to catch up on!


Tracy - did you find out about your room yet? I hope it all works out.

and drink away - I'd bet not many people do the BD pics totally sober - I'm a total ham and love getting my picture taken but I think I'd need a drink to do that kind of picture!


Tara - feel free to steal my idea with the barefoot sandals- i'll give you the name of the Etsy seller if you want - it was way cheaper than the regular sites and I think she ships to Canada too.


I don't remember how i got FI to do the TTD -he's been good with letting me do whatever I want - he has seen the pictures and how beautiful they are - he's a little vain so we've been hitting the gym really hard these days too.


I am actually going to change my name - which at my age is going to be a pain in the a$$, but it's one of the things I am a traditionalist in. FI didn't even care whether I did or not... but I want to be Mrs. FI...


and in non-wedding related news - my ear has been bothering me for I don't know, 3 weeks...so I had my diet dr look at it - he gave me a decongestant...on Saturday I went to a walk in clinic because, along with the earache, I KNEW I had a UTI (we all know when that's going on) and the dr gave me an antibiotic and said my ear looked red...yesterday at the gym I had to stop what the trainer had me doing because i was so dizzy/nauseous and my ear hurt so much even to chew, yawn, talk,swallow and I can't sleep on that side now...so today I went to FI's doctor...I have a double ear infection, swollen glands, sinus infection...seriously - I have to fly in 7 weeks! Somebody better fix my ears! she was really nice - gave me a new antibiotic, nasal spray...if it's not gone in a week i have to go back...and I need to take a break from the gym...SIGH....

And while I'm there the new job is calling trying to have me come in for my drug screen today - i had to tell them no - I'll go tomorrow

And thursday is court for my car accident!

Remember when I thought I'd have some free time before the wedding?


That was a vent - thank you!

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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
Oh yes and of all strange things - FI's request was that as soon as we finish the ceremony that we jump out of the gazebo and into the ocean!!! Nevermind that it would basically ruin my chances for wearing my dress the rest of the night and my hair would be shot etc.!!!! So I think we're definitely going to be doing that at some point for pictures. Our friends are cool enough that they'd probably get back into the same clothes they wear for the ceremony just so we could do photos and have it pretend to still be the wedding day!!

Tracy - most pubs will be open and serving liquor by 11am so as long as you can find one that's really close to your photog. studio/location and you don't mind chugging a little bit then you'll totally be able to get a few drinks down!!

And I'm sorry to hear you're still having troubles with your room booking. Here's my perspective - if SOMEONE will admit to making the mistake when booking then that's step 1. If all the regular deluxe suites are booked now there isn't too much you can do about that so you have two options. First, get upgraded to an even better room (maybe wishful thinking, given how stubborn they are being) or at the least get a refund back for the extra money you paid for the better suite but didn't get. FI and I had considered getting an upgraded room but we figured that since we'll be out of our room so often, whether its in town or just out at the pool or on the beach, that it's not the size of the room that matters so much as whether or not we still have everything we want in it. Shower big enough for two - check. Full room service anytime of day/night - check. Restocked bar if we decide to hide out for two (or five) days - check. A nice BIG king size bed - check. So while I absolutely agree that you deserve what you paid for... and you should see it through as much as possible... the other way to look at it is just whether you have your own private space with all the benefits you want. You'll be a MRS and that's what will matter, not the size of your room, when it comes to just the two of you.

OMG and there's not a chance at all that I would be allowed to hyphenate my name either!! It would just be WAY too long for me at that point anyways, but I don't want the complications for our kids either because I know it was always confusing at school when I was growing up. Maybe it was just so much less common then than it would be now.
That's going to be amazing, jumping in the ocean right after you say 'I Do' those pictures will be stunning.

Well that's just it, we paid the extra money to have extra things, like king size bed, a hydro message shower that will fit the two of us (the Junior suite that we are currently booked for doesn't have these things) I know the junior suite is a beautiful room (but it's an open concept room with the bath tub and sinks in the bedroom.. I didn't want that so I made sure to pay for the extra)
I told them to just give us our money back for the difference of the rooms and we will just settle for something we didn't want (and we would call consumer's report on CTV news) but they begged for another business day to try and get TMR to pay the upgrade to the romance suite now (since the deluxe is sold out, i have a feeling they are trying to delay us untill all the upgraded rooms are booked, this way it'd be out of their hands)
I am making the FI put his foot down tomorrow (he wont let me finish something I originally started) and saying you either give us an answer now about the upgrade, or will well go on to Plan B (keep our junior suite and sue them and get CTV involved!)
I know we wont be in our rooms a lot (the first week) with guest.. but the second week we did plan on spending enough time in the room (hehehe) it's not even the point, I don't care about the size(the were petty much the same size, just upgraded bathroom, extra t.v, swim up pool)
it's the whole prinicple to me, that I paid for extra I should get extra!! I am so bloody stubborn, I wont let this go.
So now I am waiting again untill tomorrow to see what kind of answers I get.. all while I am going for my boudoir session tomorrow!!

FI will not allow me to hyphenate our child's name either.. altho I agree with you it'd get to long and complecated for the kid. Jokeing I told Mike if we were to stay in MTL the kid would get my name as it's french and FI it's scottish, but if we moved the child could get his name as we would live somewhere english lol.
Originally Posted by hoyt75 View Post
Thanks ladies... I'll try showing FI some pics to see if that convinces him to do a TTD.

I'm so glad I found another bride using Sascha!smile159.gif I'm exctatic to use him! When is your wedding and what resort are you going to?

Tracy - Their are a couple small bars in Cornwall that you can stop at. I use to live on the border and we would go to Cornwall all the time to go drinking as kids! They're not fantastic, but it's still a drink!
Good luck with convincing the FI for TTD. Let us know how it goes and what you guys decide!

I grew up in cornwall, but as a child (never need bars lol) what a small world!!
I am so glad to here that they open around 11am I should have just enough time to chug a few glasses of wine lol. in MTL bars open at 8am and close at 3am, but I knew we were the only province that were crazy enough to do something like that. (Thanks Meghan as well :)

Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
Wow - I go out for a couple of hours and so much to catch up on!

Tracy - did you find out about your room yet? I hope it all works out.
and drink away - I'd bet not many people do the BD pics totally sober - I'm a total ham and love getting my picture taken but I think I'd need a drink to do that kind of picture!

I don't remember how i got FI to do the TTD -he's been good with letting me do whatever I want - he has seen the pictures and how beautiful they are - he's a little vain so we've been hitting the gym really hard these days too.

I am actually going to change my name - which at my age is going to be a pain in the a$$, but it's one of the things I am a traditionalist in. FI didn't even care whether I did or not... but I want to be Mrs. FI...

and in non-wedding related news - my ear has been bothering me for I don't know, 3 weeks...so I had my diet dr look at it - he gave me a decongestant...on Saturday I went to a walk in clinic because, along with the earache, I KNEW I had a UTI (we all know when that's going on) and the dr gave me an antibiotic and said my ear looked red...yesterday at the gym I had to stop what the trainer had me doing because i was so dizzy/nauseous and my ear hurt so much even to chew, yawn, talk,swallow and I can't sleep on that side now...so today I went to FI's doctor...I have a double ear infection, swollen glands, sinus infection...seriously - I have to fly in 7 weeks! Somebody better fix my ears! she was really nice - gave me a new antibiotic, nasal spray...if it's not gone in a week i have to go back...and I need to take a break from the gym...SIGH....
And while I'm there the new job is calling trying to have me come in for my drug screen today - i had to tell them no - I'll go tomorrow
And thursday is court for my car accident!
Remember when I thought I'd have some free time before the wedding?
That was a vent - thank you!
like I was saying, the FI gave them yet another day to try and sort things out wih TMR. He promised not to come home tomorrow if he doesn't have a final answer from them lol. Hopefully tomorrow!!!

Me too, the FI has been just going along with everything I wanted. We're so lucky in the sense!!
Aww, that'll be nice to have his last name (I did too, but not for $2000)
It's a lot of work to change your name, with all the paper work? you'll also have to change your passport I guess?

Aww, I suffer from ear infections all my life,so I totally feel your pain.
I really hope the new meds work this week, and you don't have to go back to the docs.
I totally know what you mean with the flying. Even on a good week with my ears, the totally hurt and they only pop about 3 days after I land. Plus with the crohn's I get crazy flare ups for 2 days (going there and coming back)
I hate flying, but I love going down south what total contradiction!
Keep us posted on how your feeling!!
Well I know you've been doing great with the gym and with your trainer. SO I am sure it wont totally kill to take a week off. And can do some butt crunch while sitting down, or walking to the bathroom! lol wink.gif

(Sorry for a lot of 'totally's I never say that word and for a lot of mistakes in my spelling today lol blush2.gif)
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I understand wanting that "special room" I was undecided with whether to upgrade or not...because as they say you don't spend much time in your room. But if there was ever a time to upgrade and go all out this is it! So I decided to as well. I can't imagine how upsetting it is to have that taken away from you, not to mention the sheer frustration of not having anyone own up to their F up. Hang in there I'm sure that in the end all will be work itself out. As another option maybe switching resorts for your second week?

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Thanks so much for your supportive and kind words.

It maybe could be an option to change hotels for the second week. But I mean the room thing isn't a big enough reason to go through all the hassle to change hotels.

But in the end I guess what is causing more of a hassle, trying to get an upgrade or change hotels. I guess it will be something I look into.. thanks so much for the suggestion. I need any many as possible!


Hey Shotnsweet, where've you been lol! wink.gif

How's the planning going along? I think about you every time I think about how I need a new pair of shoes.. .Miami!!! lol

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