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April 2010 Brides

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How did you girls convince your FI into doing a TTD? Mine's totally not for it, and I would love to do this. Sounds like everyone who didn't do one really regrets it later...


Who is everyone using as their photographer? We've booked Sascha Gluck, I feel in love with his photos and he was in our price range.

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Originally Posted by hoyt75 View Post
How did you girls convince your FI into doing a TTD? Mine's totally not for it, and I would love to do this. Sounds like everyone who didn't do one really regrets it later...

Who is everyone using as their photographer? We've booked Sascha Gluck, I feel in love with his photos and he was in our price range.
We booked Sascha, too! For the same reasons as you. His work is stunning and I've read a lot of reviews where the couples have really enjoyed working with him as well.

I can't exactly remember how I got my FI to do a TTD. I think we just started looking at photos and realized how beautiful they are when you can actually get away from the wedding fuss and take in the beauty of the area. We figured TTD photos would be the best way to capture the beauty of the area. We decided to split our hours with Sascha so that rather than apply them all to a ceremony/reception, etc., we're doing half for the ceremony and some of the highlights of the reception (cake cutting, first dance, etc.) and then we'll cut him loose for the night. Then we'll meet up with him again for the TTD to finish out our hours.
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Originally Posted by sasse75 View Post
I have a good one for everyone when it comes to changing your name.....I don't have to......cause we have the same last name!!!!!!
I guess I consider myself lucky, FI and I can't have this argument about if I change my name. In Quebec you keep your name and if you want to change it to your husband's last name you have to pay 2000$ and we both agree that kind of money to change a name is way to much (that's close to having another trip down south)
but if we ever moved out of Quebec I automatically get his last name.
LOL that's sooo funny.. how did you guys mange meeting each other and have the same last name?

Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
I'm wearing actual sandals for the wedding - I had my dress ordered with me standing barefoot to make sure it wouldn't be too long or need a hem

These are my shoes
Click the image to open in full size.

I wanted the barefoot sandals for the TTD pictures - i can wear them alone or with flipflops till we get to the water. i just thought they'd be a little added sexy.

And we have many vistaprint mugs - you would not even believe what i've ordered from that place - I just ordered my AHR invitations from there - made from the 'free" post cards. i'm hoping if I keep ordering I'll have enough tshirts for my OOT bags!
I love your shoes. And now that you told me exactly how your using the bare feet ones, I want a pair lol!!!! but I wont sad.gif
The are going to look adorable, especially with the TTD. I can't wait to see your pics.
LOL your so cute/funny about ordering all the tshirts. I was thinking of doing that but didn't think I'd have enough patience's lol. Good for you for being able to get so many.. crossing my fingers for you,you get enough for the OOT bags.

Originally Posted by hoyt75 View Post
How did you girls convince your FI into doing a TTD? Mine's totally not for it, and I would love to do this. Sounds like everyone who didn't do one really regrets it later...

Who is everyone using as their photographer? We've booked Sascha Gluck, I feel in love with his photos and he was in our price range.
I didn't ask the FI to do the TTD, I told him we were doing it lol. He agreed, to have a happy bride. I also think he knows how important pictures are to me. And to be able to have the option to do this kind of session, I think he was afraid to said no lol!!!! besides most shots are of us brides and very few of the groom.

We're getting married in Punta Cana so different people then you. But we are using HCD his name is Arnaud. I have him on facebook and everyday he has a different wedding at a different resort.. seems like the pics get better each day. totally excited to work with him!!

Tara, I am so happy your MOH has booked her flight. Next up her room and dress, and she'll be set to go for your wedding.
Like meghan said try not stress to much over her and how she'll be at the resort. I am sure she'll also meet other guest and wont feel so alone.
My spacy BM is going alone.. but she loves drinking.. and she can be a real 'slute' and she'll admit it herself (I am not talking behind her back here lol) so I am a little worried of her making a fool of herself, or of me. But I decided not to worry about it. She has a little bit of sense, hopefully she'll use it. Besides I bunked her with another single person (a guy) but the are each others type so hopefully he'll keep her in check lol (they did it this way so neither of them had to pay double occupancy)

Meghan, lol good advice.. have a bottle of alcohol to take a shoot to deal with her calls. I should do that lol.
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i did the same thing as tracy.. i TOLD him we're doing it and he just went along! if you're having trouble convincing him though, just show him pictures... there are plenty of threds on here! it's an excuse for him to jump in the water in his nice clothes... J was definitely excited about that! it's really a once in a lifetime kind of experience, so if you can swing it, i think it'll be worth it!


and tara, congrats on the MOH issue!! take a big sigh of relief for that one!!


i am just going to laugh if you all post TTD pictures in your Sears dresses and you're all in the same one!

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LOL it's was the way to go. Oh and showing him pictures totally help convince him that this shots would be the best out of all of them.

Who doesn't want to jump in the ocean fully clothes. Or what Husband wouldn't want to lay on the beach all sexy like with their new wife! lol


LOL that'd be sooooooo funny if all you girls had the same dress for TTD.


I must vent a little bit. I'll try and make the story as short as possible. I am just so angry and I can't help but take it out on the FI so now we are arguing!!

I booked my package on Itravel for the trip. We booked for 1 week on the royal section for the deluxe suite (which is an upgrade to the deluxe junior suite)

We just had to put a deposit and the remaining balance was to be taken off our credit card Feb 7 (Last Tuesday)

A couple of weeks after booking our trip, we decided to add an extra week to our package to make it 2 weeks to have a honeymoon. So I called Itravel and spoke with an agent name Vikas. He had to call TMR (the operator we have our package with)to be sure they had room for the second week, I get a call back saying there is room but some changes would be made. Instead of flying with AC at 12pm we would fly with Air tansit at 7am but we would still have the same room ,deluxe suite. I said that was fine, as I truly wanted the second week, and as long as I had the same room type (the room we paid extra for, from the 1st week)

He assured me everything would stay the same ,room wise. I said ok.

Last Sunday, he calls me and ask me if it was ok to go ahead and pay the remaining balance a day early,to get the invoice.. this way it'd be taken care of and out of the way. We didn't have a problem with that, and he said I'd have my new invoice stating all the info. Perfect!

I wake up Monday to my new invoice. I read through it.. and guess what room type we were booked for, the Deluxe junior suite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (even tho we paid deluxe suite price at the time)

so now we've been fighting with them (even tho we have our original invoice with deluxe suite) to get our room we paid for. But they are fighting with TMR to pay for our upgrade, TMR wont budge. SO now it's up to Itravel, but the don't seem to want to do anything about it either.

And now guess what... what Deluxe suites are all booked up (and we are not one of them)

I'm at a lost of words, and I don't know what do to besides take both parties to court (which is a huge hassle, and I am not sure with my disease I could even handle the stress of court)

*Cry* sorry for the long vent.

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tracy - when is your BD shoot? something tells me you either had it last weekend or it's coming up this week maybe?


and WOW.. that is such a huge hassle with your room. someone needs to take accountibility for it and fix the mess! i will keep my fingers crossed that it will all work out in the end. somehow it always seems worse when you're right in the middle of it!

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Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post
tracy - when is your BD shoot? something tells me you either had it last weekend or it's coming up this week maybe?
It's tomorrow!!!! I am so bloody nervous. and my session is a 11:30 smile41.gif
Will I look like an alcoholic if I have a few glasses of wine before that? lol
I hope not I'll need it!!!!
I'm hoping I can find a bar in cornwall(little small town in Ontario) open that early!
I will def let you all know how it goes when I get back home!
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Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post

Tara, I am so happy your MOH has booked her flight. Next up her room and dress, and she'll be set to go for your wedding.
Like meghan said try not stress to much over her and how she'll be at the resort. I am sure she'll also meet other guest and wont feel so alone.
My spacy BM is going alone.. but she loves drinking.. and she can be a real 'slute' and she'll admit it herself (I am not talking behind her back here lol) so I am a little worried of her making a fool of herself, or of me. But I decided not to worry about it. She has a little bit of sense, hopefully she'll use it. Besides I bunked her with another single person (a guy) but the are each others type so hopefully he'll keep her in check lol (they did it this way so neither of them had to pay double occupancy)

Meghan, lol good advice.. have a bottle of alcohol to take a shoot to deal with her calls. I should do that lol.

I had to laugh about your MOH.... I actually have the same situation going on too. We have a single guy and a single girl that have never met before and they are sharing a room to save on costs. They however both would consider themselves 'slutes' and we have no doubt in our minds that they'll end up hooking up. In fact, I bet the first night they'll get drunk and end up in the same bed..... we'll find out! Stay tuned and I'll let you know what happens. :smile:
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