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April 2010 Brides

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Michele! So sorry to hear about your accident, but so glad to hear that you're OK! That's the main thing, vehicles are replaceable but you are not!

I do love your postcards too, btw...


Shortnsweet - LOVE the pocketfolds, love how they fit all the info!


I did get a little bit done over the past few days...

Ordered necklaces for my BM's...ordered flasks for pretty much all the men coming...ordering pashminas for the women, but I haven't done that yet...ordered starfish charms, not sure why, was on an ordering spree - prob won't even use them! lol

Gosh, I ordered some more stuff and in my utter exhaustion I can't even remember what they are - that can't be good!

Better get to bed...Hoping all you Lovely Ladies had a wonderful Weekend!

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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
Michele!! I'm glad to hear that you're okay and I *totally* know what you mean about not wanting to be in the same car again. Last year I got t-boned (wrote off my car) and I wanted to get another honda because I really loved them but when I was going for test drives, I was getting creeped out by how similar it felt to my old car and I kept thinking I was going to be hit again!! So I ended up with a mazda instead and now a year later I want something different. This car just isn't sticking.

On another note, I really like the intense colours of your postcards!! Do you think you'll have anything on the back of them? I have to admit that you're all far more detailed about your timing than I am. So far I have: Ceremony - 3pm, toast to follow, pictures to follow, reception around 6pm. LOL yep, that's it! Whatever else happens is good by me :)
So Tracy has the super detailed timeline...along with the detailed packing list - you are so good!
Mine is in the middle.
Meghan, I think yours is pretty much like mine-
I got idea from Sparkles - she has some really awesome ideas.

Tracy - did you make arrangements with the WC at your hotel for the meet&greet and Rehearsal dinner? I'd like to make a 2 day timeline but I haven't made any arrangements with my WC - I was planning on winging that part.

I haven't thought of what I should put on the back. Vistaprint lets you do grayscale printing for free - maybe i'll put the Meet & Greet on there...

Did you guys see that Tonya posted her wedding dresses for sale and that her wedding is cancelled? I hope she's ok.
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Hey Suzy - where did you order your flasks from? I was thinking about this for the guys, but also trying to leave it up to FI to take care of the guys himself. But that also means accepting his last minute way of doing things... I'm not so good at that.


Michele - the other idea I had for the back of your timeline is maybe the menu if you're not doing something separate for that OR any special thank yous that you maybe didn't have included elsewhere? We're not doing any sort of program or whatever and that might be a good way to sneak it in if you need to? Otherwise, and I can't remember if it's possible, but you could turn the postcard upright which would let you create that longer look for listing everything down? Just random thoughts anyways, feel free to ignore them if you want :)


I sent a pm to Tonya the other day after seeing her posting about the cancelled wedding. She sent us all her best wishes and said that she's slowly getting through things. I'm still not sure what happened though but wished her luck. So sad though, I can't even imagine sad.gif


I got started on a small project for the wedding this weekend... I figured that since we don't really have much along the way as keepsakes that our parents or grandparents will really want, maybe I should do a little something. Keep in mind that we've had issues already with FI's family and I'm anticipating more when they realize that we're not doing any speeches or really any dancing etc... I can't remember who it was on here but someone had posted the hankies that they had an etsy seller make from the extra fabric from their dress alterations. I thought it was a super cute idea and even though I'm not quite sure how much dress fabric I'll end up with, I figure it's worth a shot. I bought these little wooden boxes from dollarama and then some fabric and ribbon that I'm going to cover them in. It's a bit of a headache to do them but I had a girlfriend helping yesterday so that made it better. I'll try to take and post pics along the way!!

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arg, I can't seem to post without it doing a double... sorry!!


So to make use of it... I need to rant for a second. Okay so I get that it's fun to plan surprises for people for their bach. parties but I'm a little bit frustrated with my friends right now. They've got FI's bachelor weekend all booked, invites went out this weekend I believe and that's all fine and dandy but they won't tell me a single detail about it, they just keep saying don't worry, he'll have fun and that's all you need to know. I've gathered that they're staying in the country (ie. not going to Vegas) and that he'll be gone Friday - Sunday but that's all. And the worst part is that I've told them that while I don't need every single detail, the general idea would be appreciated - and they seem to think it's more funny to watch me get frustrated and worked up by it!! They've even told me straight to my face that they're laughing at me because I can't stand not knowing and that they know I'm not going to find out. And the stupid thing is that I have no idea what the girls are planning for me even and I completely don't mind that I don't know for myself... except that not knowing his plans is making me *really* not want to be a part of anything for myself either!! Am I completely mental?! And all I keep hoping is that whatever the girls have planned is on the same weekend so that for at least part of the time I will be distracted enough from everything the guys are doing. Otherwise I'm going to just drink the entire time myself. UGH, yes this is seriously getting to me and I can't whine to anyone here because they're all in on it!

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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
Hey Suzy - where did you order your flasks from? I was thinking about this for the guys, but also trying to leave it up to FI to take care of the guys himself. But that also means accepting his last minute way of doing things... I'm not so good at that.

Michele - the other idea I had for the back of your timeline is maybe the menu if you're not doing something separate for that OR any special thank yous that you maybe didn't have included elsewhere? We're not doing any sort of program or whatever and that might be a good way to sneak it in if you need to? Otherwise, and I can't remember if it's possible, but you could turn the postcard upright which would let you create that longer look for listing everything down? Just random thoughts anyways, feel free to ignore them if you want :)

I actually really like that idea - I'll have to play with it - when my job is over - I try to cram everything in all at once - I'll have a lot more time next week!

I sent a pm to Tonya the other day after seeing her posting about the cancelled wedding. She sent us all her best wishes and said that she's slowly getting through things. I'm still not sure what happened though but wished her luck. So sad though, I can't even imagine sad.gif

Poor thing - I hope she's ok. Still - it's better to happen now than after the wedding.

I got started on a small project for the wedding this weekend... I figured that since we don't really have much along the way as keepsakes that our parents or grandparents will really want, maybe I should do a little something. Keep in mind that we've had issues already with FI's family and I'm anticipating more when they realize that we're not doing any speeches or really any dancing etc... I can't remember who it was on here but someone had posted the hankies that they had an etsy seller make from the extra fabric from their dress alterations. I thought it was a super cute idea and even though I'm not quite sure how much dress fabric I'll end up with, I figure it's worth a shot. I bought these little wooden boxes from dollarama and then some fabric and ribbon that I'm going to cover them in. It's a bit of a headache to do them but I had a girlfriend helping yesterday so that made it better. I'll try to take and post pics along the way!!
Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
arg, I can't seem to post without it doing a double... sorry!!

So to make use of it... I need to rant for a second. Okay so I get that it's fun to plan surprises for people for their bach. parties but I'm a little bit frustrated with my friends right now. They've got FI's bachelor weekend all booked, invites went out this weekend I believe and that's all fine and dandy but they won't tell me a single detail about it, they just keep saying don't worry, he'll have fun and that's all you need to know. I've gathered that they're staying in the country (ie. not going to Vegas) and that he'll be gone Friday - Sunday but that's all. And the worst part is that I've told them that while I don't need every single detail, the general idea would be appreciated - and they seem to think it's more funny to watch me get frustrated and worked up by it!! They've even told me straight to my face that they're laughing at me because I can't stand not knowing and that they know I'm not going to find out. And the stupid thing is that I have no idea what the girls are planning for me even and I completely don't mind that I don't know for myself... except that not knowing his plans is making me *really* not want to be a part of anything for myself either!! Am I completely mental?! And all I keep hoping is that whatever the girls have planned is on the same weekend so that for at least part of the time I will be distracted enough from everything the guys are doing. Otherwise I'm going to just drink the entire time myself. UGH, yes this is seriously getting to me and I can't whine to anyone here because they're all in on it!

It would make me absolutely NUTS to not know what was going on. FI and I are together so much and I always know where he is when we're not together and vice versa - as much as I like making surprises for other people, knowing that there are surprises around the bend can be very stressful!
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Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
Ugh - rough week - i crashed my car on Thursday censored.gifthe car I just got in September!
it started snowing on my way to work, and as soon as I hit the break it started spinning and i ended up in the guardrail. I know i'm ok and that's the most important thing, but I hate the car now and want a truck - the rental car place gave me a nice big SUV so now I feel safer - it snowed again yesterday and it was great to drive! Of course my job ends this week so i won't really HAVE to drive in the snow anymore, but it really scared me. i've never lost control of a car before.

Are any of you doing a wedding day timeline? I saw it on one of the other bride's planning threads - she made a postcard on vistaprint that basically laid out the wedding day schedule for everyone.

this is one i started - i'm still working on it....thoughts?
I'm so glad you're okay! I know exactly what you mean- I did the same thing a few years ago. It's a scary feeling when you lose control of the vehicle like that- I never felt the same way about that car again and ended up trading it in.

On a positive note I like your time line. I've been thinking about doing something like this, too, but hadn't thought of doing it on a postcard like that. Great idea!

ETA- I totally hate surprises of any kind, really, so the whole bachelor/ bachelorette thing would drive me nuts, too. Although the thought of getting rid of FI for one weekend (don't panic, just one lol) has it's appeal- I could get so much stuff done around the house!
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well the funny thing with his bach. party is that I totally don't even care that they're taking him away for the weekend. He absolutely needs it and I really want him to have lots of fun with the guys.


I just don't get why my friends think it's SO amusing to keep me in the dark when it's not even my own party! It isn't like I have a history of ruining surprises or anything so they have no reason to think that I wouldn't be able to keep the secret myself. And I didn't think that they'd hold even the most basic of details from me too. GGRRRRR!

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I love your pocket folds and all.. they are beautiful!!!! your very talented!!


Meghan, I am sorry to hear you also had an accented last year sad.gif they are no fun and very hard to get over.



I didn't plan anything with my WC, as she is impossible to get ahold of now. I was waiting to talk to her but decided I couldn't wait anymore and just made my own plans. For the dinner it's at a buffet so I didn't have to worry about reservations. And the meet and greet is just at a bar with in the resort, so it's free people just have to go there.

I thought this was the easiest way!

And my time line I also got from other girls.


Good for you Suzy for getting more things done, as I can't imgane how hard it's been getting back into wedding mode.

You'll have to post a pic when you get them


I also got a few things done this weekend even tho I have been sick like a dog with the cold. I did my dinner favours and I found a new way to get my labels to stick and stay on my mugs as well as make them waterproof. The glue didn't work sad.gif

I'll post pics today!


Ohhh no Tonya canceled her wedding? I'm am sorry which one is she again? It's been awhile since we have seen her so I am confused as to which one she is.

Sooo sad, I wonder if they decided together or if they broke up ?

Aww my heart goes out to her.


Meghan, Your not nuts or alone. I would freak right the f*c* out if I didn't know what he was doing for his bach party,especially him leaving for the weekend. Wouldn't work for me lol. So I can understand where your coming from. It's not cool they wont tell you (also odd) like you said you don't ruin surprises. Maybe sit down with the MOST mature friend and just let them know just how much it's bothering you and how serious you are.

We let the Best Man through FI bach party.. but he had no idea what he was doing.. he called everyone and said 'meet at the strip club' first off.. Mike hates strip clubs (his done it been there went to a lot of bach's party) his idea is watching a hockey game.

So I had to change the plans and say go to a pub first and watch a hockey game and then go to a strip club (as that's all the best man wants to do is go to a strip joint!) so in the end I planned his party.. plus I planned mine sad.gif my MOH even ask me to call and reserve tables since I am the most organized person

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meghan, i'm right there with you on the bachelor party and the wedding timeline (mine is basically - wedding at 4, hang around for pictures and leave for reception). my FSIL and FBIL are planning J's bachelor party and they didn't want to tell me what was going on at first. they even got kind of upset with me when i asked that it not be a weekend that J's daughter is with us. i know what they're doing now, but they didn't need to make it unnecessarily annoying for us!


michele, the accident thing is super scary!! is your car totaled? i say, if you can, go get yourself a truck, pronto! 4-wheel-drive is a life-saver and makes you feel 100x safer when the weather is crappy!


i feel SO SO SO bad for tonya.. had she bought a house recently too? my heart breaks for anyone who has to go through that process. as if making that decision isn't hard enough, you have to go and tell everyone about it too. i hope she's doing okay!

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Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post
meghan, i'm right there with you on the bachelor party and the wedding timeline (mine is basically - wedding at 4, hang around for pictures and leave for reception). my FSIL and FBIL are planning J's bachelor party and they didn't want to tell me what was going on at first. they even got kind of upset with me when i asked that it not be a weekend that J's daughter is with us. i know what they're doing now, but they didn't need to make it unnecessarily annoying for us!

michele, the accident thing is super scary!! is your car totaled? i say, if you can, go get yourself a truck, pronto! 4-wheel-drive is a life-saver and makes you feel 100x safer when the weather is crappy!

i feel SO SO SO bad for tonya.. had she bought a house recently too? my heart breaks for anyone who has to go through that process. as if making that decision isn't hard enough, you have to go and tell everyone about it too. i hope she's doing okay!
The car isn't totaled - 4500 in damages, but I'm getting it fixed and trading it in for an SUV. I am done with sports cars.

i think Tonya did just buy a house...very sad.

Tracy - what did you do to get your labels to stick to the mugs - I think I'm going to have some trouble with my cups.
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