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Deadly swine flu virus in Mexico

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FI and I were reading and talking about this just a few minutes ago... It sound serious yikes! hoewever, it seems to be more focused in Mexico city. Sorry Meagan... I'm Not sure what to think or say.... Not sure what safety precautions you guys can take...

We are flying direct to PV and then To Cancun for the honeymoon, so I'm not sure if it will affect those airports/areas at the time we are flying.


I'm sure what I'm going to start getting tons of call and emails from our guest and I'm not sure how to respond to them, especially to those flying thru Mexico City!


Any other thoughts out there...

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The bad news is : it exists and it is in Mexico city


The good news are :

- it's not in the touristical areas - Yucatan or Pacific coast

- there is vaccine and it is efficient.

- all of the American people that got contaminated recovered. This is because there are efficient medicine. If you catch something flu-like, see a doctor immediately and you will be fine

- the odds are really, really, really low that you get this in your stop-over. I was only posting this for people actually travelling to Mexico city. And travelling my kind of travel (ie, I do take the subway, go to popular places, etc)

- make sure to throughly wash your hands often. Have some purell gel or similar with you. Less than 2oz so you can take it in the Mexcan flights (US is 3 oz, Mexico 2oz only).



I'm sure everybody will be fine !

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Thanks for the advice! So far all of our guests are remaining calm...they fly directly to Cancun so they aren't too worried! Sounds like we'll just have to be careful during our Mexico City transfer and hope for the best. Good luck to everybody else!



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Is any one else worried about this flu that seam to be spreading like wild fire in Mexico?

I don't know how to feel about it !! all i do know is I'm geting a lot of flack from family and friends !!! ( like I can control a flu out break !!!) I'm scared it going to start a lot of people re-thinking about coming to our wedding and there going to start backing out !!!! It could cost a lot if are rooms contract is broken... I guess this sounds pretty selfish .... but it could put a big damper on every thing!!!!

sorry went a little long

was just wondering if any one else had some of the same concerns?

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