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I didn't think it was gonna happen, but it's my turn to Vent! :-(***LONG***

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Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 View Post
I agree..Even though you haven't seen this guy in a while...He seems to have good intentions and he knows you! I totally don't blame you for being suckered into it! lol I also think it's kind of nice :-)
I also agree that if I am still sane come June 25th then it was all worth it..LOL

He has read my e-mail and still hasn't responded...UGH! But it doesn't matter...either way...It's great that His GF's mom and brother want a Vacation...and maybe we can all do things as a group...But they weren't invited to the Wedding and they still aren't. End of story :-)
Haha! Girrrrl, you KNOW why his behind hasn't responded. Cuz you knocked him for a loop with that one! hahaha..I love it. You turned the tables on him so now he's the one in the position of doing some fancy footwork on one end or the other. Evidently he hadn't considered you saying it wasn't ok. OH FREAKIN WELL. It's rude to just invite yourself along for something as personal as someone's wedding! I mean, it would be different even if it was a family vacay, but someone's actual wedding ceremony? Please. That's just the ultimate in inconsideration.

I can definitely understand you not wanting to cause friction (that would be my ONLY problem with tellin' him straight up as soon as he mentioned it) but it sounds like you've got a handle on things. Can't wait to read how all this turns out. lol
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OMG I'm so sick of people inviting there self to my wedding.

I'm having a family close friends 50 people MAX wedding and my friends from High school are all into comming!!!


I needed to have this farther away hahahaha


I hope he gets back to you soon I'm really into this now hahahaha

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a little Update.....We went to my mom's for Dinner yesterday and he was there.

It turns out his GF or FI whatever you wanna call her, Lot her job and now they cant afford to come...so NONE of them are going. LOL

After all the Drama!!

I am glad in a way, because I think it would have been a little much...But in another way, I am down to 23 people, Including FI & I and he only has his brother and my brother in law standing up with him (which isn't a big deal, I know)


I guess it all worked out in the end!

Just thought I'd give you all an update.

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While I think it is extremely rude that the GF invited her family members to your wedding without asking you, I think it's nice that they want to come and celebrate your special day with you. Sure the extra money factor is an inconvenience but in the grand scheme of things, what's a couple extra hundred bucks, ya know? Plus, if your cuz is engaged to this girl, the mom and brother are going to be family.

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I am mad at you for even considering paying for the unknowns. Tell them you have a count and anything over that will put you over budget which you cannot afford. People need to understand that their presumptiousness is not a green light for you to put yourself in debt.

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Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 View Post
It turns out his GF or FI whatever you wanna call her, Lost her job and now they cant afford to come...so NONE of them are going. LOL After all the Drama!!
LMAO ... having a hard time feeling sorry for them too, lol. at least now you can have your wedding the way you intended, with whom you intended!
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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
That is how many people we had... it worked out great.
Yea, Believe it or not, I'm excited that it's going to be smaller then what I expected and that the most important people are coming :-)

Originally Posted by Jennifer Davis View Post
While I think it is extremely rude that the GF invited her family members to your wedding without asking you, I think it's nice that they want to come and celebrate your special day with you. Sure the extra money factor is an inconvenience but in the grand scheme of things, what's a couple extra hundred bucks, ya know? Plus, if your cuz is engaged to this girl, the mom and brother are going to be family.
Well it wasn't only about the money...It was more about looking back on my Wedding pictures going, "Who the hell are they??" LOL
To be honest, I didn't want someone I didn't know there, But I know myself and I would have caved in when I got there and totally included them..LOL Just because I would have been so happy to just be there..I know it. Thankfully I don't have to worry about it :-)

Originally Posted by YoursTruly View Post
I am mad at you for even considering paying for the unknowns. Tell them you have a count and anything over that will put you over budget which you cannot afford. People need to understand that their presumptiousness is not a green light for you to put yourself in debt.
I agree with you 100%, but as I have said...this is no longer an issue :-) I was mad at myself at first too! But as all the past brides on here have said time and time again...Things have worked themselves out and no need to worry about it anymore :-)

Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
LMAO ... having a hard time feeling sorry for them too, lol. at least now you can have your wedding the way you intended, with whom you intended!
I don't feel sorry. I'm not sure she ever had a job..LOL I love my family, but I honestly only wanted them there because they are my FI's oldest friends and it's bad enough mostly everyone coming is my Family and friends, but now he only has two people up there with him (Plus his ring bearer)
And I know that doesn't matter...I'm not worried about the un-even part, but I just feel bad :-(
He is great about it though..He said besides me, the most important people in his family will be there and that's all he needs...Awww
So we're good to go! :-)

Now I just wish it would come quicker! I am SOO excited!
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it is like you say they have left it far too late.i would tell them that its great that they are coming but you have confirmed with the hotel on numbers so they will have to pay for the extra ones.


remember it is your wedding.it sounds like you are calm but angry and dealing with it lol

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