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I didn't think it was gonna happen, but it's my turn to Vent! :-(***LONG***

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That was the perfect response to him! Now he will feel awkward about having them come to the wedding. Really, don't feel bad. They will have plenty to do while your wedding is going on and they can eat at one of the free places!

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No!! LOL and I spent too much time shoe shopping and playing with my In-Laws new kitten, so we never made it to his house today. I'll hear from him, or FI will this week, I'm sure.. :-)

He did read it though. On Myspace you can tell if your sent mail has been read and it was!

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i'm dying to know his response, LOL!


my uncle "invited" his best friend pete (and his long-time gf) to my wedding. pete has actually known me since i was born, but i have been in his presence as an adult maybe twice? i probably wouldn't recognize him if i bumped into him somewhere, and i have no idea who his gf is, tho he's been with her for about 18 years. they BOOKED when my uncle did (that's right, BOOKED, BEFORE invites even went out). i ended up asking my uncle for pete's LAST NAME (i didn't even know THAT), address, and gf's name so i could send them an actual invite. i'm a sucker, i know. what was i to do? pete told my mom that he's "known me since i was a baby and wouldn't miss my wedding for the world." LOL!


this destination wedding business is craziness. if we're all still somehow sane after our weddings it will be a miracle.

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Awww... Lisa, you're too nice! That's still a little sweet that he wants to come that badly. I figure if people really want to be there and want to be there to support the wedding and not just for the all you can eat booze, beach, and food, then I wouldn't really care who comes. It's way more of an expense out of their pocket than it is mine, so the more the merrier. However, I think I'd draw the line at people I don't know and who are obviously there for a 'group-rate' vacation.

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Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
i'm dying to know his response, LOL!

my uncle "invited" his best friend pete (and his long-time gf) to my wedding. pete has actually known me since i was born, but i have been in his presence as an adult maybe twice? i probably wouldn't recognize him if i bumped into him somewhere, and i have no idea who his gf is, tho he's been with her for about 18 years. they BOOKED when my uncle did (that's right, BOOKED, BEFORE invites even went out). i ended up asking my uncle for pete's LAST NAME (i didn't even know THAT), address, and gf's name so i could send them an actual invite. i'm a sucker, i know. what was i to do? pete told my mom that he's "known me since i was a baby and wouldn't miss my wedding for the world." LOL!

this destination wedding business is craziness. if we're all still somehow sane after our weddings it will be a miracle.
Originally Posted by Sapphire723 View Post
Awww... Lisa, you're too nice! That's still a little sweet that he wants to come that badly. I figure if people really want to be there and want to be there to support the wedding and not just for the all you can eat booze, beach, and food, then I wouldn't really care who comes. It's way more of an expense out of their pocket than it is mine, so the more the merrier. However, I think I'd draw the line at people I don't know and who are obviously there for a 'group-rate' vacation.
I agree..Even though you haven't seen this guy in a while...He seems to have good intentions and he knows you! I totally don't blame you for being suckered into it! lol I also think it's kind of nice :-)
I also agree that if I am still sane come June 25th then it was all worth it..LOL

He has read my e-mail and still hasn't responded...UGH! But it doesn't matter...either way...It's great that His GF's mom and brother want a Vacation...and maybe we can all do things as a group...But they weren't invited to the Wedding and they still aren't. End of story :-)
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pete and his gf are very excited to come. i do know part of that is the fact that my uncle moved to florida many years ago so they hardly ever get to see each other anymore. so it's kinda like a best-friends reunion for them as well. i didn't see any problem in inviting them, just thought the whole thing was kinda funny. my fiance's brother originally invited his in-laws to come along, but to watch his baby the day of the wedding. we were going to send them an invite as well, but it ended up just tom's brother is coming.


i seriously would have to draw the line at a whole group of strangers tho. i think that people who assume it's ok to bring even one guest when it wasn't specified are rude as hell. you handled it perfectly. in destination weddings, you usually have a smaller group, and you don't want to look back at your pics and have to wonder who 6 out of 20 people are! and then have to deal with hurt feelings from people you DO know but who didn't get invites because you were keeping it small. for instance, we cut it off at aunts/uncles and didn't invite our TON of cousins. how will they feel if it seems they got bumped for virtual strangers?

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