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My OOT Bags~ the big hits and the things that weren't used

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Originally Posted by Less is more View Post
Where did you order your bags from and how did you travel with all that stuff? They sound amazing and very interested in having a great bag (fyi i have an obsession for bags). This may also be a question for another thread but did you give your guest gifts at the reception?
Rubber Bracelets - Silicone Wristbands - Custom - Personalized - Wholesale.... was the company I used for my bags and they were really good. Like I said the bags were cheap and my guests got their use out of them while on vacation. My husband and I used one each as well and it is very worn now after two weeks, however still together. I figured if they get the week out of them great.
As for getting my stuff there, are you sitting downhuh.gif? I travel with Air Canada and we were allowed 2 checked bags each 50lbs per bag. So my husband and I checked 4 bags in at a total of 208lbs. They didn't charge me for the overage of 8 lbs. My brother inlaw carried a bag for me at 46lbs and my gfriend carried another at 27lbs and lol my son,mother inlaw,brother and stepdaugther all carried two bottles of champagne each in their luggage... Yeah it was a trek to get my stuff there, and oh I did get searched!!!!! The bags that had all my stuff in them was hauled aside and searched, there was a huge moment of panic when I thought I had lost all my OOT bags stuff. I explained it was for my wedding and they were amazing in helping my close the bags again and helping me get them off the table. I was carrying a wedding dress aswell as carting two suitcases over a 100lbs. Oh did I mention I had a carryon the weighed 24lbs....As I write this I am howling... what the hell was I thinkinghuh.gif? I would not have had it any other way... My guests loved their bags.
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Jersey Girl....I ordered the natural canvas bags from cheaptotes and they are awesome! They are a good size and the quality is good. For the wedding party I ordered the teacher's tote from them.


I posted pictures on another thread and I can't do it from work, but if you want to see them...if the link does not work, go to Canadian OOT Bag info...where to shop page 41 of the thread.



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Yeah! This is such great info, I am planning my OOT bags now. Someone said their guests loved the travel mugs...I was wondering if they were the "bubba kegs"? My fiance is insisting we order 52oz "Bubba Kegs", which would be very convenient for everyone, and the guys would love them, they are just so darn ugly! I see they come in different colors, so maybe if i ordered pink ones for the girls, they wouldnt look so bad, but I'm wondering if the girls would rather a smaller version. They have a mini 20oz "Bubba Keg" thats a little more attractive, but then it kinda defeats the purpose, I guess? So, what type of mugs did you ladies order and did you personalize them? I would love some Help! Thanks!!!

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I would suggest 20oz are more than big enough. Remember if they fill up a huge keg that it is hot and the drinks may get warm.....people can always go back for the refill - never mind packing those things! When we were deciding on mugs a girlfriend of mine who had been at a DW actually suggested mini bubba kegs, so I don't think girls will mind them.....honestly, I think most guests will just be happy they got something from you.

My first oot bag was handed out yesterday by my mom and my cousin thought it was the best thing ever....because how often do people go to a wedding and get a present themselves?

Good luck with the decision making!

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Holy smokes!!! 52oz would be HUGE!!!!!!!!!!! To be honest, I can't even imagine the resort making drinks in that kind of volume for all your guests. That would be the entire blender full of margherita I'm sure!


That being said, you're correct that there are smaller versions you could buy instead that might be a little more manageable and there are LOTS of brides that have bought them for their guests so I don't think you'd be out of place at all. And if you think about it, so many people would use them for day to day drinks here at home, so it might just seem that they are ugly in a beach setting??


We just bought a regular 16oz travel mug for our guests and figured they would be good enough even if we do have to keep filling them more often :) We did personalize them but since I haven't actually received the order I can't even post a picture for you. As part of the imprint we had M*E*X*I*C*O in larger bold text and then our names and wedding date in smaller non-bold text. I really wanted to have something with our names and wedding date on it but we wanted people to (hopefully) use them again afterwards so hopefully we made the right compromise in text size etc...

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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
Holy smokes!!! 52oz would be HUGE!!!!!!!!!!! To be honest, I can't even imagine the resort making drinks in that kind of volume for all your guests. That would be the entire blender full of margherita I'm sure!

That being said, you're correct that there are smaller versions you could buy instead that might be a little more manageable and there are LOTS of brides that have bought them for their guests so I don't think you'd be out of place at all. And if you think about it, so many people would use them for day to day drinks here at home, so it might just seem that they are ugly in a beach setting??

We just bought a regular 16oz travel mug for our guests and figured they would be good enough even if we do have to keep filling them more often :) We did personalize them but since I haven't actually received the order I can't even post a picture for you. As part of the imprint we had M*E*X*I*C*O in larger bold text and then our names and wedding date in smaller non-bold text. I really wanted to have something with our names and wedding date on it but we wanted people to (hopefully) use them again afterwards so hopefully we made the right compromise in text size etc...
I agree... you can always refill the mug, I wouldn't encourage guest to over drink with the hot sun and I just doesn't look right when your attemtping to fill up on six drinks at a time. Just my two cents... I am not sure if anyone read what happened to my brotherhuh.gif He over drank and passed out wee hours of the morning and was taken back to his room by God only knows who and robbed. Lucky !!! he lost only his money and ID all his important stuff was in my safe. My hubby felt really bad because when he left him that night he thought my brother was on his way to bed, instead the booze got the better of his common sense and he went back out to drink more and made himslef a target... It really hurts when someone you love becomes a victim... No matter how much of the situation they created.

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