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My OOT Bags~ the big hits and the things that weren't used

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Thanks for the info, I was planning on putting in a few of the things you said no one used, like sunscreen, and you definitely have a point that most people realize that they are going to need it. Thanks for sharing.

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My bags were simple, but everyone loved them. The biggest hits/main items were the bag itself (plasticy type beach bag), beach towel (b/c our small hotel did not provide seperate towels), and snorkel gear for all our guests.


You can see pics in my planning thread.

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Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO View Post
My big hits:
The deck of cards
First aid kit which had packets of Tylenol, Motrin, & Immodium, Purell hand wipes, & chapstick
Flip flops for both men & women
The mini-wallet/purse used as a key card holder or for money
The pashminas-the women loved them, especially for late nights in the lobby, on the beach & in restaurants for dinner.
And yes, the travel mug was the biggest hit by far! Everywhere we went on the resort, my guests had their mugs. It was very convienent and well used at the bar!

The only thing that I second guess is the use of the monogrammed canvas tote as the OOT bag itself.
While I loved it & will certainly use it again & again, I wonder who else will really use it again, with the exception of my mother! While it made for a great beach bag as I did see my guests using it on the beach or on our shopping tours, I'd still love to know if it will get used this summer by anyone else. Maybe I should have gone with the personalized paper gift bag or god forbid, skipped putting my monogram on it & just gone with a generic Jamaica design.
Just food for thought for you brides to be!
You bring up a valid point. I think I will think twice about putting our monogram on our OOT bags. Thanks for mentioning this issue.
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I went with cheaper drawstring bags and we did have the resort name large print and our names a name very small in bottom corner. I went with bright yellow and my guests all love them and used them everyday of our trip.. They loved the colour because you could spot each other a mile away and knew no one that wasn't part of our group would take a chance on picking it up...

My List of items that was a total hit!

tylenol +10

Aloe vera +10

Tummy Meds +10


Nail polish cloths -+10 ladies

Nail Files - +10

Blistick +10 by eveyone (I got a thanks Sue ten times a day because they were spf15)

wrinkle release spray- +10

playing cards & poker chips +10 we had card games and good hearted banter going on a couple nights of our trip

hand sanitize +7 I seen many people using it

snacks peanuts/pepper sticks/ pringos/ pop tarts for kids 10+

water guns - Over the top fun!!!! When our guests were leaving they gave them to kids around the pool and it was so kool to see those kids so excited.

gum/breath mint/jelly beans+10

Spanish cheat sheet (basic spanish) +10

Beach balls +5 seen a couple people use them... again little kids loved them when they got them from our guests as they were leaving.

waterproof containers - total +10 and then some (everyone used them day and night)

Fans for ladies I seen them used at the wedding only

wash gloves - ladies loved them

Tim Hortons coffee packs - well what can I sayhuh.gif it costed a lot I gave one pack to each couple and it was a huge hit!!!!!!

Small flavor packs for water bottles - no one said much other than Husband's aunt she keep asking people if the had anymore green tea ones... I think she got everyone that I bought.

Sunscreen.... I did not see anyone using it at all and seen it sitting in most peoples rooms untouched.

I did hear a few people talking about the sewing kits and I guess they needed them at that time... glad I did it.

Oh one very big hit Tide packs.. Everyone love them because they got to wash their bathing suits and have them fresh to wear again.

Tide sticks - one per couple was great I seen people using them...

After bit one per couple - everyone got bites the first couple nights so they were a great hit.

I think that covers most everything I can think off at the moment, screen was the only thing I didn't see used. Otherwise I have to say people were extremely grateful for our efforts to make their trip more enjoyable.. I did receive amazing comments and I am so glad I did the bags.


Good Luck ladies

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Originally Posted by Cindy&London View Post
Well this is what I have so far for my OOT Bags. My FI made a good point about the hand wipes.. there is only one! So, I'm putting those into the First Aid kits so they don't go to waste and getting the little bottles of sanitizer instead.
The day planners were 2 for $1.00 at the dollar store - The surfer dude's are for the guys and the flamingos are for the girls.

Everything actually came from the dollar store!! Love it :)

Just waiting on our bags from cheaptotes.com. We bought the neutral ones and are going to transfer our monogram on them ourselves!

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Hi Cindy&London,

I am thinking of purchasing the totes from cheaptotes as well. Can you let me know what you think of them?
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