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Any TTCer's out there?


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 Congratulations! that is wonderful news so happy to hear that everything worked out for you and your family!woot.gif

Originally Posted by Ayita View Post

Well if that can bring good luck to all you ladies... after my miscarriage in Mar 2010 I went to see a specialist and started all kinds of tests. I did not go through all of them though as I ended up pregnant again in July 2010. My first trimester was difficult and complicated - with no right to travel, gym, intercourse, nothing... also had some kind of scary news at the 2nd trimester ultrasound (the anatomy one), but in the end my baby stayed in and - although delivery was a bit difficult -  I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl on April 29 love.gif.


I'm 38 so you see, hang on in there !! It can happen !!


I spent  a lot of time on babycenter, it helped me a lot through my pregnancy - specially when I hit the hard parts of it, lots of info and reassuring advise. If you saw what docs can tell you sometimes - like this poor woman who was told to come in for a D&C, refused and ended up having a live baby !!


I hope things will get better for y'all !!



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oh my gosh -- SOOO glad to hear this!! For you and your new family AND b/c it really does give me hope everything will be okay:-)

I agree about Baby Center... a friend told me about this site... You can register on the site and get weekly emails updating you on what your baby looks like that week, what parts are developing etc...it's pretty cool:-)

Originally Posted by Ayita View Post

Well if that can bring good luck to all you ladies... after my miscarriage in Mar 2010 I went to see a specialist and started all kinds of tests. I did not go through all of them though as I ended up pregnant again in July 2010. My first trimester was difficult and complicated - with no right to travel, gym, intercourse, nothing... also had some kind of scary news at the 2nd trimester ultrasound (the anatomy one), but in the end my baby stayed in and - although delivery was a bit difficult -  I had a beautiful, healthy baby girl on April 29 love.gif.


I'm 38 so you see, hang on in there !! It can happen !!


I spent  a lot of time on babycenter, it helped me a lot through my pregnancy - specially when I hit the hard parts of it, lots of info and reassuring advise. If you saw what docs can tell you sometimes - like this poor woman who was told to come in for a D&C, refused and ended up having a live baby !!


I hope things will get better for y'all !!

Sooooooo...bit of a story to my u/s on Wednesday, but the bottom line is, there is at least ONE in there with a god, strong heartbeat, so that is fantastic news:-) A teeny bit disappointed it's not twins as the thought of going through all this a second time makes me want to hurl at the moment:-)


So, the long story...

On the Tuesday night before my scheduled u/s, I started not feeling well...not crampy like I had felt sometimes, it was a different kind of pain...centered on my right lower side and going into my lower right back...I went to bed early and figured I'd sleep it off.

Wishful thinking.

Of course, I should add, it's murphy's law my husband had JUST flown out of town for work...something he could not get out but tried:-)

Anyway, I woke up at 3am and felt quite nauseous (which I haven't felt at all yet during the previous weeks) AND in MAJOR pain on my right side.

I ate some toast and took some extra strength tylenol and that seemed to help...for about 30 mins. Then the pain came back extra strong and I honestly can say I've never felt pain like that (and I once had kidney stones:-))...

I got really upset b/c I thought maybe I was miscarrying. Then I went online (keep in mind, I could barely walk...but I hobbled to my computer) and after googling a bit I was convinced I was either miscarrying (though wasn't sure b/c I wasn't bleeding) or had appendicitis.

So I called a cab at like 6:30am and went to emergency.

They took blood and did some ultrasounds...that's when the u/s tech told me she sees at least one with a good heartbeat...(I'm still holding out hope there *might* be two b/c I'm not sure how hard she was looking for a second:-))...but then she can't see my appendix.

So, then they're thinking of giving me an MRI b/c I can't have a regular x-ray to check if it's my appendix.

They did give me a shot of morphine which helped for a couple hours:-)

FINALLY a gynecolgist comes to talk to me b/c my blood work came back showing no infection (so not likely it's appendicitis)...and she tells me I have something called Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome.

Apparently a percentage of women who go thru IVF develop this condition...and a smaller percentage get severe symptoms like I did/do.

Basically, my ovaries, b/c of the fertility drugs, swelled up to the size of grapefruits and my right one had become particularly inflamed.

I was sent home with some painkilelrs that are safe to take in first trimester...and therefore don't do much:-)

And was told symptoms would subside in 48 hours...which they have, but I'm still not back to *normal*...

I immediately researched this condition online and it looks like moderate and severe cases need to be monitored pretty closely, so I've made an appt with my regular doctor for later today AND since I couldn't make it my scheduled u/s on the Wednesday, I've rescheduled an appt with the fertility doctor for Saturday morning.

I'm kind of unhappy with our clinic and doctor for not warning us this could be a problem. I had never even heard of this condition until the doctor in the ER told me about it.


Anywaaaaaay... so I'm not sure what this condition means long-term for the pregnancy, but at least we've got ONE that's sticking around:-)

My husband flew home early so I now have someone to wait on me too:-)


Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post

Simistar - How did your U/S go? I hope your baby is doing well.


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Simistar - Yay! I hope they do find a second heartbeat and they both stay strong for the rest of your term. Sorry to hear about hyperstimulation. That's so scary, especially when you were all alone at home. Hopefully, it will clear up or at least subside. Keep us posted.

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Simistar - thats great everything is going smoothly for you so far! I hope they find a second heart beat in there :)


Any other ladies having any luck? My period is 8 days late right now but i keep getting negative test results so I have no idea whats goin on? Ive taken probably 6 tests over the past week but no luck. So i guess im just going to keep waiting it out and see what happens and just plan on tracking my ovulation as usual so I dont miss it in case im not pregnant right now.


Sending lots of baby dust to all your ladies for July :)

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Good luck and keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!


I am on my first cyle of charting (totally stunned on how little I knew about my body!!), and looks like I have my peak day on day 19 instead of 14 (makes sense to me as my cycles have always been longer than 28 days), but I'm concerned that my high temperature only lasted 4 days and the last 2 days have been back in the usual range. Does that seem odd?

Originally Posted by Teira1031 View Post

Simistar - thats great everything is going smoothly for you so far! I hope they find a second heart beat in there :)


Any other ladies having any luck? My period is 8 days late right now but i keep getting negative test results so I have no idea whats goin on? Ive taken probably 6 tests over the past week but no luck. So i guess im just going to keep waiting it out and see what happens and just plan on tracking my ovulation as usual so I dont miss it in case im not pregnant right now.


Sending lots of baby dust to all your ladies for July :)


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Originally Posted by Teira1031 View Post


Simistar - thats great everything is going smoothly for you so far! I hope they find a second heart beat in there :)


Any other ladies having any luck? My period is 8 days late right now but i keep getting negative test results so I have no idea whats goin on? Ive taken probably 6 tests over the past week but no luck. So i guess im just going to keep waiting it out and see what happens and just plan on tracking my ovulation as usual so I dont miss it in case im not pregnant right now.


Sending lots of baby dust to all your ladies for July :)


Teira - Good luck. I hope you get a positive soon. Somehow we missed last month, but this is a fertile week so fingers crossed it works out for us this month.


Originally Posted by JoanneIreland View Post



Good luck and keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!


I am on my first cyle of charting (totally stunned on how little I knew about my body!!), and looks like I have my peak day on day 19 instead of 14 (makes sense to me as my cycles have always been longer than 28 days), but I'm concerned that my high temperature only lasted 4 days and the last 2 days have been back in the usual range. Does that seem odd?




Joanne, from what I've learned about charting your temp rises around ovulation for a few days and then drops back down for one of two reasons, implantation or preparing for AF. I hope it's the first one for you.If it goes back up, usually that means implantation.


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Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post


It's been a little while since anyone checked in. Would any of you like to share how the process is going?


I thought I'd check in!:-)


Just finished my first trimester screening and everything's looking good! *huge sigh of relief*

We are finally starting to tell people...I just told my work yesterday:-)

I also just posted an announcement for all my friends on FB...I'll try to attach it here, since we had some fun with it and I thought you guys might get a kick out of it:-)



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OMG that is such a cute idea! I'm glad everything is going good for you!


We just found out last friday that we're PREGNANT! Woo hoo! Finally! I'm 5 weeks today and due May 2nd! Hows everybody else doing? Any new BFPs?

Originally Posted by Simistar View Post

I thought I'd check in!:-)


Just finished my first trimester screening and everything's looking good! *huge sigh of relief*

We are finally starting to tell people...I just told my work yesterday:-)

I also just posted an announcement for all my friends on FB...I'll try to attach it here, since we had some fun with it and I thought you guys might get a kick out of it:-)




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