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Any TTCer's out there?


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So theres a Mommy to be thread so I thought I would start a TTC (Trying to Conceive) Thread. I don't know if I'm the only one. But I don't know anyone in RL that is going through the same thing, so it makes it hard to talk to anyone. Plus the stress going through it is sometimes hard to handle. Put that with my job watching a kid everyday sometimes I have a breakdown.


So I thought that if we had a support thread for anyone TTC we could talk about what we're doing, what we're taking and how we're handling it. I'm hoping theres a few of us out there. *Cross my fingers* Anyone? If not we can let this thread get deleted.


I'll start. I'm on CD6. I didn't ovulate last month and my thermometer broke. Blah. I'm on prenatals, iron, evening primrose oil and vitamin B. I also just got pre-seed which is wierd. I also do fertility yoga to help destress. I think thats it?

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I could imagine what your going through. But it looks like your fully prepared and doing the right things now which is good.

Me and my FI will be TTC in December. I already have 2 so I don't think that I will have any problems but my fiance' doesn't have any and he is a little older than I am so I'm hoping he's all good.

Ok so I know some women don't ovulate but do you know a reason behind it or why you don't? If you don't mind me asking.

Good luck with everything, and I'm sure it will work out for you.

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I usually don't talk about it but I started this thread. I was diagnosed with POF which is Premature Ovarian Failure. There is no cure for it. There is treatment. However, we're not totally sure if thats what it is definitvely. The doctor who originally diagnosed me was a little weird and I'm not sure if he took me seriously. However, I don't have the money to go to a fertility specialist at the moment. The treatment for POF is HRT (Hormone replacement therapy). Or Birth Control pills which I refuse to take right now.


So I'm taking a more natural route and using my husband's expertise chiropractic care, his MD in his office does natural healthcare. So sometimes I ovulate sometimes I don't. Sometimes I get my period sometimes I don't. I use to only get my period a few times a year. While that sounds nice it really isn't. For example last month I ovulated and this month I didn't. So I have to be careful and temp so I can time everything right to try to catch it. I got preseed which is suppose to mimic your own CM to help the sperm get up there. (Sorry for all the TMI). So all my time is spent waiting and waiting and waiting to Ovulate. If I even do. Last month was the first time I've ovulated in a while. However nothing caught. So I'm back to square one.


Soon I'll be able to go in. Right now my DH just started his practice so he's not making as much as a DR. at the moment. But it's getting better and I'll be able to go in and find out more what's going on. It sucks big time.

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Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
I usually don't talk about it but I started this thread. I was diagnosed with POF which is Premature Ovarian Failure. There is no cure for it. There is treatment. However, we're not totally sure if thats what it is definitvely. The doctor who originally diagnosed me was a little weird and I'm not sure if he took me seriously. However, I don't have the money to go to a fertility specialist at the moment. The treatment for POF is HRT (Hormone replacement therapy). Or Birth Control pills which I refuse to take right now.

So I'm taking a more natural route and using my husband's expertise chiropractic care, his MD in his office does natural healthcare. So sometimes I ovulate sometimes I don't. Sometimes I get my period sometimes I don't. I use to only get my period a few times a year. While that sounds nice it really isn't. For example last month I ovulated and this month I didn't. So I have to be careful and temp so I can time everything right to try to catch it. I got preseed which is suppose to mimic your own CM to help the sperm get up there. (Sorry for all the TMI). So all my time is spent waiting and waiting and waiting to Ovulate. If I even do. Last month was the first time I've ovulated in a while. However nothing caught. So I'm back to square one.

Soon I'll be able to go in. Right now my DH just started his practice so he's not making as much as a DR. at the moment. But it's getting better and I'll be able to go in and find out more what's going on. It sucks big time.
Ok, now I understand. I'm sorry you have to go through all of this but it will work out in the end. And I've heard the natural way is a good way to go. It'll happy for you two. Best of luck.
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A great resource while TTC or just wanting to learn about your body in general is the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility (TCOYF).


Amazon.com: Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health (Revised Edition): Toni Weschler: Books


I learned so much about my cycles and discharge (sorry TMI) that I never knew was 'normal' and how changes in your fluid help you determine where you are at in your cycle.


I have long cycles (40 days traditionally) and thought TTC was going to take a lot longer but with this book's help I learned how to track my temps and we luckily got pregnant on my 1st full cycle of charting. Now we didn't really try before this but I felt much better being proactive.


I also highly recommend pre-seed. I learned that other lubricants can actually hurt your chances of conceiving.


Pre-Seed with 2 Free Pregnancy Tests and Free Shipping (this is also a good site if you're interested in buying test strips for ovulating and pregnancy, both of which can be very pricey if you're buying month after month at a drugstore.)


Ovulation Calendar and Ovulation Chart - FertilityFriend.com is a great resource for temping and you can actually join for a month for free. What I did was print out a chart from TCOYF and penciled in the information for my first half month.. then I joined and filled in the information for that month and my next to compare. The monthly fee isn't high and it's great that you can save your charts and look for patterns.


Best of luck to everyone who's trying.


FYI: The book can be used as a non-TTC tactic also by making you aware of your most fertile days and when you're more likely to conceive. Although, backup is always a good idea.

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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
A great resource while TTC or just wanting to learn about your body in general is the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility (TCOYF).

Amazon.com: Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health (Revised Edition): Toni Weschler: Books

I learned so much about my cycles and discharge (sorry TMI) that I never knew was 'normal' and how changes in your fluid help you determine where you are at in your cycle.

I have long cycles (40 days traditionally) and thought TTC was going to take a lot longer but with this book's help I learned how to track my temps and we luckily got pregnant on my 1st full cycle of charting. Now we didn't really try before this but I felt much better being proactive.

I also highly recommend pre-seed. I learned that other lubricants can actually hurt your chances of conceiving.

Pre-Seed with 2 Free Pregnancy Tests and Free Shipping (this is also a good site if you're interested in buying test strips for ovulating and pregnancy, both of which can be very pricey if you're buying month after month at a drugstore.)

Ovulation Calendar and Ovulation Chart - FertilityFriend.com is a great resource for temping and you can actually join for a month for free. What I did was print out a chart from TCOYF and penciled in the information for my first half month.. then I joined and filled in the information for that month and my next to compare. The monthly fee isn't high and it's great that you can save your charts and look for patterns.

Best of luck to everyone who's trying.

FYI: The book can be used as a non-TTC tactic also by making you aware of your most fertile days and when you're more likely to conceive. Although, backup is always a good idea.
TCOYF was the first book I ever got. Mine is so dog eared and highlighted it looks like I've had it for a decade! I love it. I also have fertility friend. I don't pay for it and I can look at past charts and such. I track my temp, BDing and my Cervical mucous.

I also just got pre-seed. But they have a lubricant and then pre-seed. Pre-seed is suppose to be like your egg white cm. Then they have a different thing called Pre-lubricant which is just external not internal like Pre-Seed. And yes other lubes can harm sperm. I got mine from baby hopes.com which actually when I got the package it came with a little envelope with baby dust in it. I got it and cried. So I totally recommend that company they are so sweet and send you emails that say "Hope your stay is short".
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We are TTC but not with any luck so far. We were TTC at first w/o charting, etc, just doing a lot of BD! :-)


Now, DH isn't involved in the charting, but I've started and am just beginning to learn more about CF and my cycles and ovulation, etc.


I have my annual GYN appt in November, so if there's still no luck by then, we'll see if she can do some tests to ensure we don't need help.


I'm so anxious and want it to happen, but (trying) not to get really getting obsessed yet!

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I've been TTC for so long that I gave up. Well until we find out whats going on with DH's job (IE if he gets hired on with better insurance) We are at the point to either do IVF or Adoption. I'm tired of TTC, POAS and seeing BFN's. Emotionally I couldn't take it anymore so as sad as it may sound I gave up and I'm focusing on other stuff right now to keep my mind off it.


Good luck to you and everyone else TTC.

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