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OOT bag welcome letter

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Originally Posted by gigiram77 View Post

Hello Ladies!
So the letter floating around on this thread that Cattie provided (through the genius help of another bride, I believe) is just what i needed for MY OOT Welcome bag. But, I also needed it in Spanish for my non-English speaking guests! So I translated it for my purposes. I didn't change much, except for when certains words sounded wrong, or didn't flow as easily. I translated it myself, and with a little help from Babelfish. I'm posting it on here incase anyone wants to use it. Thanks!!


Estimada Familia y Amigos,

¡La esperada ha finalmente terminado!! Bienvenidos al sol, a la arena y a la relajación…. Bienvenidos a Puerto Vallarta, México! Ambos estamos bien felices y agradecidos de poder tenerlos aquí para nuestra boda. Estamos especialmente agradecidos que ustedes haigan viajado tan lejos para ser parte de nuestra celebración de matrimonio.

El Matrimonio no es una culminación; si no un Nuevo Principio!
El principio de una vida que crecera y cambiara en maneras más maravillosas que podriamos imaginarnos. Muchos años en el futuro, cuando recordemos nuestra vida y este día, no nos recordaremos las flores, ni la música, o la comida--solo la memoria de compartir este dia tan especial con ustedes, nuestros amigos y familia. Esa memoria
sera la que mas apreciaremos. Tenerlos a todos aquí para nuestra celebración ha hecho nuestra boda verdaderamente espectacular y le agradecemos por compartir en una de nuestras ocasiones más felices.

Incluyido en esta bolsa be “Bienvenidos!†hay información del pueblo y un itinerario de eventos, junto con algunas cositas para ayudar a hacer su vacacion una experiencia agradable. Es apenas un pequeño símbolo de nuestro aprecio.

Ojala que disfruten de sus vacaciones con nosotros, Nos gustaria que los próximos días sean tan memorables para ustedes come seran para nosotros.

Con mucho Amor y Aprecio,

(Bride & Groom's name)


Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!! This is exactly what I was looking for!!!! So glad I found this forum.

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This is my welcome letter. I stole it from someone here, I can't remember who though. I just tailored it to my wedding since we're on a cruise. Dear Family and Friends, The waiting is finally over!! Welcome to sun, sand and relaxation…Welcome to Royal Carribean Explorer of the Seas. We are both so happy and feel very blessed to be able to have you here at our wedding in Bermuda. We are especially honored that you have traveled this far to be a part of our marriage celebration. Marriage is not a culmination; it is a beginning; the beginning of a life that will grow and change in ways more wonderful then we can imagine. Many years from now when we look back upon our life, love, and this day, we will remember that it was not the flowers, music, nor food that made our day so special; our memories of sharing the beginning of our lfe as husband and wife with you, our friends and family, will be what we cherish the most. Having you here for our celebration has made our wedding truly wonderful and we thank you for sharing in one of our happiest occasions. Included is some information to help make your trip a wonderful experience. Enjoy the “goodies†included in this welcome bag. They are just a small token of our appreciation. Please make the most of your cruise with us on the Explorer of the Seas. We hope the next few days will be as memorable for you as it will be for us. With Love and Appreciation, Kathy & Paul Hope this helps you!!
I love this, thank you for sharing!
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