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August 2009 brides

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We are having our reception under a large Palapa on the beach starting at 5-530p. I know it's really hot in August, although in Akumal its about 90 during the day and 70-75 at night. Most of our guests are going to be there 4-5 days before, so they'll be used to it by time we have the wedding

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Originally Posted by Glamourina View Post
Thanks for the welcome! :)

Here's a question for you August girls.. I was talking to one of my vendors and he was very surprised that I was having my wedding reception outside. He said that August Mexico weather would be 100F even at night and it would be really uncomfortable for my guests.. I've seen a lot of brides on this forum get married in August but I don't want my guests to be dying from the heat.. What are you girls doing for your reception?
I wouldn't worry about it too much.. I moved my ceremony to 7pm to get the sunset and cooler temps. I am giving everyone sandalwood fans as favors so they can keep a little cool.
I am not having a formal reception... We are doing a quick cocktail hour after on the beach with our first dances; then off to the resort restaurant for dinner and then to the 'disco' to party.
If you are really concerned about being outside in the heat; talk to your resort and see if they have inside/air conditioned rooms/restaurant that you can use.
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Hey Ladies!

I just recently confirmed my wedding date and I am joining the August brides :)

So far I have completed:

Book resort, paid deposit

Ordered STD

picked out wedding dresss (tomorrow I'm buying it!!!)

Picked out bouquets and boutineers (I choose to do artificial - since I cannot seem to let go of my control and can't wait to pick flowers til I'm down in MX haha)

Choose bridal party

Picked out invitations


I am super excited about my wedding dress I just tried it on today and could not be happier!!!!



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I echo Jacilynda's welcomes and excitement that our little group is growing!!


My only focus for now is on finding a dress!!!


So think some positive thoughts for me.. Im going shopping next Fri with my MOH. I have dresses printed and the store has told me that they have them.

Let me know if you ladies want to see the ones I am considering to give me your AugustBrides opinions!

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