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my mom wants to wear white...

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Thanks everyone... I didn't sleep much last night - tossed and turned with this whole situation running through my head (along with many others - I think I will write a book when this is all said and done!!)


I will call my mom today and explain that I would prefer she not wear white... I just think that she doesn't get it... I don't think she understands that this is a "wedding" wedding... I think she expects that I will be in some sort of orange sundress or something (although she has seen my dress!!) and everyone will be in shorts and flip flops...


thanks again!


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Ok I am going to go against the grain but I am of the mindset why not let her wear white?


The whole idea of a white wedding dress started when Queen Victoria wore a white lace dress and everyone like it and thought it was stylish. Before that wedding dress were of all colors. In some cultures, like India, white is the color of morning and no bride there would want to wear a white gown.


All of our guests are being asked to wear white/tan/neutral colors because of the type of ceremony we are doing. I think that its going to make for some amazing photos of us all in neutral colors with only Chris and I wearing orange accents.


If you don't want her to wear white ask her change it to a tan color. Then its a compromise and you both win...

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Is she wanting to wear a full blown white suit or is just white capris and the jacket a different color?


My mom wore white capris and I never thought anything of it. I don't think she stole my thunder in any way. I would say a white suit would be different though.


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I feel that it is the bride's day, and you should feel great about everything. If it is something that is really bothering you (it would me too), than I would def talk to her about it. Unless she's super selfish, I'm sure she'll understand and find something else. It doesn't matter if it's traditional or not... it's totally what YOU want, and she should totally respect that!

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Hmmm, I am not in the majority in this, but I don't see what the big deal is. It's capris, not a dress or evening gown, so it isn't like anyone will not know who is getting married. But that's just me. I think if it is upsetting to you, then you should absolutely talk to her about it and she can wear this outfit to another funcion.

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Originally Posted by loveangel0610 View Post
I don't think I would want my mom to wear white either. I remember last year at my cousin's wedding one of the guests had on a white ball gown that looked very similar to a wedding dress and an updo. I almost didn't know who the bride was. I thought I had a picture but I can't find it.
I went to a wedding in April where the same thing happened! My entire table thought it was horrid.
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Originally Posted by adias.angel View Post
Ok I am going to go against the grain but I am of the mindset why not let her wear white?

The whole idea of a white wedding dress started when Queen Victoria wore a white lace dress and everyone like it and thought it was stylish. Before that wedding dress were of all colors. In some cultures, like India, white is the color of morning and no bride there would want to wear a white gown.

All of our guests are being asked to wear white/tan/neutral colors because of the type of ceremony we are doing. I think that its going to make for some amazing photos of us all in neutral colors with only Chris and I wearing orange accents.

If you don't want her to wear white ask her change it to a tan color. Then its a compromise and you both win...
I like your idea of white / tan / neutral colors.. i saw it in a photographer's pics & it looked awesome! Check it out:
: Jesse Hernandez Photography :
Go to galleries.. then destination weddings.. i like it when i originally didn't think i'd like that idea! Funny enough, i think it's different!

It all depends on what you want to do.. if you don't want your mom wearing white, than you should just be honest.. she's your mom.. i'm sure she would understand!
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