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Childhood beliefs as an adult


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Originally Posted by lauren View Post
my mother used to turn the clocks forward on new years b/c my sister and i were so determined to stay up. it would really be 9 or 10 and we'd be falling on our faces.
I swear your mom is a mom's mom...freakin' hilarious! I'll have to remember this stuff and use it to trick my kids one day

Originally Posted by Kristy! View Post
Fast forward to LAST YEAR...A bunch of us were watching a Mets game at my brother's house and it went into extra innings. Around 10:30, I said why are they still playing the organ? Everyone just looked at me funny. My brother had totally made it up and didn't even remember doing it. The worst part is that I am gradually finding out other stupid things he told me that seem perfectly rational. Grrr...
Omg that is awesome! LOL

Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
I dont know if this qualifys but growing up I always said the slogan "lets play it by YEAR" It wasnt until a few years ago I learned the word was ear, not year. hahaha
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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post

It took a LOT of convincing to get me to believe that you didn't spell relief R-O-L-A-I-D-s.
My mom just told me this same thing about her DH the other day. Funny.

Hmmm, I know I have some! I just can't remember what they are.
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Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
I dont know if this qualifys but growing up I always said the slogan "lets play it by YEAR" It wasnt until a few years ago I learned the word was ear, not year. hahaha
I still know a ton of people that do this! I get lots of emails from friends that say this...too funny. It must be pretty common :)
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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
Oh another thing she did was when we did something bad she would call the "Police Dept" and tell them to come over with the Lie Detector test. So, we would fess up because we didn't want the cops there.. One day around 12 I pressed redial when she left the room and lo and behold my Grandma answered LOL
Haha! That is too funny! All of the mom's (about 6 of them) told my whole neighborhood growing up that if you were bad that a bus of nuns would come take you to the "parental home" where all of the bad kids went... they said it was a building across town, which we later learned was the Catholic girls High School!!! The kids on my street, who are now in their twenties, still give the moms a hard time about this!!!
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you know how when you are driving down a long straight highway where you can see in front for miles and way ahead you can see like a mirage or something where the pavement meets the horizon? my dad told me it was called cow water (no clue why) and ever since i always thought that.


i didnt find out till our road trip to chicago this past winter that it is totally not called that. doug about peed his pants laughing at me.

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One day I was driving along with my two kids in the back seat of the car. I guess they were around 8 & 10. The older one, in an attempt to "educate" the younger one, says "You know that doctors drink pee". My ears are alerted and I ask her why she thinks that. She says "why else do they collect it in cups?" :)


Good job I caught that one before she took it into adulthood!

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