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Childhood beliefs as an adult


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Haha! I did the same with my aunt! I didn't know my aunt, and her partner (my other aunt, they had the civil union ceremony, and I consider her just as much my aunt) were a couple! My parents told me they were best friends. And I always would tell my friends that it was so cool, they were best friends and they lived together and did everything together!! HAHA! I guess it is hard to explain things to kids, so you have to come up with something!

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I use to throw a fit when my Mom washed my hair when I was little so my Mom told me you had to use the Conditioner to get the Shampoo out. I thought that was true until I was in High School LOL. She also told me chocolate milk came from brown cows. Hmmm I am sure there are more. I still think about getting the shampoo out of my hair everytime I condition!!

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Oh another thing she did was when we did something bad she would call the "Police Dept" and tell them to come over with the Lie Detector test. So, we would fess up because we didn't want the cops there.. One day around 12 I pressed redial when she left the room and lo and behold my Grandma answered LOL

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Morgan, fantastic post!


Ok, this is really stupid. My dad left when I was 3 so I never really had a male influence in my life. He also worked a lot so most of the time we were together he was sleeping.


He sleeps in this weird position with his arm over his head (at least he used to, it's not like I watch my dad sleep now...)


So, I thought all boys slept with their arm over thier head. When I tucked my dolls or stuffed animals in, I would always but the boys' arm up. LOL

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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
Oh another thing she did was when we did something bad she would call the "Police Dept" and tell them to come over with the Lie Detector test. So, we would fess up because we didn't want the cops there.. One day around 12 I pressed redial when she left the room and lo and behold my Grandma answered LOL
hahaha, that was a bold move pressing redial!

Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
Morgan, fantastic post!

Ok, this is really stupid. My dad left when I was 3 so I never really had a male influence in my life. He also worked a lot so most of the time we were together he was sleeping.

He sleeps in this weird position with his arm over his head (at least he used to, it's not like I watch my dad sleep now...)

So, I thought all boys slept with their arm over thier head. When I tucked my dolls or stuffed animals in, I would always but the boys' arm up. LOL
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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
Morgan, fantastic post!

Ok, this is really stupid. My dad left when I was 3 so I never really had a male influence in my life. He also worked a lot so most of the time we were together he was sleeping.

He sleeps in this weird position with his arm over his head (at least he used to, it's not like I watch my dad sleep now...)

So, I thought all boys slept with their arm over thier head. When I tucked my dolls or stuffed animals in, I would always but the boys' arm up. LOL
That is too cute!

When I was little, my oldest brother told me that the neighbors around Shea Stadium complained about the organ being too loud at night, so they weren't allowed to play the organ after 10pm anymore.

Fast forward to LAST YEAR...A bunch of us were watching a Mets game at my brother's house and it went into extra innings. Around 10:30, I said why are they still playing the organ? Everyone just looked at me funny. My brother had totally made it up and didn't even remember doing it. The worst part is that I am gradually finding out other stupid things he told me that seem perfectly rational. Grrr...
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