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Who Plays Bunco? Share your creativity...


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Spring Break Bunco got a little nuts this year. We all wore our favorite SB t-shirts (you know the air-brushed bad boys). The hostess had all drunk junk food...White Castles, Cheetos, etc. We were doing beer bongs off the back porch, which is interesting with a group of 30 year olds. She also covered all of the chairs with beach towels and had bras and bathing suits hanging from everything! It really took us back to '99!

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It really is fun and a great way to meet new people. We have a core group of about 6-8 die-hard attendees, but each month the hostess will invite someone else, a family member, co-worker, a neighbor, etc. We will have people as subs who fill in when we need more players. When we first started there were about 6 people I barley new but were friends of friends. We've been playing every month for over 2 years.


The game is easiest when palyed in groups of 4, but you can play with a "ghost" if you are short. If we are over (e.g. we have 9 or 13) we will "shadow" someone and rotate in and out.


I think I have our rules typed somewhere that explains all of our crazy rules and traditions. It sounds complicated but it really isn't. The game is designed to be played with one hand while you are eating/drink/talking with the other.


If you are interested PM me and I'll find it for you.

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Wow...lots of great info!! I like how if you roll 3 ones it wipes out the score!!! That is awesome! :) I need to revamp my rules....


I was wondering if anyone plays at a restaurant and if so how the food works so it's not crazy expensive since a few of my peeps are living at home w/ parents and don't really want to over take their house...

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We've never played at a restaurant. We get way to wild and loud. We also have smokers who take a long break between games.


We played at a neighborhood bar once but got in trouble because we play for cash, which I guess is technically illegal gambling.


Some of our ladies who live with roommates, have a small home, etc. Will often host at another girl's house. She'll come over and help clean the day before and provide the food, drinks, and decorations, then help clean up.

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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
We've never played at a restaurant. We get way to wild and loud. We also have smokers who take a long break between games.

We played at a neighborhood bar once but got in trouble because we play for cash, which I guess is technically illegal gambling.

Some of our ladies who live with roommates, have a small home, etc. Will often host at another girl's house. She'll come over and help clean the day before and provide the food, drinks, and decorations, then help clean up.
Yeah that's how it worked with my old group...and probably how we would do it this time...I just read somewhere that some people play in a restaurant and I would think they would have to section off a room in their restaurant for us because it would annoy the other diners! :)
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Originally Posted by michelle08 View Post
So I have played bunco in a group a few year ago and I am trying to start another one. I thought I would ask you gals/guys to see who plays and what your group does as far as:
1. where you meet (house, restaurant, etc...)
2. what night do you play
3. Do you have different themes each month
4. Do you play a unique way?
5. What other creative things does your group do?

I would love to hear it and get ideas! wink.gif
We meet at a houses and we just rotate around the group. We also do the parties in teams of 2, so it's not as stressful to plan. We also all bring food so the host doesn't have to do all the work. Host provides the drinks.
We play on the first Friday of every month.
We never have themes. I guess we are lame. The gifts usually have themes though - but nothing preplanned - just whatever the host wants.

We do gifts for most wins, most losses, most Buncos, last Bunco, and a booby prize.
When we don't have the right number of people we have dolls that fill in with super fab names like Chucky and Shanaynay.
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