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Who Plays Bunco? Share your creativity...


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So I have played bunco in a group a few year ago and I am trying to start another one. I thought I would ask you gals/guys to see who plays and what your group does as far as:

1. where you meet (house, restaurant, etc...)

2. what night do you play

3. Do you have different themes each month

4. Do you play a unique way?

5. What other creative things does your group do?


I would love to hear it and get ideas! wink.gif

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I play in 2 groups, and we meet once a month.

1. where you meet (house, restaurant, etc...) Each person takes a turn hosting (so we host once a year). If you're the host, you provide food, table snacks, and a "Bunco Bag gift" (the last person to get a Bunco that night gets the bag.)

2. what night do you play? One group is second Tues. and the other is 4th Monday.

3. Do you have different themes each month. We don't do themes

4. Do you play a unique way? Not sure how you play, so not sure if it's unique??

5. What other creative things does your group do? At Christmas, we do a $5 ornament exchange~ it's pretty fun.


We put in $6 every time. Most Bunco's gets $20, Most Wins gets $20, Most losses gets $10, most aces (1's when we're not on 1's) gets $10, and the extra $12 goes into a "split" envelope. If you get 9 wins, and 9 losses, you split. You win the pot if nobody else splits that night. If nobody splits, or more than one person does, it goes to the next month. One time I won the split pot and it was around $125.



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I don't play now, but I use too.

1. where you meet (house, restaurant, etc...)

we took turns hosting it at someones house - 12 ladies - at your house once a year. you buy the snacks and drinks.

2. what night do you play

it would always be on a wednesday - but we would take a poll to see what wednesday of the next month worked best for everyone.

3. Do you have different themes each month

no themes really.

4. Do you play a unique way?

i don't think so. everyone get a card and one person from the group would call out cards...

5. What other creative things does your group do?

if a holiday was that month, the person would buy gifts that went with the theme of the holiday.


we would collect $10 per person. the person who was having it the next month would split the money into 5 gifts. 1st thru 5th place. who ever won the most games would get 1st place and so on. if you had a tie - we would do a play off and as people win, they would get 2nd place...until all 5 places were filled.

with the $120 dollars. you would spend $40 on 1st place - $30 on 2nd - $20 on 3rd & 4th & $10 on the 5th place prize.

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Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
What is Bunco?
bunco is a dice game that mostly ladies play.

Basically you get a group of 12 ladies together and each person takes turns hosting it at their house or restaurant each month (so once a year per person). The host provides snacks and food and drinks and then you play the game for a couple hours and go home. But you can win gifts too that the host has to pick out. Each person contributes a dollar amount...$10 per person per month is average.

To play you have 3 tables of 4 people each and the person directly across from you is your partner for that round and you roll all 3 dice and the goal is to get 3 of a kind of the number round you are on so if it's round 1 then if you roll 3 1's you get a bunco. If you roll 3 of another number then you get 3 of a kind and there is more too it...but it's hard to explain typing.

It is alot of fun though and mostly it's a chance to spend a few hours with the girls and have a good time.
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We play bunco once a month. There is a solid group of 10, so we are usually between 12 and 16. Once we had a group of 20 (5 tables).


Each person hosts once a year, though we have had a few host more than once, or it will be at a previous location with that months hostess providing food, etc.


We have gotten into themes recently, some coordinating with holidays (Feb = Valentines, March = St. Pattys) but in the summer we have lots of fun. May was Cinco de Bunco, June was fabulous 80's bunco. Since we have started the themes we give a prize for best costume if appropriate.


Each person pays $10. Prizes are all cash and depend on the number playing. We instituted a new rule that you can only win once. If there is a tie there is a roll off. Highest number is always the winner except for most losses, in that case, lowest number wines.


Our group is weird and I have never before played with Buncettes, If you get three of a kind, but not the number you are rolling for, you get 5 points. We also tally these on the score sheets. They are tracked individually, not as a team,and a prize is given for most buncettes.


We also have a "monkey hat" that each person has to wear if they roll all ones. This will wipe out the team's score. (sometimes the monkey hat changes, depending on the theme, i.e. the monkey hat was an eye patch for Pirate Bunco.) So we play from 2 to 6.


We have an official bunco kit that gets passed from hostess to hostess that includes a disposable camera so we can take a picture of the group and it goes into an album.


We're a little crazy but it's SO much fun!!! The favorites so far are St. Patty's, Spring Break, and Pajama Party Bunco.


We have lots of other ideas. PM me if you want more details.

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I've never played and sadly, I don't know enough girls to even get something like this going... but I always see this pink Bunco set when I go to Target and it looks so pretty that I totally want to buy it even though I have no use for it!


Sounds like fun though!

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