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Does anyone know of a good appetite supressant?


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Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
is this the same adderall that's prescribed for children and adults with ADD?

Oops! I'm an idiot! No it's not called adderall, it's called adapex. It is a type of phentermine and is used as an appetitie suppressant. Sorry! Guess I should have looked at the bottle before I posted that. oops.gif
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Originally Posted by Ericka7885 View Post
Oops! I'm an idiot! No it's not called adderall, it's called adapex. It is a type of phentermine and is used as an appetitie suppressant. Sorry! Guess I should have looked at the bottle before I posted that. oops.gif
I think Adderall is the drug that Nicole Ritchie was apparently taking when she got scary skinny a few years ago. I think a lot of celebrities use it to lose weight (i.e. Ashley Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, etc).
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I will definitely not be using it for long, it is just a small boost to help me with the beginning weight loss and see results a little faster. The Dr. told me that after a few weeks it loses it's effectiveness a little bit. It is not addictive. I have all ready lost a few pounds and I feel great!

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Originally Posted by Ericka7885 View Post
Oops! I'm an idiot! No it's not called adderall, it's called adapex. It is a type of phentermine and is used as an appetitie suppressant. Sorry! Guess I should have looked at the bottle before I posted that. oops.gif
lol, i was like, i guess you could use that for weight loss, but i can't see a doc prescribing it, lol!

Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
I'm happy to say that I have really tightened up my diet and with the help of the prescribed meds, I have dropped 6 lbs this week. I hope to continue the success. It hasn't been too tough and I feel really encouraged!
YAY RACHEL!!!! thewave.gifsmile117.gifthewave.gifkeep up the great work!
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am on Phentermine. I have used it before when my weight got overboard to boost a major initial loss of weight as I started a weight loss plan. First time I used it was in law school when I ballooned after my first year (lots of pizza while studying). I dropped 20 in a month (probably too fast I know but I was well into the 200s) that time and another 40 the next 6 months or so with exercise and diet. The quick initial loss helped with exercising because I put less stress on my body with less weight during cardio which made it easier for me to work out. Well fast forward almost 10 yrs later and I surpassed the weight that I was at back then when I started....and I have the wedding coming up and a form fitting dress...yikes! So I decided to get serious and I went to my doc for Phentermine again back in April. He also put me on some thyroid meds as my numbers were a lil low and he said it would help boost my metabolism some. In April I dropped about 18 lbs. without trying much at all. I am now down about 30 lbs. as of today. As I experienced before the effect slows down after the big initial loss without effort in diet and exercise also. It still does help control my eating I think just not as much. I actually have to remember to eat because I just don't feel hungry and when I do the thought of some of my unhealthy favorites turns my stomach. I find myself desiring fresher food while on the pills. I'd like to drop another 15-20 before the wedding and I am putting more days a week into the gym, using the Nintendo Wii Fit game, going for walks with the fiance, and trying to drink only water, limit carbs and do more fruit/veggies and less snacks which is my vice. My days have been ranging from 800 - 1300 calories. My ring is now falling off my finger so I am gonna have to get a ring guard.

It is safe but be sure to get checked by a doctor. If any history of heart issues it is probably not a good choice as it speeds up your heart rate. Many docs require an EKG exam first. It is also for short term use... I don't recommend taking it for more than 5-6 months. Also no caffeine while taking these.

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Ahh...OK, after reading all of these posts, I am truely concerned about all of you. Some of the things you are doing to your body are extremely unhealthy. BLKLADYLAW said she takes in 800-1300 calories a day. I feel bad for you girl...that is not enough to feed a squirrel. You're starving yourself. I just dont want you to gain it back because you are depriving yourself of your favorite foods. The minimum number of calories intaken a day should be at least 1800. That will give you the basic vitamins and minerals needed to keep a healthy metabolism. Also, each and every person on a diet and exercising should be taking a multivitamin DAILY!!! Take it every morning with your breakfast, or shortly before you work out. Speaking of which, if you are not a breakfast eater, you need to start. Find a way to get it down your throat. That may be the #1 best way I have ever seen to jumpstart your metabolism. Exercise is almost over rated because people think they have to do a crazy amount of cardio in order to lose weight. The best way to lose weight is to get that metabolism up. Your metabolism burns 2000-4000 calories per day (depending on your lifestyle.) Sure, exercise is good and exercise also keeps your metabolism high. Eat every 3 hours. Snack on a yogurt, or an apple, or carrot sticks, or a PB sandwich with 1 piece of bread. The last bit of advise I have is to walk, dont run. Studies have shown that when you are at 50-65% of your max heart rate, you burn about 75% fat and 25% sugars. When you run or sprint, your heartrate reaches 75-95% of your max heart rate. At that heart rate, you're burning about 75-85% sugars and 15-25% fat. So, if you are looking to drop weight (from fat,) walk it off. I see some methods on here that people are using and you are losing weight...but its all muscle weight that you are losing. If you are rapidly losing weight, you should include some sort of weight training (however moderate) into your exercise regime. Do a bunch of bicep curls to get that definition back, as well as lunges and squads to firm up that booty. And the last piece of insight I have is to not expect that you can take any kind of pill, or use any kind of diet, and think that you are going to lose your belly weight first. You will lose weight from all parts of your body. If your belly was the first to have added weight, then your hips, then your theighs, then your butt, then your chin (etc. etc,) then you will lose it in the reverse order. Chin, then butt, then theighs, then hips, then belly.


Oh yeah, when you exercise, you sleep better. Studies have also shown that sleep actually aids in the weight loss process.


If you are looking for an appetite suppressant, anything with "Hoodia" in it works great. Its about the only substance that has been proven to supress your appetite. The "Basic Fat Loss Stack" at Bodybuilding.com - The Future Of Bodybuilding! Huge Bodybuilding Site. costs about $55.00 There are 4 bottles of pills, and they last about 1 month. This combined with PROPER diet and exercise will work great. If anyone has any questions, feel free and PM me. I have a wealth of knowledge on this subject.

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...and dont be scared of the name "bodybuilding." They have lots of great stuff on that site and taking a Fat Loss Stack will not make you look like some of those ogres!!! hahaha But those products work well and bodybuilding.com stands behind their products and service.

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After reading up on this thread I just want to say CONGRATS to Rachel on your weight loss. I can't imagine cutting the good stuff out of my diet but I want yo to be healthy. We need our LC Rachel to stick around cheesy.gif


I'm concerned if any of you gals take adderol. It is not a drug that should be taken for weight loss and it is addictive. I have a friend right now that is heavily addicted to the drug for weight loss reasons. Sad thing is she's about 100 pounds to begin with. Very scary. If you don't have ADD adderol does the exact opposite to your body and gives you energy, keeps you focussed. You could have a stroke and heart palpitations are a normal side effect. I'm not a doctor but I know first hand from seeing what it does to people.

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Well, I know EXACTLY how you feel because I LOVE food and could eat all day too! I don't have an appetite supressant to suggest for you but I do have a fabulous website that I recommend 100%. Free Calorie Counter, Diet & Exercise Journal - MyFitnessPal.comAfter being able to see how calories and fat can add up SO FAST durring the day, this has ABSOLUTELY helped me eat less. Knowledge is power, and if you are aware about what foods you are putting in your body, you can still eat the foods you want (in-moderation) and you can consistently lose weight.

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