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Does anyone know of a good appetite supressant?


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Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
Yes I know what you mean :) Hmmm...I'll have to see on the accupuncture. I have gotten it in the past for a back injury, but it made the pain worse. I never thought of it for anything else. How cute that you have pink hair! Is it sort of like Jess on Rock of Love?
From what the women told me, the doctor gave them a needle in the ear to suppress and also some pills. They really dropped the weight. They told me it was very inexpensive.

The two colors I mixed were fuschia and eggplant to be exact lol Get bored at work so I experiment lol I just face framed with the pink and kept my espresso hair color. This is me --> Click the image to open in full size.
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Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post
All I've ever used is water - it works for me

Its the boredum at work that makes you hungry,even if you are really busy, I think its your body's way of saying you need to retire and have a life of leisure lol
hahahah! LOL I could get used to a life of leisure!! Speaking of drinking water - I refilled my cup earlier and reached over and knocked ice and water all over my desk!! I had overtime slips for the guys and training records - everything was safe - but wet!

Originally Posted by JennyK View Post
From what the women told me, the doctor gave them a needle in the ear to suppress and also some pills. They really dropped the weight. They told me it was very inexpensive.

The two colors I mixed were fuschia and eggplant to be exact lol Get bored at work so I experiment lol I just face framed with the pink and kept my espresso hair color.
I am going to ask my doctor about it and check with my insurance too! I like the pink! It is very fitting on you!
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Rachel, I have gained about 50 pounds in the last 4 years Jay and I have been together. Actually I gained it the first year and a half we were together. My doctor put me on Metformin. It's a small dosage, but it's what diabetics (type II) take. Did you doctor recommend this?



I also have hypothyroidism....and take synthroid.



There is something that starts with a "c" that curbs appetite...it's a natural supplement. Ugh, I cannot remember what it is, but it works SO well. Actually it works on cravings, you take this and you don't have them anymore. Crap. I will keep thinking.....

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Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post
Rachel, I have gained about 50 pounds in the last 4 years Jay and I have been together. Actually I gained it the first year and a half we were together. My doctor put me on Metformin. It's a small dosage, but it's what diabetics (type II) take. Did you doctor recommend this?
Actually Martha, I'm on Actoplus Met (which is basically metformin with some other drug combined). He has me doing that with the Bontril (or phed....something or other that I typed above. LOL) I don't even want to admit how much weight I have gained in the last 7 yrs. It's so sad. sad.gif I have a lot of weight to lose and I'm confident (at least right now) that I can do it.

Are you still taking Metformin? I didn't ask if that's a med I would be on long term. I know the other isn't. I'm to see him in 3 months to see how well I'm doing. I really really hope it works to help me make the needed changes.

Gosh- it's so hard to reprogram yourself. I used to eat whatever I wanted no worries. I also was an athlete and very active. I suppose once you cut down on working out at least 2 hours a day, the pizza, beer, hamburgers will catch up right? I've just never had this problem before and had someone told me 10 yrs ago I would weigh what I do now, I would have seriously fainted.

Steve is trying really hard to work with me too. Last night we walked to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for dinner (one thing being a watermelon.) The poor guy carried the damn thing back the 2 miles. LOL
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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Steve is trying really hard to work with me too. Last night we walked to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for dinner (one thing being a watermelon.) The poor guy carried the damn thing back the 2 miles. LOL
Now that is love for ya lol I couldn't get mine to walk to the shop and thats 5 mins away lol
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omg, rachel, dh would DIE if i asked him to carry a watermelon 2 miles!!!!!!

celina, have you tried brushing your teeth or having a strong mint whenever you feel like eating? b/c things taste so bad after brushing/a mint, you'll be less likely to snack on other things.

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LOL Lauren. It was HIS idea. He works out 6 days a week so he was sweet enough to take a break from his normal work out to help me. :) It was funny though- he was using the watermelon as weights while were walking. He kept doing lifts above his head with it. People probably thought he was a freak. LOL


Gum is a good trick too. From having a desk job, I noticed I want to snack from boredom. I keep water and gum fresh on hand to help combat that. Gum has been a life saver for me.

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My doctor prescribed an appetitie suppressant for me that is called Aderral. It works wonders! I have way more energy and can go all day without snacking and eating between meals. Ihave also been forcing myself to get to the gym more often so I am hoping to start seeing some results!!

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Originally Posted by Ericka7885 View Post
My doctor prescribed an appetitie suppressant for me that is called Aderral. It works wonders! I have way more energy and can go all day without snacking and eating between meals. Ihave also been forcing myself to get to the gym more often so I am hoping to start seeing some results!!
is this the same adderall that's prescribed for children and adults with ADD?
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I have used the Hoodia patch and found it worked. I know a lot of people think it's bulls**, but it really worked for me the 2nd time I tried. It's a patch that works for 24hrs so you just replace it every 24 hrs.


I have 10 days of one pack left = pm me if you want me to send it to you if you want to test it out.

I can send you the info on who shouldn't take it too.



Right now I'm using SlimQuick. Not sure if it's really helping yet. I'll post again if I find it's good. I just bought the Slim Quick detox kit for 7 days...

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