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Question to those of you with Cats.


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My boy Oskar will eat almost anything we give him.. as well as try to steal the food off our plates while we are still eating it!


Zoey is a bit more picky, but she loves plastic bags.


My cat I had growing up loved people food including spaghetti and kraft dinner (mac and cheese)..


And my friends' cat, loves corn and peas!

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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
and plastic.. yep like the bags they put your paper in if it's raining.. she licks them like crazy.
Originally Posted by Chiquita View Post
Zoey is a bit more picky, but she loves plastic bags.
Originally Posted by froggie1013 View Post
My cat Tori is a plastic bag lover too.
wow i so dont feel alone anymore! my boy carlo LOVE HEART LOVEs plastic. it can be thick like old navy bags, or thin like saran wrap, or anything similar. he ADORES the really thick kind like when you get something in the mail in the white plastic bag. old navy bags are his most favorite of all. he will incessantly lick them. and when you tell him to stop he looks up all dazed!?!? like whats goin on?

so its not a food, but its weird!
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When my FI and I moved in together I brought the dog (Jack), he brought the cat (Turk).


Initially, the cat disliked the dog, so we always scolded Jack to be nice to Turk, and give him his space etc.


After about 6 months, and a lot of coaxing, they became friends.


At a recent vet's visit, my vet instructed us to put Turk on a diet (at nearly 20lbs). So in following the vet's orders, we did.


What did this cause? The cat decided he would eat his food, and the dog's food - and since put so much effort into teaching Jack to respect Turk, he won't protect his food, and thus continues to weigh 18.5 lbs.



They really aren't as stupid as we think.. lol.

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sake isn't too into people food, although there was a time when she really enjoyed the leaves on the top of celery stalks.

ed, on the other hand, is a HUGE pig. not so much strange food, but the amount of food that he consumes is ridiculous. he likes popcorn (plain, and white cheddar), cheerios, any kind of meat, cheetos, styrofoam peanuts, regular peanuts, etc. you should hear him scream when we take out turkey breast - he makes it sound like we've never fed him!

one time, we were having steak for dinner, and we got a phone call. we both went to answer it, and when we came back, ed was up on the table eating dh's steak.

oh yeah, and bread - when i come home from the supermarket, i have to put the bread (any kind, regular, english muffins, wraps, doesn't matter) away first b/c ed will drag it around the house with him.

hahah, when we first moved into our house, we didn't have a real fridge yet, and were keeping some things in a cooler. dh left the top off of the cooler, and i'm in the middle of doing something when i see ed bringing (dragging) in a pound of turkey breast. he brought it right to me - i guess he wanted me to open it!

the plastic bag thing is common. i'm pretty sure there is a chemical in the bag that cats like the smell of.

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Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
wow i so dont feel alone anymore! my boy carlo LOVE HEART LOVEs plastic. it can be thick like old navy bags, or thin like saran wrap, or anything similar. he ADORES the really thick kind like when you get something in the mail in the white plastic bag. old navy bags are his most favorite of all. he will incessantly lick them. and when you tell him to stop he looks up all dazed!?!? like whats goin on?

so its not a food, but its weird!
Tori adores the thin grocery store bags. She chews them to pieces. With all the chewing she does, it's like living with a puppy.

Has anyone's cat gotten the handle of a plastic bag stuck around their waste? She's done this a few times and it is hysterical to watch her freak out.
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Originally Posted by froggie1013 View Post
Tori adores the thin grocery store bags. She chews them to pieces. With all the chewing she does, it's like living with a puppy.

Has anyone's cat gotten the handle of a plastic bag stuck around their waste? She's done this a few times and it is hysterical to watch her freak out.
sake likes to hide in them and pop out at ed. ed FREAKS when he has it on him. like tail skunks up and runs thru the house so fast you can't catch him to help out!
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OH you guys reminded. Last week I was Umm on the forum at home. :-) and DH was making chicken on the George Forman grill, well DH was done cooking and went in the garage to clean up, I hear a noice from upstairs and the dogs go running downstairs to check it out.. I of course thought it was the neighbor. Well I hear DH yelling for me about 5 minutes later "Tam, you were on the computer and look what happened" I guess Morris took the last piece of chicken off the grill and ate some of it and must and threw it down for the dogs to finish off. I of course told DH it was his fault for not cleaning up after he was done eating.. lol I think the dogs must be training Morris to get the good stuff on the counters..

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