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Question to those of you with Cats.


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So many of you know all about my dogs, but I do also have a cat who's 3yrs old, and he's my first cat (we adopted him about a year ago.. hmm so I guess he's probably 4 now...)


So get this... I swear Morris is becoming more and more like a dog every day. So today DH and I wake up and find a mess in the living room (thank you Mijo) so while Cain was cleaning up the mess I took Chulo and Mijo out to go potty. When I returned DH was sitting on the couch and said "hey Tam, their is another mess in the kitchen" At first I was upset and said "why didn't you clean it up" and he said "because I wanted you to see it first" SO I'm thinking "oh great, now what" When I walk in the Kitchen their was a box of powder donuts open and a donute was taken out of the box and was on the counter, partially eaten. Ummm since when does cats like powdered donuts? And don't even get me started with him knowing better then to be on the counters... lol


Does your cats eat odd things?

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My cat Cali will eat just about anything. She licks the bowl after I eat salad, stole an edamame pod once too. My sister's cat Lucy will literally eat anything. Sometimes we put stuff down for her just to see if it is true. Like popcorn (which she ate).

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A powdered donut? LOL That's funny!!! Fergie doesn't really like any people food besides string cheese. I can see her liking dairy but Morris liking sugar that's very bizarre. Did you take a photo?

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ROFL, I would have taken a photo if I caught him in the act. Damn cat was probably on my bed last night with powder all over his face and I didn't even know.. lol


Morris eats raw food, and cheese as well, but I though this was weird.

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lol that's funny! My cat Minggis likes special K cereal, but only the vanilla kind, also he looooooves rice cakes...he's such a funny kitten!

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oh and my cat Bailey loves chocolate, if you leave a chocolate bar out (even if its in an unopened package) she will tear it open. Abbie (the kitten) loves bread, so breaks into bags and eats only the corners of 4-5 slices. We can't leave any food out ever because we have little piggies in the house.

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My cat, Mya likes to eat flowers, tuna (obvious choice) and plastic.. yep like the bags they put your paper in if it's raining.. she licks them like crazy. I have to watch her and we can't use tinsel on the x-mas tree anymore cuz she eats it.


Powdered donuts.. too funny!

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I don't give my cat or dog people food, so I am not sure that they like anything...but, my moms cat ate our turkey that was defrosting in the sink for one Thanksgiving. Not the whole thing, just a piece....we went out for dinner that Turkey Day!

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Originally Posted by TammyB View Post
Damn cat was probably on my bed last night with powder all over his face and I didn't even know.. lol

My new kitten B.B. doesnâ€t really go after any people food besides giving the occasional "mew" when smelling buttery popcorn...

However, my mom's cat loveeeees olives and Cool Ranch Doritos - yep, that flavor only!
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