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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
Hey Ladies. So I too will no longer (98% sure) be an AB bride. I am soo fed up right now. They can't give my TA projected completion date so I am pretty much going to pull the 38 rooms we had booked. Grr.

And my TA just suggested Beaches Turks & Caicos...no offense but why in the world would she suggest that 300+ room resort with Sesame Street characters everywhere?! Its actually comical. I don't get how she would think that me saying I love AB's intimacy that BTC would be a plausible suggestion!
So sorry to hear AB won't work anymore. My FI and I stayed at the El Dorado Casitas Royale, this past April. It's pricey (not sure what you were quoted for AB). But that part of the resort has seperate areas of suites, each 12-15 rooms has it's own pool, and bartender. I am sure if the price works, you could request to have all your guests stay in one 'area' and it would give you a very cozy small feel, even though the entire resort is quite large. No children though, adults only. The food is wonderful, and they have a shuttle (golf carts) to take you to the main resort should you wish too. I do have some pictures, if can send to you...or attempt to learn how to post them wink.gif

I know how difficult it is to decide on a resort, I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to start over again. How many guests to you have? I have also heard wonderful things of a boutique hotel called Zebra, south end of the Mayan Riveria. But it's really small, I think 10 rooms. Good luck!
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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
Meredith - Did you see your up for Member of the Month?
smile43.gifUhhh...how did that happen? No I didn't know!!! Thanks for letting me know. I'm honored but what do you have to do to get that title? Do I need to campaign? Lol!

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
I'm sooooo excited!!! Just got my confirmation email from Kiara...February 11, 2012 at 4 PM......I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!
cheer2.gif Congrats!!

Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
I have taken 2 of their webinars and they are great :)
Is this a monthly thing? I want to do one.

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
I too have started wondering about DJ's that AS ladies have used. This is FI's task and he even came on here in the vendor section to research! Go him!!! :-) He said he read good things about DJ Doremixx and DJ Mannia. I think he will be reaching out to both for info and pricing and if we get it before you, you know I'll share.

Go Meredith!!! Where do we votehuh.gif?
I emailed them both this morning and DJ Mannia quoted me $900 for 4 hours! With that plus the $500 outside vendor fee I may as well use the DJ the resort provides if he's any good. There are 2 different threads on here about both of them and they both got good reviews. DJ Doremixx got more than DJ Mannia tho.

About voting? I have no clue!! I didn't even know I was up for it blush2.gif

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Awww, that's too bad, just know that you don't need one. Once you'll get there and meet the onsite coordinators you'll say in your head "Amy was right, this is totally under control!" =)

OOOO!! I know who I'm voting for!!! Congrats girl!!! I think the voting starts this month so any day now if not today!
I know Amy. I'm just starting to have those dreams where the cake is a single cupcake or all purple and I can't shake them. Plus I was looking forward to the vacay. But like Bigbop said, at least this way FI will be with me the 1st time I experience it. Gotta focus on the bright side.

Thx for the congrats! I guess I need to find out how all this voting stuff works. This is sooo weird to me. What have I done to deserve this?! Lol!

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
How much did you guys pay for your DJ? I need to know if I should try to talk mine down. I booked him for 4 hours. I MAY have talked the florist down...we will see! I hope so. I have quadrupled the ole budget...yikes!!! Broke as a joke!
Not sure but DJ Mannie quoted me $900 for 4 hrs this morning

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
ohhhhh thanks!!! We went to Nashville, TN (it's only about 2 hours away and by far the cheapest, closest option). We had SO SO SO SO much fun though!!!!!!!! Friday night, all the girls wore black, and I wore hot pink (fav color). As a party favor, I bought everyone a hot pink flashing diamond ring, black sunglasses, and a "what happens at the bach, stays at the bach" cup. I wore white sunglasses. So, you can imagine all 8 of us galavanting around town in our lil outfits and accessories. wink.gif We went to this FAB sushi restaurant for dinner. When I got to dinner, Ryan had surprised me with a little note and 3 bottles of Veuve Champagne for all of us! SO sweet! He had his bachelor party in Atlanta the same weekend. Saturday morning we woke up to bloody mary's delivered to the room (8 girls, 1 suite by the way). Then we went to brunch and hung out at one of our friends' condos for awhile. When we got back to the hotel, my friends Jaime and Jenn had decorated the ENTIRE ROOM!! It was soooo precious. Email me and I will send you a link to the pictures. AND we had a "Party Gals" party. hahah It was hysterical (just google it). It is basically like a sex toy party but for bachelorette parties...so imagine lingerie and glittery powder, drinks, games, etc. It was a BLAST!!!!! We then got dressed and went out to eat and hit the town again. We had our own personal chauffeur the whole weekend (he was really a cab driver in an Escalade) but he drove us EVERYWHERE! So great! There were sooo many great memories, lot's of laughs, and NO DRAMA (surprisingly enough)!! perfect weekend...BUT I paid for it until yesterday...was seriously still hungover from the weekend!
Sounds like so much fun! Email me the pics when you get a chance.
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
OMG Lindz - you are marrying the most thoughtful most romantic man in the world. I thought they did not exist except in movies. From your engagement story to this... Wow. Your bach weekend sounds AWESOME.
Soooo sweet Lindz! Can Ryan email Theo and give him some pointers?! Just kidding. Theo is actually pretty romantic too but I'm sure he wouldn't have thought of something like that. That man gets an A+ for that!

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Oh, and ps, the "appropriate pictures" are on facebook...
Oooh friend me...Meredith Caughman (New Orleans).

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Hey ladies...don't foget to vote for Meredith this month. She's one of our own and I would be very proud if she one. Is that weird?
OMG! Thanks so much!!

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Quick question...it seems that a lot of you had a ton of guests and went all out with huge reception and extras....did any of you have less than 15 people and just do the basic reception dinner included in the packages? If I wanted the whole big wedding..i probably would have stayed home (and actually already did that the 1st time I got married). Is it just as nice to have the small dinner? I don't want to appear cheap to the guests that actually DO spend the money and the time coming with us...but I can't really see getting a DJ and a dance floor with smoke machine and flashing lights for me, my FI, my mom..his parents and 2 of my friends.....
Thoughts and Opinions? Thanx :)
I say do what you're comfortable with. If you have a budget then do as much as you can within that limit (although all of us know that's easier said than done). I think that whatever you come up with your guests will appreciate. They are coming for you and your FI, not for what you will have for them when they get there. Maybe you can look into getting the private cocktail reception (should be free for up to 50 ppl if the promo is still going on) and then do a semi-private dinner at one of the restaurants after?

Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
I am already taking notes and making lists for OOT/welcome bags...
Most of our budget is actually going for our stay (14 dayswoot.gif) but I want to show how much we appreciate everyone for being there for us. I'm hoping that along with the "normal" stuff for the bags...I can add some personal touches and some meaningful things for each individual (not necessarily expensive..but more creative) Sad part is..I am not too creative..so it's a good thing I have such a long time to plan and find things.
I'm not creative either. Just do a lot of googling and searches on this thread. Plus the ladies right here have lots of great ideas that I've stolen!! I chose to get some of the items for my welcome bags and the actual bags from Dollar Tree www.dollartree.com (that's my 2nd home now). I looked everywhere for bags and feel in love with some on Etsy - Your place to buy and sell all things handmade, vintage, and supplies that were personalized but the lady was no longer making them. Since I was stuck on personalizing them I looked for that and didn't find any that were in our budget. So lo and behold I went to Dollar Tree and they had the cheapest bags with the best quality in my opinion and we're going to embroider them ourselves. I just looked on their site for them and they're not on there anymore but they may have some in the store. They come in red, blue, green, yellow and pink. We also made some bookmarks to go in them, door hangers will be made, sunblock, luggage tags, welcome passports, etc. Also, Wal-Mart currently has beach towels for $2.50 if you can fit it in your luggage. You may also want to look on here for different threads. One girl posted a list of options to put in your OOT bags. HTH!

BTW AmyB, your bags were really cute! I'm gonna check out that site to see if I get more ideas.

Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
I don't even know what this entitles you to or means but I went over there and found the thread and voted for her since I am partial to the AS ladies! :-)

You ladies are too much! I feel so special grouphug.gif Bet you can't guess who I voted for!! smile29.gif

Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
PS, I had my FINAL cheat meal tonight...we had date night (with my wedding stuff in tow, I must add...while we are at dinner...doing wedding stuff)...so more fish and veggies for me for the next 4 weeks...and lot's wine of course! That's one thing I cannot do without.
Good luck with the diet although I'm not sure what you're trying to lose. You're so little already! I'm the one that needs motiviation. Have any of you tried BDW Biggest Loser?
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Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
Not at all! I nominated her and voted this morning!
So is this all your doing?! I feel like I've been nominated for Miss America or something. I haven't felt like this since pharmacy school when I was nominated for Miss College of Pharmacy!! Sounds silly but everyone's gonna hear about this one. They're really gonna get sick of hearing about my "new friends" now!! woot.gif
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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Sorry to re post but I also did a who's who booklet using funny pictures from each guest and stories on how we know them & who they are, what they do & funny antidotes. With a small group this would not be too expensive. I had 30 color pages printed at Fed Ex and with 25 copies it was like $200+!!!


I LOVE the Booklet idea!! i am stealing that one for sure becuases I have a couple of people that won't know the majority of the group!

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
So is this all your doing?! I feel like I've been nominated for Miss America or something. I haven't felt like this since pharmacy school when I was nominated for Miss College of Pharmacy!! Sounds silly but everyone's gonna hear about this one. They're really gonna get sick of hearing about my "new friends" now!! woot.gif
VOTE VOTE VOTE everyone!
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I never heard your engagement story...man I have to search back and find it.


Love the idea of a party every year. But ones that are less stressful...hmm...maybe just a vaca. I could totally use one of those right about now. At least it is a 4 day weekend for me! :)




Oh! I want to see. (If that's ok.) Will you add me? Amanda Brocato from Los Angeles. Thx!




Sounds like so much fun!




That's a great rate...but you also had to pay the $500 vendor fee right? Still cheaper than $1500 from Lomas but I could have sworn the banquet kit listed the DJ for $1300. Hmm I will have to look back at that. I just added a DJ to my detail sheet this week. We were going to do ipod and speakers but that is so much pressure plus my friends are dance-a-holics (FI and I included in that as well) so got to make sure the music keeps going!




Wow, that was so beautiful. By an chance, do remember the name of that area? Is that Plaza Zavaz? I thought for some reason the tatched gazebo there was larger.


Also, did you request those blue glasses or that's just what they gave you? Do you know if there's an upcharge for color glasses?


Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Haha!!! I try to live it up, I really do AND I do go overboard that's for sure. I can't deny that... I am a fun lover, I can have fun doing anything and going anywhere... laundromat, alleyway, 7-11, doesn't matter. I think it's because I don't really get too embarassed and I can handle actin' a fool and I dance everywhere, DH always looks at me with a little smile shaking his head... :)


Glad you liked the photos, I had SO much fun! I feel like I know you girls too so it's not weird. I throw up so many photos and now a video so I think I'm become more real... since your FI thinks we're all fake, LOL! We are very real, I assure you. I would happily meet any of you in person, I'm proud of my forum friends and talk about you girls all the time. I'm going to Cassie's wedding from the forum in 2 weeks and get to meet her, I'm so stoked!




Yeah you guys seem like a fun bunch. I've been living in LA for 5.5 years now and seriously all of my gf's with the exception of 1 moved backed east last year. I was so so sad. I mean like 5 of my best friends juts up and went back home (or to NY or Boston). Not that I would have time to see them anyway though. I can certainly relate on the working around the clock thing and now having a baby to take care ...forget it...it took me 4 months to just make a haircut appt. I did get it cut thought, last week. Whew.


I would love to meet up sometime. We are always in Glendale (Target is amazing) and again we live across from Griffith Park. Thinking about hosting a wine tasting party in the park later this summer. I'll let you know.


Um, you're going to a forum member's wedding? That's crazy? Did you know her before? Just became friends? How fun!!! Where is it? Another vaca. Amazing.

Hey I can't find you on facebook! Try adding me, Lindsey Hayes, Birmingham, AL
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Wow you ladies are chatty! I miss one day and took me forever to catch up! I just skimmed so sorry if I miss anything.


Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
I'm right there with you guys. I refer to you as all as my "forum friends" and it is hilarious because when I'm talking to muy family and I don't have an answer for something, my Dad will say, "Well did you ask your forum friends?"
OMG don't even get me started on the internet friend thing lol. DH thought I was a total whack job. I became obssessed with this site and talked about it all the time. Then it got crazier.... I'm actually good friends with quite a few people on here and went to meet 13 of them in Chicago lol. Then we had another meet up just last weekend in Niagara. Try to explain that to people. "Uh I'm having a girls weekend with my internet friends" lol. DH is finally coming around.... but he still thinks its weird.


Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
I would happily meet any of you in person, I'm proud of my forum friends and talk about you girls all the time. I'm going to Cassie's wedding from the forum in 2 weeks and get to meet her, I'm so stoked!
I've met Cassie, you're going to LOVE her :). She's the sweetest girl ever.


Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
Quick question...it seems that a lot of you had a ton of guests and went all out with huge reception and extras....did any of you have less than 15 people and just do the basic reception dinner included in the packages? If I wanted the whole big wedding..i probably would have stayed home (and actually already did that the 1st time I got married). Is it just as nice to have the small dinner? I don't want to appear cheap to the guests that actually DO spend the money and the time coming with us...but I can't really see getting a DJ and a dance floor with smoke machine and flashing lights for me, my FI, my mom..his parents and 2 of my friends.....

Thoughts and Opinions? Thanx :)

I always felt out of place on the forum because I thought I was the ONLY person not doing a huge wedding, but honestly if it doesn't work for you, don't be intimidated. I only had 7 guests, not kidding lol. I didn't do a private reception and I wouldn't change a thing. I honestly did minimal planning. Read my planning thread (link below) and you'll see lol. I was prob the worst bride ever, but whatevs! I had soo much fun.
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Hey Ladies,


We are getting married at Azul Sensatori on either nov. 16 or 17, 2010 - just waiting for confirmation. We are doing a destination wedding to keep the costs low and have a great vacation at the same time.


I'm just wondering who's getting the silver package and who's getting gold - and what you might be adding to your costs or upgrading?


Do these packages include dj? I see a lot of people saying they will be renting equipment? Is the reception included in your package?


Thanks in advance, i'm looking forward to hearing what everyone is planning!

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Ms. H - congrats on picking your venue! Hardest part is done! Have you read through this thread? I know its long, but you'll be happy you did. Definitely worth the time to read through it.


For some quick answers, I did the silver package. It pretty much provides you with nothing. But I kept my wedding simple and had barely any guests so the only thing I added was the decoration package and paid a $500 vendor fee for my photog. If you want a private reception you have to pay extra for that.

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