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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
LOL! Bad grass, I love it!

No kidding, I'm still devastated over my cake toppers sad.gif I told the lady that made them and she offered to redo them for the same cost since her costs went up... do you think I should? I mean they won't be the same ones.

The same happened to me monthly too, I had 64 people confirm and tell me they wouldn't miss it for the world. 35 showed up. Every situation is different and times change but just know it happens and it is what it is. Just adjust your planning accordingly and move on, they are never worth the wasted stress or tears because your wedding day will still be the best day of your life!
I always thought that was funny too (bad grass)! As far as the cake toppers, I would say it depends on what you planned to do with them. For me, I'm going to sell alot of my stuff when we get back or after our AHR if we use it for that. Our toppers, however, we're going to frame. We got Greek letters made for our respective fraternity/sorority and a "W" that we're all gonna put in a frame. That's the only reason we spent that much on it. I guess if it means that much to you re-order it. If you think it will sit in a box forever...don't waste your money. It's not like you don't have tons of other keepsakes or gorgeous pics to remember your day. P.S. I'm so glad you finally asked me a question. Lol! I felt like our relationship was kinda lop sided too!! relief.gif

Yeah, we have 45 people (I think - keep losing count cause it changes). I wouldn't be surprised if only 25 show up. I choose to look at the bright said, that's less money we have to shell out!!

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
We have friends in the wedding party who have a pool so they're inviting everyone who's going to Mexico over for a meet & greet pool party. We have 50 people going to Mexico and not everyone knows each other. We're doing a Mexican fiesta theme and having Tacos, fajitas, chips & salsa, margaritas and coronas.
Ooooh! Sounds like fun! I wanna come!

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
I don't think you'll actually know how many people are coming until the final payment is due and it still may be shaky after that! At one point we had 75 confirmed but that constantly changed. We had one couple pay the deposit for their room and then cancel it and STILL haven't bothered to mention that they cancelled. In addition to that stupidity I had one couple call my TA to book a room and by the time she called them back they told her they booked straight through the hotel! The final payments for the rooms were due May 21st. I've had 3 more people book through the hotel since then and more people still saying they want to come. I've already made my payments for food at the receptions and the chairs so I told FI that if anybody else decides to come they won't be able to sit at the ceremony or have food at the reception or get a OOT bag. I can't keep making adjustments this close to the wedding because people decided to procrastinate!
Ridiculous!! I actually laughed when you mentioned them not being able to sit down. I had the same idea so I could have the chiavari chairs!! I told my MOH that we only needed x amount of chairs because the bridal party didn't need chairs and the entire time I was referring to the ceremony while she was thinking reception! I laughed forever when she said, "you're gonna make us come all the way to Mexico and we can't sit? I'm glad you got us flip flops." I thought that was hilarious. smile120.gifHOWEVER, if you come at the last minute...we CANNOT guarantee you a chair. Better bring comfortable shoes!

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
Ok so my final payment was due to the resort on June 16th. Tiffany pressed me and told me that she had to have it by that date. I made it my business to have it to her by that date and guess what............IT'S STILL IN MY ACCOUNT! I sent her an email and she told me it had to be approved by management but she's working on it. wtf.gif
I had been meaning to ask you how this worked out. Sucks that you stressed about it for nothing. But I bet if you didn't have the money when they asked for it they would have taken it out immediately!

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Don't know if they are still offering the same thing with the webinar but when we did ours (months ago) we recieved a free room upgrade for doing it. Might be something to look into or atleast ask your TA about. I didn't do it, my FI did but he said he didn't learn anything fromit that I hadn't already told him.
So is this something that they may offer in the future (before November)? I guess I should've peeled myself out of bed that day! smile35.gif

Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Buuuuutttt if I was watching my $$ spent but also wanted to do something for my guests I would totally recommend the vans into Cancun or Playa del Carmen. If you need 2 vans - so 24 people or less - it is like $220 for both round trip. I used 3 vans into Cancun and it was $336. I tipped the drivers $20 each too. But those group outings are so easy - you can do the nighttime clubbing or a daytime trip. Maybe find a place to all have lunch - do some shopping - maybe even a free museum or art gallery - then back to the hotel. Its very affordable and being driven in an air conditioned van with nice drivers made my guests feel very special!!!
I apologize before I ask cause I know you've probably been over this many times, but what company did you use for the vans/clubbing trip? I keep saying that I'm not going to plan anything away from the resort because my guests are only staying 4 days (2 of which will be wedding stuff, 1 will only be the morning of checkout). So Saturday is the only full day that's wide open for everyone and I kinda wanted them to be able to relax and enjoy the resort. But, I feel like maybe we should have options in place. Thoughts?

Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
All right ladies...I feel like a bad BDW bride, because all I seem to post about are my vents!! Rest assured that I read the thread every day, I just don't always post (mostly because I'm a lazy beeyotch).

I heard from my TA today. Azul Beach will definitely have construction during my stay. They're starting in August.

They will be upgrading all of the Superior rooms, and construction will be happening most of the day.

My TA recommends me moving resorts (I agree), and Karisma has been kind enough to offer me a free candlelit dinner on the beach or a free couples massage if I move to Azul Sensatori. Never mind the fact that I would have had a free candlelit dinner anyway with my wedding package. No other perks would be offered.

I'm honestly at a loss for words right now. I do NOT want to start the search all over from square one, but at the same time I'm so angry about the situation and don't want to keep my wedding at a Karisma property because I hate the way they've dealt with this situation.

Any advice? I need wisdom!
Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate! Always threaten to the furthest point you're willing to go, IF you're thinking about changing resorts anyway (which I woudld hate for you to do). All they can do is say no.

Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ View Post
Thanks!!!! It's too bad I won't be able to actually meet you in November.

I'm actually in my fifth month now (19 weeks). Just about half way there!! I was shocked to find out pregnancy is technically 10 months long.

We officially rebooked today! Dreams Puerto Vallarta for April 2011. April 11th will be our wedding date. Yay!!!!!!
I know! I was looking forward to having a drink with someone from here!! frown.gif But I'm glad you're happy and everything worked out for you. Do you know the sex or do you wanna be surprised? Yeah, 10 months is weird cause everyone always says 9. Since I work at a women's hospital I always say 10 months and people look at me like I'm crazy so sometimes I have to break it down for them. Anyway, congrats again!!
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Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
All right ladies...I feel like a bad BDW bride, because all I seem to post about are my vents!! Rest assured that I read the thread every day, I just don't always post (mostly because I'm a lazy beeyotch).

I heard from my TA today. Azul Beach will definitely have construction during my stay. They're starting in August.

They will be upgrading all of the Superior rooms, and construction will be happening most of the day.

My TA recommends me moving resorts (I agree), and Karisma has been kind enough to offer me a free candlelit dinner on the beach or a free couples massage if I move to Azul Sensatori. Never mind the fact that I would have had a free candlelit dinner anyway with my wedding package. No other perks would be offered.

I called my TA after I got your message and told her I wanted to know the situation. She said she was waiting for info from some higher up at dw. Not sure on what exactly. My wedding is a month after yours I believe...and I told her that I wanted a contract with the hotel saying the construction would be finished by my wedding or I was going to start looking at other hotels.

She told me that she would have answers for me on Monday and a "plan" of some sorts. I am trying to remain calm and not get upset but its tough. Ofcourse it would be great to stay at the hotel right after the upgrade but who knows if it will be finished!!

I'm honestly at a loss for words right now. I do NOT want to start the search all over from square one, but at the same time I'm so angry about the situation and don't want to keep my wedding at a Karisma property because I hate the way they've dealt with this situation.

Any advice? I need wisdom!
Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Ladies, I wanted to let you know that we finally booked the AHR! It will be Mardi Gras weekend 2011!smile72.gif
That sounds awesome!
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Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ View Post
We officially rebooked today! Dreams Puerto Vallarta for April 2011. April 11th will be our wedding date. Yay!!!!!!
cheer2.gif YAY!!!! Congrats, I'm so happy for you! :)

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
I always thought that was funny too (bad grass)! As far as the cake toppers, I would say it depends on what you planned to do with them. For me, I'm going to sell alot of my stuff when we get back or after our AHR if we use it for that. Our toppers, however, we're going to frame. We got Greek letters made for our respective fraternity/sorority and a "W" that we're all gonna put in a frame. That's the only reason we spent that much on it. I guess if it means that much to you re-order it. If you think it will sit in a box forever...don't waste your money. It's not like you don't have tons of other keepsakes or gorgeous pics to remember your day. P.S. I'm so glad you finally asked me a question. Lol! I felt like our relationship was kinda lop sided too!! relief.gif
You make a great point. I absolutely LOVE your idea BTW of the greek letters and framing the W, brilliant, I've never heard of it before! You've struct my originality chord! I wanted to literally put them on my bookshelf or something so you're right, spending more money on them isn't worth it sad.gif

LOL, hell no! We don't have a lopsided relationship! I consider my duty as an AS bride and a bride in general to help B2B's. I received so much help and asked so many questions for over a year so now I get to pay it back, or forward, depending on how you look at it.

Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
Ladies, I wanted to let you know that we finally booked the AHR! It will be Mardi Gras weekend 2011!smile72.gif
CONGRATS!! cheer2.gif I'm so jealous! I've never been to NOLA, I just put in some "travel requests" with my travel buddy to go to this year NY (we go every year), GA, & LA. Never been to Georgia & Louisiana!
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Lindz - here's my updated to do's!


Kittenheart (Amy)â€s To Doâ€s:


Book room for someone - Done

Go get fun stuff @ Party City - Done

Receive invites and stamps, mail out ASAP - DONE

Decide on flowers, purch or not - Done, purchased! Peonies baby!

Receive cupcake papers & toppers & buy cupcake stand - Done, done & DONE

Receive DH's bowtie & suspenders - DONE

Order cupcakes - DONE

Order things on sticks - Not done, decided against

Go food shopping at Costco for snacks and booze for MOH to bring - DONE

Pull out cash for transportation - Doing at lunch

Create guest list to give to Skyloft peeps - Done

Have MOH email boys to get tacky suits - Done - 50's Elvis - Vintage Vegas theme baby!

Decide on hair and makeup and get photos for hair/makeup chick artist - Done!

Get jars for flowers - DONE

Buy sunglasses, necklaces etc for peeps - DONE

Have DH get cigars - I don't know if he did this actually...

Have twin make iPod playlist - Told her too... I have mind MP3 player too

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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Lindz - here's my updated to do's!

Kittenheart (Amy)â€s To Doâ€s:

Book room for someone - Done
Go get fun stuff @ Party City - Done
Receive invites and stamps, mail out ASAP - DONE
Decide on flowers, purch or not - Done, purchased! Peonies baby!
Receive cupcake papers & toppers & buy cupcake stand - Done, done & DONE
Receive DH's bowtie & suspenders - DONE
Order cupcakes - DONE
Order things on sticks - Not done, decided against
Go food shopping at Costco for snacks and booze for MOH to bring - DONE
Pull out cash for transportation - Doing at lunch
Create guest list to give to Skyloft peeps - Done
Have MOH email boys to get tacky suits - Done - 50's Elvis - Vintage Vegas theme baby!
Decide on hair and makeup and get photos for hair/makeup chick artist - Done!
Get jars for flowers - DONE
Buy sunglasses, necklaces etc for peeps - DONE
Have DH get cigars - I don't know if he did this actually...
Have twin make iPod playlist - Told her too... I have mind MP3 player too
HAVE A FABULOUS TIME!!! Vegas Baby Vegas!! Can't wait to see pics!!!
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Thanks Maggie!!! I leave for the airport in 2 hours and this day could not be creeping by any slower!


I had a private dinner, Surf & Turf, tables chairs, white linens and napkins came with it, I rented the Chivali chairs instead. Everyone loved the Surf and Turf, it was delish!

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Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
I don't think you'll actually know how many people are coming until the final payment is due and it still may be shaky after that! At one point we had 75 confirmed but that constantly changed. We had one couple pay the deposit for their room and then cancel it and STILL haven't bothered to mention that they cancelled. In addition to that stupidity I had one couple call my TA to book a room and by the time she called them back they told her they booked straight through the hotel! The final payments for the rooms were due May 21st. I've had 3 more people book through the hotel since then and more people still saying they want to come. I've already made my payments for food at the receptions and the chairs so I told FI that if anybody else decides to come they won't be able to sit at the ceremony or have food at the reception or get a OOT bag. I can't keep making adjustments this close to the wedding because people decided to procrastinate!
We had a guest put a deposit down, and cancel. We also just had 4 guests book in 24 hours of leaving! I think we are at 50...not even sure!

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
Ok so my final payment was due to the resort on June 16th. Tiffany pressed me and told me that she had to have it by that date. I made it my business to have it to her by that date and guess what............IT'S STILL IN MY ACCOUNT! I sent her an email and she told me it had to be approved by management but she's working on it. wtf.gif
Mine is still in my account too! And I am leaving right now!

Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Thanks Maggie!!! I leave for the airport in 2 hours and this day could not be creeping by any slower!

I had a private dinner, Surf & Turf, tables chairs, white linens and napkins came with it, I rented the Chivali chairs instead. Everyone loved the Surf and Turf, it was delish!
Amy, Have a wonderful Vegas wedding! :)

We are leaving right now! The limo is here so my message has to be quick! Can't wait to share when we get back :) :)
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