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Sacred Heart Diet Anyone?

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Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
awe lol

I wasn't worried....I cut FI off 2 months ago.....yes, we are both going crazy and my friend and sister have money on if we'll make it to the wedding but...lol
OMG DEZ - you are holding out for that long!! YIKES! I bet he is going crazy!!

Originally Posted by Agape Gems View Post
Well this is the start of Day 3 and I'm down 4lbs! Man was that baked potato delicious last night, I even ate the skin which i never eat! My DH is sorta doing the diet with me. I caught him eating some turkey bacon the first night though-lol. And he keeps asking me if he can eat some other soup, like beef and barley or cream of chicken! I worked out the first day but didn't have time yesterday so I'll be back at the gym tonight. And I've got to make more soup b/c DH ate like 4 bowls yesterday and finished off the pot. All in all, I'm glad we are doing this b/c just in 2 days I have realized how crappy we normally eat.
Congrats on your weight loss! That is awesome! I did the same thing with my potato - I even added some to my soup - it was SO good! The diet is a real eye opener to all of the crap you eat. Keep up the good work!
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Haha...Celina, we actually had a fight about it yesterday...so I let him know that part of the reson for it is that I'm bored and figured it'd help LOL It was a nasty fight, we still aren't 100% speaking.


Ladies, congrats on all the good work! It's weird reading what you guys are going through and knowing it was just a week ago we were there...it feels like foreverago!


On rice day, add some to your soup...mmmmm


On a side note...I can't believe this thread is over 300 posts!!!!!!! :)

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Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
So I told DH about this diet and he was like "Yay soup" sarcastically. Well we've talked about it, but he didn't sound excited. Well he's headed to the store right now to pick up ingredients for me. He doesn't do diets and I never have either. We eat REALLY healthy. Lots of veggies, fruits, no gluten, no soda or sweetened drinks and lots of water. Plus he's a nutritionist and a chiropractor so he has to approve everything. Haha. Well he approved it and said he would do it with me. Neither of us are unhealthy overweight. But I would love a flatter tummy! So I guess we'll be starting tomorrow! I'm excited. smile29.gifBut not for the pooping!shitfan.gif
Good luck on the diet. If you don't need to lose much and you normally eat healthy you may not lose the same weight as some of the others. I usually eat healthy and started working out 6 days a week (been doing that for a month now) and lost 2 out of the 5-7lbs I wanted to lose. So remember to take that in consideration. It is a great diet though. I had never done one before, but this one seemed healthy (fruits and veggies) so I gave it try.

Originally Posted by Agape Gems View Post
Well this is the start of Day 3 and I'm down 4lbs! Man was that baked potato delicious last night, I even ate the skin which i never eat! My DH is sorta doing the diet with me. I caught him eating some turkey bacon the first night though-lol. And he keeps asking me if he can eat some other soup, like beef and barley or cream of chicken! I worked out the first day but didn't have time yesterday so I'll be back at the gym tonight. And I've got to make more soup b/c DH ate like 4 bowls yesterday and finished off the pot. All in all, I'm glad we are doing this b/c just in 2 days I have realized how crappy we normally eat.
CONGRATS on losing the 4lbs! I felt the same way about the potato. I don't even usually eat them, but it sure was GOOD when I ate it that night! I agree that this diet will show you just how bad you normally eat! That's why I think it was great. Continue the good work!

Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
i went to ww this morning and since i first started this diet i have lost approximately 3.4 lbs!!! like i've said, i don't have much to lose, but i'd LOVE if i could finish this diet -5lbs.
this is day 4 for me. i've had 2 bananas and a bowl of soup. i HATE milk and am randomly lactose intolerant, so i'm going to wait until i get home from the pool club to drink some.
I know you must be excited about losing the 3.4lbs! I'm with you about hating milk and I am lactose intolerant. But, I made a banana shake with cinammon using lactaid fat free milk (which is what I keep in the house).

Originally Posted by Agape Gems View Post
Yooowza! My 2nd batch of soup is way on the spicy side!!! I had to add some white beans to my bowl just so I could eat it. And now i'm drinking milk to cool off my mouth!
I did the same thing with making it spicy and had to add a bag of frozen spinach to it. Still spicy but, at least I could actually eat it without crying!

Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
i added lemon juice to calm the spice.
I wish I had known about the lemon juice when I made mine. I will keep that in mind though!
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Im home!! i have to say traveling and staying in a hotel and eating catered lunched is really challenging! But I did it (almost) Tuesday I wasnt able to have any soup because didnt have access to a microwave. So for lunch I had a salad and a size of veggies. For dinner the resturaunt in the hotel didnt offer baked potatoes. So I ordered a salad again. Wednesday for lunch I had another salad, and I couldnt resist and had a few bites of chicken (oops) but for dinner I was back home and had soup. TOday is a new day and so I am on it again. Butof cource tonight is my dads B-day and we are going to a steak resturaunt. Good thing today is my meat day. Ive only lost 2lbs so far.

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smile35.gif So I thought yesterday was banana day, but its really today. I think I'm gonna hate bananas by the end of today. And I wasn't thinking when I decided to start this week, I have a trunk show at a local boutique this friday and saturday ALL DAY from 9am-9pm! I'm gonna take lots of fruit with me to munch on, but I may have to break down and have a sandwich or something b/c I can't really take bowls of soup with me. If I do that, i think i will skip the 20 oz of beef and just have subway or publix.


Keep up the good work ladies!

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Hey ladies :)


I'm just checking in to see if anyone is still doing this and how you ladies who did it last week are doing :)


So, FI and I took a week off because we were going away this past weekend...We were careful all week, but during the weekend, not so much...Well, we were both shocked that we only gained about 3 lbs back each.


I made a new batch of soup last nigth and we are starting again today...July 4th will be a beef day, so that should make it a little easier to stick to.


How are you guys doing?

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Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
Haha...Celina, we actually had a fight about it yesterday...so I let him know that part of the reson for it is that I'm bored and figured it'd help LOL It was a nasty fight, we still aren't 100% speaking.

Ladies, congrats on all the good work! It's weird reading what you guys are going through and knowing it was just a week ago we were there...it feels like foreverago!

On rice day, add some to your soup...mmmmm

On a side note...I can't believe this thread is over 300 posts!!!!!!! :)
I just read this and thought it was posted this morning - I was thinking - Dez is JACKED UP! She got him all liquored up at the wine tasting and then told him no nookie?!?...I would be mad too! LOLOL!!
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