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Sacred Heart Diet Anyone?

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Originally Posted by FYB87 View Post
Good Morning Ladies,

Congrats to everyone that ended their diets Sunday and Monday! I wanted to post my results as I ended my diet last night!

I wanted to lose 5-8lbs or whatever it took for me to be able to fit back into my trousers and skirts again. I know it's not that much but, I had no intention of buying all new clothes. And I felt like my ass was huge (at least to me it was)!

I did it for the 7 days. Cheated twice and each time with 8 grapes. Also, I drank one or two protein shakes a day since I am in training. Last night was my last day and when I tried on my clothes nothing. I wasn't really disappointed because I now realize that I do have self control and just need to use it.

Anywho...I woke up this morning and when I walked into the bathroom my stomach looked flat. I looked smaller. It's 4am I'm thinking okay I'm tripping! So I get on the scale and I lost 2lbs. Which may not seem like much but, I'm not that big to begin with. So I tried on 3 pairs of my trousers and 2 out of the 3 now fit again without any problems. I like my clothes a little bit big. So they problaby fit just normal now. I am so excited. Another thing...my cycle was late for some reason which I blame on the change in diet and it didn't start until yesterday. So I think I was just bloated and maybe that's why I didn't see any results before because I bloat the week before.

So for everyone that is just starting out don't get discouraged if you don't lose the weight it says you should lose in this diet. You may not see results until the end like I did and remember that you are learning how to exercise your self control which tends to be a problem for all of us.

Good Luck Ladies
Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day,
I was wondering how you were doing! That is so great that your jeans fit this morning!!!! You must be so thrilled you stuck with it after teh first couple of days, you were having a really hard time.

Thats funny that your visitor was late...so was mine and I wondered for a minute if it was because of the diet....hmmmmm.....

So glad you stuck to it! You can do anything! :)
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Originally Posted by froggie1013 View Post
Hey girls. Sorry I haven't posted in a while...I was sick all weekend. Anyway, I have started this diet today. I have a big fruit salad and soup waiting for me in the fridge at work (soup is not a commuter-friendly item to bring for lunch!) and am about to dive into a grapefruit. I'm excited and would be happy to lose 5 pounds. I really just want to fit into a certain dress for a wedding next Thursday. (Who gets married on a Thursday? It's not a DW.) Wish me luck!

Seems like you are all set for today! You can do it!

Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
I was wondering how you were doing! That is so great that your jeans fit this morning!!!! You must be so thrilled you stuck with it after teh first couple of days, you were having a really hard time.

Thats funny that your visitor was late...so was mine and I wondered for a minute if it was because of the diet....hmmmmm.....

So glad you stuck to it! You can do anything! :)
Thanks! I was so happy I actually shouted, "Thank you Jesus."

Since yours was late too maybe it really was. I was 4 days late. Which is very unusual.

I'm glad I stuck with it too. I only made it because of the encouragement you all offered. Who knew when I found this forum I would end up getting so much help in other parts of my life!!
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Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
crap, if i'm late, the pharmacy is going to be OUT of pregnancy tests. one day late and i flip.
awe lol

I wasn't worried....I cut FI off 2 months ago.....yes, we are both going crazy and my friend and sister have money on if we'll make it to the wedding but...lol

I don't want to be pregnant when I get married (no fun if you can't drink at an AI!) and there's not enough time before we get married for me to have it...and my one thing has always been that I want to be married before we have kids (plus, I think it'll make the "first time" more special lol)....sooooooo...lets just say we are counting down the next 6 or so months but I haven't the slightest worry if I'm late LOL
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Originally Posted by FYB87 View Post
Seems like you are all set for today! You can do it!

Thanks! I was so happy I actually shouted, "Thank you Jesus."

Since yours was late too maybe it really was. I was 4 days late. Which is very unusual.

I'm glad I stuck with it too. I only made it because of the encouragement you all offered. Who knew when I found this forum I would end up getting so much help in other parts of my life!!
smile03.gif smile29.gif
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Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
crap, if i'm late, the pharmacy is going to be OUT of pregnancy tests. one day late and i flip.
rofl.gif...Well our wedding night will be our first time! So I wasn't worried. But, I do think it was the diet. I'm not on BC but I know it comes every 26-27 days...28 at the latest. And because the diet was the only thing that changed I truly believe that is the reason I was late.
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So I told DH about this diet and he was like "Yay soup" sarcastically. Well we've talked about it, but he didn't sound excited. Well he's headed to the store right now to pick up ingredients for me. He doesn't do diets and I never have either. We eat REALLY healthy. Lots of veggies, fruits, no gluten, no soda or sweetened drinks and lots of water. Plus he's a nutritionist and a chiropractor so he has to approve everything. Haha. Well he approved it and said he would do it with me. Neither of us are unhealthy overweight. But I would love a flatter tummy! So I guess we'll be starting tomorrow! I'm excited. smile29.gifBut not for the pooping!shitfan.gif

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Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
So I told DH about this diet and he was like "Yay soup" sarcastically. Well we've talked about it, but he didn't sound excited. Well he's headed to the store right now to pick up ingredients for me. He doesn't do diets and I never have either. We eat REALLY healthy. Lots of veggies, fruits, no gluten, no soda or sweetened drinks and lots of water. Plus he's a nutritionist and a chiropractor so he has to approve everything. Haha. Well he approved it and said he would do it with me. Neither of us are unhealthy overweight. But I would love a flatter tummy! So I guess we'll be starting tomorrow! I'm excited. smile29.gifBut not for the pooping!shitfan.gif
i'm assuming that the flat belly isn't long term...i can only wish that i could pee away my food baby.....if you like spicy, add cayenne. i added cayenne to the first batch, which was MUCH better than the 2nd. i'll have to add cayenne to each bowl for this batch.

btw, i don't think i ever posted how i made the soup. i used 2 cans of diced tomatoes (no salt added), a yellow onion, carrots, celery, broccoli, string beans, red, orange, and yellow peppers, lipton chicken noodle, a package of boullion, parsley, mixed pepper, salt, garlic salt, cayenne, and some mrs. dash. for the 2nd batch, i did the same thing w/o cayenne and w/ extra noodle b/c i ran out of chicken noodle.
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Well this is the start of Day 3 and I'm down 4lbs! Man was that baked potato delicious last night, I even ate the skin which i never eat! My DH is sorta doing the diet with me. I caught him eating some turkey bacon the first night though-lol. And he keeps asking me if he can eat some other soup, like beef and barley or cream of chicken! I worked out the first day but didn't have time yesterday so I'll be back at the gym tonight. And I've got to make more soup b/c DH ate like 4 bowls yesterday and finished off the pot. All in all, I'm glad we are doing this b/c just in 2 days I have realized how crappy we normally eat.

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i went to ww this morning and since i first started this diet i have lost approximately 3.4 lbs!!! like i've said, i don't have much to lose, but i'd LOVE if i could finish this diet -5lbs.

this is day 4 for me. i've had 2 bananas and a bowl of soup. i HATE milk and am randomly lactose intolerant, so i'm going to wait until i get home from the pool club to drink some.

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