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Originally Posted by amyh View Post

Anyhow, I'm over it. I am just thankful that I get to have my mom at the wedding. So know I'm feeling awful starting this thread. Thanks ladies for listening!
I know how you feel, moms have a way of getting to us and in the end it's all love but when you're going through a rough spot you don't see it that way. You should see DH when my mom irks me, he's like "why are you so upset? all she said was..." but to me it burns me up LOL It's a mother-daughter thing I suppose...I'm glad she'll be there too. Vent anytime, we've all been through some version of it!
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Don't feel bad about starting the thread. It's actually making me feel better that other people are having the same issues My mom hasn't really been excited at all. I asked if she wanted to go look for a dress this summer and she said "oh, sure." She was more excited about looking for my prom dress in high school that she is about looking for a wedding dress.


My brother gave me the best advice (after he has gotten married and dealt with family stuff) - Do whatever is going to make you happy and don't worry about everyone else. You will stress yourself out and things will work out anyway!


I wish you luck!

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