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Trisha's Bahia Principe Wedding Review...

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Tricia! I checked out your website! Your pictures were beautiful! You looked great and the altar was amazing! I'm hoping that's what mine will look like! Congrats on becoming a MRS!


You, Abbie, and me all have the same website! LOL It just means we have great taste!

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Originally Posted by jkcz0702 View Post
WOW your wedding picts are amazing! I am planning on getting married at the GB Akumal as well. How did you think it all went? Did you pick how to decorate the beach in your meeting when you got to mexico. It looks so pretty with the aqua. Do you know if they had other colors? How did you like the pool reception? We have booked our wedding for Feb 28, 2009 and are trying to determine if it will be windy/chilly at night or if we should do it inside but we want a private reception.

I also saw in your photos someone playing a harp which musician package did you purchase?

I wish you guys the best of luck and happiness!!
OK, so first things first! I thought it went AMAZING! Seriously, it was awesome. I just wanted to cry it was so perfect!
As far as the beach decorations... I brought that fabric myself. It's 10 yards, and I just showed her how I wanted it. They set it up perfectly. The flowers on the posts were an extra $40 each. The table flowers were included. The four flower stands going down the aisle were $40 a piece and then were used at the reception. They all looked amazing!
As far as the pool reception... I'd do it again in a heartbeat! It seriously was AMAZING!!! And it was so fun how everyone would stop and watch or dance nearby... i felt like a movie star. It was so beautiful!
The inside private reception place is the basement... and it's very low ceilings. I would recommend the pool. Perhaps just supply your guests with pashminas and then have it out there. I don't think it'd be bad.

The harp... ok, this is the one part where I'm not too sure! I asked for the Jarachos... but then she couldn't remember if those were the mariachis or the trio... so I was charged for the mariachis... but I'm pretty sure that was the trio! Whatever, they were perfect! The only issue was they didn't play their full 45 minute set and they arrived 30 minutes early which left my guests sitting there for an hour fifteen in silence... BOOOO

Originally Posted by CarrieRN View Post
Check out her wedding website for some pics! It is listed at the bottom of her review! They are gorgeous pics...but I feel that I speak for many of us BDWers in saying... WE WANT MORE!!!!!

Anyhow, congrats Trish! Everything looked perfect. How windy was it on the beach for the ceremony and pictures? Did you get a chance to check out the Portofino restaurant? Did you pick your flowers from the book or bring pics of what you wanted?
you will have more pictures soon... I promise! I had placed my full SD card in a "safe place" and then I couldn't find it! But i have located it now and hopefully I'll be able to download all of those to my wedding website tonight or tomorrow!

Ok, how windy... VERY! I HIGHLY recommend you get your hair UP!!! and honestly, I couldn't wear my veil. We tried it the day before and it nearly strangled me! So, that was dissappointing, HOWEVER without the wind I would have died of heat exhaustion! It was truly perfect in the end.

Portofino... no, I did not... however some of my guests did and they all enjoyed it.

Flowers... I brought pictures of what I wanted and they made them perfect. The only difference was the bridesmaid flower picture I brought had green seedy looking things in them. They don't have them in Mexico so she used hydragea instead and they looked AMAZING! The bridesmaid bouquets were $35 each, my bouquet was included, mom's corsages (white orchids) were $25 each, bags of rose petals were $10 each (I bought four in addition to the one bag that's included).

Anything elsehuh.gif
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Congratulations Trisha! I love all your pictures. Your gazebo with the teal fabric was gorgeous- I love your pink & teal combo... perfect!


Your TTD pics look so fun,. Can't wait to see your pro pics :)


Thanks for the great review- have fun being the new mrs!

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I'm not sure how I got any of the drinks free to tell you the truth! The cocktail hour was supposed to be held poolside, but we had it in the theater instead because she said she'd make it private and it'd be free. well what the heck! why nothuh.gif It was nice too because then there was a change in scenery and the pool reception was a surprise when everyone got out there. it was really nice.


My hair flower is from flowerclips.com


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