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Mommies to be check in


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Thank you all for thinking of me. Nope, no baby yet, I am still here, still contracting and miserable. I tried everything over the weekend to get these contractions going but no luck. I'm at a loss as to what to do. I have my weekly appt. on Wed. so we'll see if I dilated any further, but at this point I am considering just scheduling the C to be done. I am a little nervous if I DON'T have the C cause I don't know what to expect since my first was a C. But more than anything I am excited to meet Shayne and get back to being a little more comfortable.

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Don't worry Margie, the baby will come. You're 37 weeks this week right? That is just now considered full term, so you really don't want that beautiful baby coming out yet! The poor thing would be suseptible to call kinds of stuff, so it might as well stay baking for a few more days! :)

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Originally Posted by Jenn View Post
That's so exciting Margie! Hopefully you'll keep making progress and will be meeting your little one soon!

Ozzie is over 170lbs - not sure exactly what he's at now that he's full grown though. He turn 2 this Friday :) We've taken pics of him sniffing the baby, but he's still a bit rough and I don't totally trust him. He wouldn't hurt Finn on purpose, but Il worry about him swinging a massive paw his direction or something. I thought your dog was a Dane - Great name BTW! Ozzie is short for Ozymandius.
Wow, your dog is bigger than mine! I know what you mean about the dog hurting the baby. We taught our dog to shake hands but his paw is so big and his nails are so long that, in the past, he's scratched kids before but never with the intention of hurting them. Apollo's old now so he doesn't really pay much attention to the baby. He'll sniff him and that's it. But, yours is still young so I'm sure he has much more energy than mine. If you do take a pic of them both, please post; I would love to see!

BTW- Congrats on your baby (not sure if I posted anything before)
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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Don't worry Margie, the baby will come. You're 37 weeks this week right? That is just now considered full term, so you really don't want that beautiful baby coming out yet! The poor thing would be suseptible to call kinds of stuff, so it might as well stay baking for a few more days! :)
Thank you, yes I am 37 weeks today. Last week at my check up when the contractions started she told me they wouldn't do anything to stop them since I was so close to being considered "full term". I want him to have every chance possible to be healthy so a few more days "baking" cheesy.gif is not a bad thing, I just don't think I can last 3 weeks with this type of contractions. Most of the pain is in my back plus the tightening and the pressure in my pelvis and then the baby decides to move at that moment and it all combines to be not so pleasant as I try to go about my normal day.
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Originally Posted by stacey View Post
Margie, I wanted to check in and see what your status is? Is there a new baby yet?

Nope, not yet msncry.gif I have dialated another cm and contractions continue to be about 2 an hour and are pretty strong but not becoming more frequent. I guess slow and steady is a good way to go. I'd rather do the "slow" part this way when I can still get up and around as opposed to 21 hours in a hospital bed that I did with my first. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted!
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