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Mommies to be check in


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Originally Posted by DWandMJ View Post
Well ladies, I'm joining the ranks!
As of Friday, our pregnancy was confirmed after four months of trying :)
Baby's ETA is May 26, 2009....
We told his parents this morning, we'll share the news with my side on Friday in person.
Congratulations Marie!

Originally Posted by Reluctant Beach Bride View Post
(Oh and my name is Margie cheesy.gif )
Hi Margie!!! So glad i know your name now.

We go Oct 1st to find out the sex. Hopefully my baby cooperates. I think i'm having a boy.
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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Congratulations Marie!

Hi Margie!!! So glad i know your name now.

We go Oct 1st to find out the sex. Hopefully my baby cooperates. I think i'm having a boy.
I hope you have a cooperative baby Danielle, can't wait to here what you are having!

I unexpectedly got to see baby again today. I took a little "blow" to the stomach on Sunday while DH and my son were wrestling on our bed and I have been feeling mild contraction like pains in my stomach and back on and off since then. I didn't think too much of it till I got a really intense pain mostly concentrated in my back while at work today so I called my OB and they sent me to Labor and Delivery for evaluation. Everything seemed okay on the monitors, so they did a quick ultrasound just to take a peek and make me feel better. So, baby had the hiccups which was cute and the legs were wide open!!!! The nurse asked if I knew what I was having and I said no, that they couldn't see clearly at my U/S. She says "Well, this is a clear shot for them, but I don't do these often enough to really tell, so I'm not even gonna guess"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what.gif So I STILL don't know. But, everything is okay. Turns out it is a bladder and kidney infection causing all this pain.
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Hi Mommies.....I hope everyone is doing well....I am finally a mommy!! Mia Bella arrived on 9/5/09 via c-section - after being almost 1 week late and being in labor for about 20 hrs. Was scheduled to be induced on 9/8 but went to DR for non-stress test on Wednesday and a sonogram on Friday showed that my amniotic fluid was low. Was told to go to the hospital for baby - went home got my things and off I went. They inserted the pill to help me dialate, gave me some good drugs, hubby said I said f*cking Big Bird?? and that I said I was floating around Sesame Street? LOL I got to 5cm and they started the petocin but everytime I received it the babys heart rate dropped so they decided to do a c-section. Was pretty painful but I was glad everything was ok with the baby. Supposedly during the c-section they realized I had a band on/in my uterus that would have made a vaginal birth impossible!! Has anyone heard of this before? DR said its pretty rare and he has only seen it once? Plan to ask more when I go for my f/u visit. Had great nurses and hubby was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING in taking care of me and the baby after the surgery - he changed all diapers until I was able to get up and stayed home with us for 2 weeks doing everything and anything to help!!


Here are a few pictures of our little bundle of joy!!

Mia Bella


7lbs 1oz

19.5 inches


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Mia is now 3 weeks old, 4 weeks on Saturday and is doing amazing!!

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Congrats to the new mommies and mommies to be!!!



I am officially at the half way mark today, 20 WEEKS!!!!! In some ways it feels like it went fast and in other ways it feels like I should be giving birth any day now. I have started to feel the first flutters of movement in the last week or so. I can't wait till its full on kicks so DH and my son can feel too. I hope the next 20 weeks goes quickly, I am so anxious to meet my baby. With 5 years between kids, I feel like I have waited forever to have this one.


Danielle - are you getting excited?? Only 2 more days till U/S!!

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