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Amy, I can imagine that would be frustrating. Maybe they'd give you another one if you asked?? The practice I go to only does one U/S at 18-20 weeks, unless as others have said there is a complication or reason that another may be needed. I have mine scheduled for this Wednesday at 3:30 and I am so excited. Last night I told DH "Only 66.5 hours till our U/S" He looked at me like I was crazy : ) Guess counting hours is a little silly but I just can't wait to know. I have such STRONG intuitions that it is a girl and I want to see if I'm right, I just hope the baby cooperates. I read somewhere that 70% of pregnant women in a study with no prior knowledge of the sex of their child were able to correctly guess based on intuition alone. I had the same gut feelings the first time that it was a boy and it was so maybe there is something to that. I took Intelligender too, I had posted on here before about it, and that said girl so just two more days and I will know, hopefully for sure : )

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Originally Posted by Reluctant Beach Bride View Post
Amy, I can imagine that would be frustrating. Maybe they'd give you another one if you asked?? The practice I go to only does one U/S at 18-20 weeks, unless as others have said there is a complication or reason that another may be needed. I have mine scheduled for this Wednesday at 3:30 and I am so excited. Last night I told DH "Only 66.5 hours till our U/S" He looked at me like I was crazy : ) Guess counting hours is a little silly but I just can't wait to know. I have such STRONG intuitions that it is a girl and I want to see if I'm right, I just hope the baby cooperates. I read somewhere that 70% of pregnant women in a study with no prior knowledge of the sex of their child were able to correctly guess based on intuition alone. I had the same gut feelings the first time that it was a boy and it was so maybe there is something to that. I took Intelligender too, I had posted on here before about it, and that said girl so just two more days and I will know, hopefully for sure : )
I'm so excited for you! Make sure you post right away!!

Amy- I know a lot of cities have those 3-d u/s places around. You can usually get one of those for about 100 bucks. They give you a video and a bunch of pictures. I guess if your dr doesn't do another u/s you could always do that.
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Well, it looks like I ended up in the same frustrating situation as Amy. The baby did not cooperate and we couldn't get a 100% definite answer on sex. The tech said she THINKS she saw a penis and pointed to something and said that "could be" it, but she was not convinced, didn't sound confident and wouldn't provide me with a percentage on how sure she was or wasn't. Since the baby didn't cooperate in other ways, they didn't get all the pictures they needed so I will get another U/S for that reason. I have to go back in 3 weeks, at which time I will be 21 weeks along. With my first baby, it was just so clearly and definitely a boy, you could see it ALL. Everything in my gut for weeks now has said girl so I am having a hard time accepting that it could be wrong. Obviously I am happy to be having a healthy baby which is what matters. I just kinda have my heart set on a girl. I have been reading about how other things can cause the tech to think they see male parts, the umbilical cord, a swallon clitoris or labia, etc. My aunt was told my cousin was a boy at her first scan and at her second they said girl and it was a girl, so I am in wait and see mode right along with Amy. I am considering the 3-D ultrasound if the next scan is inconclusive too.

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Originally Posted by Reluctant Beach Bride View Post
Well, it looks like I ended up in the same frustrating situation as Amy. The baby did not cooperate and we couldn't get a 100% definite answer on sex. The tech said she THINKS she saw a penis and pointed to something and said that "could be" it, but she was not convinced, didn't sound confident and wouldn't provide me with a percentage on how sure she was or wasn't. Since the baby didn't cooperate in other ways, they didn't get all the pictures they needed so I will get another U/S for that reason. I have to go back in 3 weeks, at which time I will be 21 weeks along. With my first baby, it was just so clearly and definitely a boy, you could see it ALL. Everything in my gut for weeks now has said girl so I am having a hard time accepting that it could be wrong. Obviously I am happy to be having a healthy baby which is what matters. I just kinda have my heart set on a girl. I have been reading about how other things can cause the tech to think they see male parts, the umbilical cord, a swallon clitoris or labia, etc. My aunt was told my cousin was a boy at her first scan and at her second they said girl and it was a girl, so I am in wait and see mode right along with Amy. I am considering the 3-D ultrasound if the next scan is inconclusive too.
What a bummer! My dr wont even do the gender u/s until 20 weeks so I am sure you will get a better shot then!! But yay for being able to see your little baby again!
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Danielle, I am crossing my fingers we get cooperation at the next one, I hope the baby gives us a nice clear view of whatever its got : ) I had contemplated the 3D ultrasound if the next one isn't clear but now I think I will just do it the old fashion way and wait till I have the baby to know for sure. (Oh and my name is Margie cheesy.gif )

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Margie~ Sorry this happened to you too, but you're lucky you know the date for your next chance to see the baby! My tech didn't think she'd see everything she needed to, but then she did (that was the reason I had a

2nd U/S with Austin~ she couldn't see his upper lip). I asked her if seeing the genital area was on her checklist and unfortunately it's not!


Danielle~ I thought about getting the bedding~ especially since it's at Target and I found a bunch of gift cards from our wedding that I somehow didn't spend yet! But, I think I'm just going to wait and see if I have diabetes~ if I do, I'll have a ton of U/S's again. We'll see!

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Originally Posted by DWandMJ View Post
Well ladies, I'm joining the ranks!
As of Friday, our pregnancy was confirmed after four months of trying :)
Baby's ETA is May 26, 2009....
We told his parents this morning, we'll share the news with my side on Friday in person.
Congrats!!! It's so fun telling everyone.
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