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Mommies to be check in


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Originally Posted by stacey View Post
Mrs Martin, there is a tea called Get Rugular. Its made by Yogi teas, you can find it at Whole Foods. I bet that would help you. I would think that you could drink it since it is a natural tea. there is also another tea called Smooth Move that you might be able to find at the grocery store. I hope that helps!
I was going to suggest the same thing!

Mrs. Martin - hope you start too feel better soon :)

Andrea - ur new siggy is adorable!!
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You ladies are too cute!! Thanks for all the suggestions!! I've actually been drinking the Yogi Tea (and also the "Mother's to be" version that helps with morning sickness). Both didn't work sad.gif I've been eating lots of prunes, plenty of fiber, etc. The doc just said since it's a combination of the pregnancy and meds that are causing the constipation, that the only thing that will really help me at this point is to stop taking the meds. So, for now I'll just take the meds when I'm super nauseous (and be constipated) and try taking a few med-free days and try to regulate my system again. I've also been taking stool softners (safe during pregnancy) and it helps a bit.


It's funny that not being "regular" can be such a big deal- never realized how nasty you feel when you can't poop!!!! Now, I will be much more sympathetic when I see Activia commercials :)

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Hey ladies!! I have been MIA for a while now and wanted to check back in now that things have calmed down!! To catch you up, in the past 3 weeks I have: been to Italy, started a new job, been to New Orleans, and started my 2nd Trimester! Who says pregnancy slows things down?! But really, it's been crazy, and luckily (knock on wood) I never even thought about not feeling well or getting sick this whole time. Apparently not getting sick runs in our family (I'm a lucky, lucky girl).


We are right at 16 weeks and have our anatomy U/S in a few more weeks. We did the Intelli-Gender Urine test last week just for fun ($32!!) - I'm not good at reading stuff like that, and I thought it could have matched the colors for a boy (green) or a girl (orange)... my DH said it looked like girl to him. I had him do a quick U/S yesterday (he's an ER doc) just to make sure our little Nugget is still there - and he said he saw nothing between any legs... so it's looking like a girl... but I'm not buying pink until I get the okay from our OB/GYN!! I swear I would buy an U/S machine if I could!


On another TMI topic - Mrs. Martin I'm so sorry you're having issues!! I did while we were in Italy, and didn't go to the bathroom for 5 days (when I travel I am really irregular, but that was a little much)!!! Finally, my DH convinced me that an enema was the only way to go... I thought it would be awful, but I honestly felt SO much better when it was all over. My OB said for me to try Miralax if it becomes a chronic issue, but the enema is fine too.

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