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Originally Posted by *HOLLY* View Post
Tell him the sooner the better for both of you.
I HATED being prego at 8months i August it was so friggin hot. Try and talk him into knocking you up sooner than later!
I get to be 7 months with twins in August... and I can't have any bloody BEER. This summer is going to suck. "Near beer" just isn't the same...
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Our next u/s isn't until May 26 -- it's the big one. We weren't going to find out sex when we thought we were only having a singleton, but all bets are off now. I need to know. I feel pretty good, still pretty tired but no morning sickness or nausea. I'm very lucky.

We put our house up for sale recently and it sold in 6 days! Holy crap! Now we're building. Hopefully will be moved into our new house by the end of July. We are insane. Hopefully I'm not on bedrest or something crappy like that. I'll be 28 weeks by the time we move into the new house. Crazy! We figured better to do it now before the kids come!

Sometimes I still think the twin thing is just a big giant joke. I read too much bad stuff on the internet about "vanishing twin" sydrome. Ugh... Starting to show a little bit now, although to most people it just looks like I'm gaining weight and getting a bit fluffy in the middle.


Holly - twins don't even run in my family and I wasn't taking any fertillty meds/treatments!! Twins were the LAST thing on my mind. Now I just tell people that my body is efficient! 2 in 1 shot and we're done!

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HAHAH 2-1 shots I love it sloan. I am so happy you are feeling better. You must post right away when you figure out what you are having. Have names picked out?

A and I are looking into placing our house on the market. We actually just got a market study done so we need to go over that. It doesnt look good but our dream house is still for sale and the only one left in that area.


Guess who just bought and started to take prenatal vit. THIS CHICK oh yeah :)

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Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ View Post
Mrs. Martin, feeling any better? Hope so!
Thanks for thinking of me! I'm feeling a little better, not throwing up as much. The meds the doc gave me have a wonderful side effect: constipation! So, not only am i getting that from being pregnant, but now from my meds! It's getting to the point where I would rather throw up all day long than be constipated because my stomach is hurting so much. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that this will all go away as soon as the 1st trimester passes me by.

Sloan- I'm so jealous that you are not having any morning sickness!!! Don't worry about the whole moving thing. We moved into our new house when I was 35 weeks pregnant and even though it was stressful, I'm glad we did it before the baby arrived.

I hope everyone else is doing well
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Mrs Martin, there is a tea called Get Rugular. Its made by Yogi teas, you can find it at Whole Foods. I bet that would help you. I would think that you could drink it since it is a natural tea. there is also another tea called Smooth Move that you might be able to find at the grocery store. I hope that helps!

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Mrs. Martin- The constipation happened to my good friend too and nothing worked for her. I felt so badly. It all went away mid second trimester and then she got kidney stones! It was horrible.. and now all is said and done and her baby comes on Monday! It is all worth it in the end.. hang in there!


Sloan- 2 for 1 love it! I would love twins after we already have 1 child.. because I want 3 children and hubby wants 2! Def keep us posted with updates!


Stacey- how is everything with you??


I need to go get my pre-natals tomm!!

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