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Rachel's Las Caletas Review/ Wedding Recap

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Rach - everything looked so cool. I am officially jealous of the location. LC is beautiful and I am telling Matt we are going there for something, just have to figure out what. I so wish I had found this forum before I had chosen my location!!!


Anyway, you all looked like you had a blast and I can't wait to see some pictures of you and your ceremony!!

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Originally Posted by Mel View Post
Mom said that I should wear shoes at least to the sand, but having to handle my dress, make sure I don't miss a step, hold on to a rail, and risk being tripped by my flip flops or kicking them off...no thanks!
I wouldn't wear anything on your feet. THe stairs are smooth rocks and I walked barefoot the whole time. I felt much more comfortable bare foot than I did walking around in flip flops earlier in the day. The soles of my flip flops kept slipping on the stairs.

And if I can go down the stairs without falling- so can you! Just go slower than everyone else!
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Thanks so much for your review. I really love LC, its so beautiful like a dream. When I first began reading your post I thought, well maybe Cabo or Mazatlan. Glad to hear it all worked out and you rolled with the mistakes. Congrats!!


Arlene Catherine

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Hi Andi. I'm not sure how much time we had to take pics. Maybe an hour? Or slightly less? We got done and there was still some light left and Beth had asked me if there were anymore shots I wanted. I was so brain dead I didn't know if there any others we wanted/needed. I couldn't even remember the ones we had just took. Some of my guests jumped in and were like "can you take a picture of me with so and so?" So Beth took some shots of my family with their friends in the end.

Taking pictures before hand is always an option too. I wasn't opposed to the idea but Beth never asked us if we wanted too. She had done a few more LC weddings so I figured she knew if we needed to have some pre-ceremony shots together. I'll let you know in three weeks if you truly do need to do them pre-ceremony. I can't wait to see the pictures either!

Great thanks for the feedback! that does give me a better idea of time...about an hour (or slightly less) sounds like it would be enough time for after ceremony pics!
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rach, i looked at all your photos so far last night. everything looks beautiful, i cant wait to see more photos of you in your dress and whatnot!


ha, sounds like everybody wants to go to LC now, me included! haha maybe we should plan a big BDW get together down there for next year cheesy.gif

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Originally Posted by Maura View Post
ha, sounds like everybody wants to go to LC now, me included! haha maybe we should plan a big BDW get together down there for next year cheesy.gif
i like where your heads at! nice!
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Originally Posted by Maura View Post
sounds like everybody wants to go to LC now, me included! haha maybe we should plan a big BDW get together down there for next year cheesy.gif
I'm down. I would like to go back and do it all again non-sick. I just laid on the beach like a beached whale. It would be so nice to see what LC has besides a beach and a lot of stairs.

Speaking of which- the best part about LC in the day is the parrots and owls that fly from tree to tree overhead. It's so pretty and you truly feel like you are on a magical island. My BM held the monkey which I was VERY jealous about. By the time I hiked my butt up to the bridal suite I didn't want to hike down for the monkey. I should have though. Totally regretting it.
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