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Rachel's Las Caletas Review/ Wedding Recap

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I'm so glad that you were able to not worry about things that kept happening, especially being sick. I get so bitchy when I get sick, I don't know if I could have been as easy going. Love the pics and can't wait to see more. Its funny I've got less than 2 months and I can picture walking down the isle and walking up to FI and meeting Brad...haha good times I CAN'T WAIT!!!



Don't feel alone. I can't get on an escalator without actually having to think about it and time it right. FI laughs about it every time even after 3 years together. And I can not walk down or up stairs without holding on to a rail. Those stairs are my worst fear. Mom said that I should wear shoes at least to the sand, but having to handle my dress, make sure I don't miss a step, hold on to a rail, and risk being tripped by my flip flops or kicking them off...no thanks!

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Congratulations and welcome back Rachel!!! I loved your very detail and funny review! I have to admit I cried and laugh , thank you very much for sharing all these details... same as Amy I will def have to go to LC before we leave for HM!!!


and waiting for more pics , we want to see you in your dress!!

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I love your review! You brought it all back. Sounds like a great day, mishaps and all. I think the little mistakes are what makes it even more memorable if you have the right attitude, like you did.


Did I ever tell you guys that Brad mixed up the ring part? Like he gave me the microphone and said "Will, place this ring on Jamy's finger and repeat after me" while I said the lines, then the reverse for Will. We looked at Brad at first like "what?" and he looked at us like "what?"...haha We just went with it and the video is hilarious! (and on top of that I put the ring on the wrong finger!).


Good times, congratulations again :)

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Wow Rachel, sounds like you had an awesome time! You took great pics, and your review was amazing. Im sure all the next LC brides will have a much better picture of what to expect now. You rock!


And congrats! Can't wait to see pics of YOU at your wedding wink.gif

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Wonderful review. I read it ALL too! wink.gif


I've never heard about the music mistake being good luck but hey that's cool! I can't wait to see more pictures. I totally understand the part about rushing people with pictures too. Every minute is like another $100!! lol

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Originally Posted by CODestBride2009 View Post
Hi Rachel,
Congratulations! Great review by the way and read it all and laughed and teared up too! I have a question for you about daylight (I am actually about to hand over my cc to Nicole to reserve my date for LC next April) so I am wondering about daylight. How much time after the ceremony do you think you actually had to take pics? I figure between March and April there isnt too much much of a difference so I am just trying to get an idea. Thank you!

Hi Andi. I'm not sure how much time we had to take pics. Maybe an hour? Or slightly less? We got done and there was still some light left and Beth had asked me if there were anymore shots I wanted. I was so brain dead I didn't know if there any others we wanted/needed. I couldn't even remember the ones we had just took. Some of my guests jumped in and were like "can you take a picture of me with so and so?" So Beth took some shots of my family with their friends in the end.

Taking pictures before hand is always an option too. I wasn't opposed to the idea but Beth never asked us if we wanted too. She had done a few more LC weddings so I figured she knew if we needed to have some pre-ceremony shots together. I'll let you know in three weeks if you truly do need to do them pre-ceremony. I can't wait to see the pictures either!
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