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Hello ladies,


It's only 7 months until my wedding in Cancun Mexico and NO ONE has booked. I just got off the phone with my travel agent and she has informed me that the airfare and hotel rates will go up significantly by the end of this month. What should I do? I'm worried no one will come. I understood that by moving my wedding to Mexico the guest list would be cut significantly (maybe 20 people tops) but now I'm worried no one will show up! Did I make the wrong decision?????

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Originally Posted by kellip17 View Post


Why does she think hotel and flight rates are going to go up?  That isn't good news as it would affect all of us destination  brides. :(

She said the fall discounts end in October. After Nov. she claims that the rates go up significantly. Is anyone else in my shoes? Have all their guest reserved their room and flights already?

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Hmmmm. I spoke with my travel agent this week about pricing & she didn't mention prices going up at the end of the month. I sure hope not! Our wedding is in June, we sent save the dates 4 months ago & nobody has booked! Our immediate families are getting ready to do so in the next few weeks. but no one else :( We plan to send invites around January. It surprises me when I see other brides getting married around the same time as me that have like 20+ ppl booked! I don't even have any clue how many guest we'll end up with! But I don't think you made the wrong decision! It's what you want & the people who matter will be there! Good luck!

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I feel your pain! We sent out Save the Dates a year in advance letting people know our wedding would be destination and details would follow. We searched high and low for the best rates for our guests and sent out our invites and then after our invites went out it seemed like no one cared to book! It was SO frustrating! When is your wedding?


If you went with a travel agent he way your "contract" is with the travel provider will depend on how long your prices are locked in, we didnt have a contract but FI and I had to place deposits for ourselves and then 30 trips were held at our rates for people to put deposits down within 90 days, after the 90 days prices were not guaranteed and could have gone up, maybe thats what your agent is talking about. For us $200 deposits were due by May 1st and the remaining amount due at the end of September. We had some people, including FI's mom who put down  deposits within 30 minutes of the deadline. We weren't sure what was stopping people from booking either, it was the weirdest thing!

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My wedding is May 31st. The travel agent just said that the longer people wait the more expensive it would be and the less likely the hotel will have availability for them. I'm really worried that no one will come, I want to cry :( Maybe I'm just having a moment. it feels good to hear about all the other brides on here who are dealing with the same problem. I too put so much effort in finding the most economical place and hotel and I sent my save the dates a year in advance. I've explained to my family and friends that this is an opportunity for them to go on vacation and see me get married. There hasn't been a wedding in my family in over 15 years and I can't remember the last time anyone went on vacation. I'm crossing my fingers everything works out.

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Originally Posted by Jencakes21 View Post


My wedding is May 31st. The travel agent just said that the longer people wait the more expensive it would be and the less likely the hotel will have availability for them. I'm really worried that no one will come, I want to cry :( Maybe I'm just having a moment. it feels good to hear about all the other brides on here who are dealing with the same problem. I too put so much effort in finding the most economical place and hotel and I sent my save the dates a year in advance. I've explained to my family and friends that this is an opportunity for them to go on vacation and see me get married. There hasn't been a wedding in my family in over 15 years and I can't remember the last time anyone went on vacation. I'm crossing my fingers everything works out.

I bet people will book, they tend to drag their feet for whatever reason!  If you search around on here you will see other brides have also posted about being in the same situation with worrying about amounts of guests/no guests. The way me and my FI looked at it was WE will be there and WE matter the most! We are also not having an at home reception so this is the only time to celebrate with us, and after lots of thinking about it we were ok with it if not many people showed up. I say keep your chin up and people will eventually book, and in the mean time if you need to vent come on here and do it with us :o)

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The truth is that prices will go up as time moves on. My prices have gone up about 40$ in 4 months. What did ou put for an RSVP date? I made it clear to my guests that when they book and put their $150 down, their price gets locked in and it can't go up. That's why it makes no sense to wait till the last min to book... People will come though girl, keep you chin up! We had a promotion going on that had an "end" date, which made everyone want to book before it was over

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