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Tell Him/Her you Love them.......

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Hello everyone…..


As we are all busy with our planning, it is very easy to get caught up in OOT bags, photography choices and music selections.  It is very easy to lose sight of the special person that has given you a reason to plan.


My neighbor lost her husband last night – He was 36 years old.  The same age as my husband.  They have 3 children under the age of 9.  I had to drive her to the emergency room once the paramedics put him in the ambulance (not sure if they were able to revive him before we left).  She kept saying “God, please donâ€t take him away from me…..I cannot do this on my ownâ€. 


In felt so bad for her…..and in my heart I knew there was probably words left unsaid and perhaps maybe even regret.  Sadly, the couple has always argued intensely (so intense that we can hear)….This past Wednesday morning around 3:00 a.m., I was awaken to screaming and yelling….their dog was barking and the kids were crying…(I am a very light sleeper…..my honey slept though most of it)….Then I heard the sound of glass breaking…The next day, my fiancé said he saw her and she said her husband was upset because his Mom had passed (not sure how recently) and he was drinking.  My fiancé said he later saw the husband cleaning the broken glass…..


Yesterday evening, I was on my computer (wedding planning of course…) and I saw the lights of the ambulance outside.  I looked out and saw my neighbor crying (I thought the worst…) I grabbed a jacket and wet outside.  She was crying saying they were taking and he seized then slumped over her youngest child.  By the time I got outside the paramedics were inside trying to revive him. I was able to see him on the floor as they worked on him.  She kept saying “we had such a good day today….: and “Please God….†


I took her to the emergency room where her brother –in-law met her.  I went back home and went next door where other neighbors were there with her children who had been upstairs while the paramedics where there.  I gave my number to her Aunt and told her to keep me posted.  I went back into my home and called my fiancé..as I told him what happened and we both said we would pray that he would be ok…her aunt called to say he had passed.


My heart is extremely heavy this morning….although I was not what you would consider “close†to my neighbors….I am hurting for this woman that has lost her husband.  It is very easy to take our loved ones for granted.  Here on BDW, we are happy as we plan our beautiful weddings….(however…there is another site….that shall remain nameless that I cringe at the frivolous threads like “Should I ask my FI to change my ring because I do not like it….â€etc....). 


I just wanted to remind everyone to take a moment to pause and remember why….tell your significant other that you love them…..My FI since we have known each other has always kissed me when he leaves the house….even if only to go for gas or the Sunday paper….the simple gesture….now means so much to me…..





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Thank you so much for posting this, its definitely true that we take all of our loved ones for granted; especially those who are closest to us. All of our friends and family say that my FI and I are very mushy, he works out of town for 2 weeks at a time and is only home for a week. We try to spend as much time together when he is home, and we are always telling each other how much we love the other and we are always hugging, cuddling and holding hands; even in public (although we're not the over the top make out everywhere type of couple). But neither one of us will ever wonder if how the other one feels, its all said in words or by gestures. I do remind myself often to just take the time to enjoy it with my FI, even if its a little nap and cuddle in the middle of the day, its those little things that make a relationship. 


Again, thank you so much for posting this reminder so we all remember to take a time out and appreciate why and for who we are doing all this wedding planning. Your neighbours will be in my prayers.



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Originally Posted by aquamaniac View Post


Thank you so much for posting this, its definitely true that we take all of our loved ones for granted; especially those who are closest to us. All of our friends and family say that my FI and I are very mushy, he works out of town for 2 weeks at a time and is only home for a week. We try to spend as much time together when he is home, and we are always telling each other how much we love the other and we are always hugging, cuddling and holding hands; even in public (although we're not the over the top make out everywhere type of couple). But neither one of us will ever wonder if how the other one feels, its all said in words or by gestures. I do remind myself often to just take the time to enjoy it with my FI, even if its a little nap and cuddle in the middle of the day, its those little things that make a relationship. 


Again, thank you so much for posting this reminder so we all remember to take a time out and appreciate why and for who we are doing all this wedding planning. Your neighbours will be in my prayers.



Thank you Maja!

My parent are still mushy and they have been married over 30 years!

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Thanks for such necessary reminder to all of us...Our time together is so precious. In the midst of all of the turns of life, we tend to forget, take for granted and/or minimize how important the love of our friends and families is to us.  I share your hurt for your neighbor, as I couldn't imagine myself in the same situation. 

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Originally Posted by Speckles121 View Post


Thank you for posting this..remember to to always say i love you and never go to bed fighting. Life is too precious!! Thinking of you, your FI and your neighbors family during this time!

You are welcome....I just felt it was so important.  Thank you for your kind words. 

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Originally Posted by favorsmr View Post


Thanks for such necessary reminder to all of us...Our time together is so precious. In the midst of all of the turns of life, we tend to forget, take for granted and/or minimize how important the love of our friends and families is to us.  I share your hurt for your neighbor, as I couldn't imagine myself in the same situation. 

Thank you.....we all need to take time to reflect on what is important.  About 30 before this happened, I was in my own little world opening a package from etsy.....

I slept a little closer to my FI last night...

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Thank you for reminding us what is important. I always say tomorrow is never promised...it's too easy for us to say I'll do or say it tomorrow. I pray your neighbor finds strength in her love for her husband and children. My heart hurts for them as they as so young. Keep your love ones even closer, I know I will.

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Thank you for posting this. What a sad story, my thoughts are with your neighbour. My FI always laughs at me because I never hang up  the phone without telling him I love him. We are all so lucky right now and I hope we will remain so.

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