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Bridal Party Wrinkle Concerns

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Any brides who have been through the destination wedding routine, your advice is appreciated.  I will be using our resort to steam my dress after we arrive so it is ready for our wedding day and will have them do the same for the bridesmaid dresses, the groom's suit and groomsmen suits as well.  I was just wondering if anyone brought along a travel steamer to freshen up their dress and the bridal party prior to the wedding ceremony since we will be taking pics for a few hours prior to the actual ceremony.  Stupid question I know but I don't want everyone wrinkled in the ceremony pics.  Maybe my brain is just worrying about really stupid things with less than 3 months to go...???

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I think that if you are wearing the clothes before your ceremony they won't get to badly wrinkled.  I think if you use the resort to steam everything before hand they should hold out for a few hours of picture taking before your wedding ceremony.


Originally Posted by Brenners View Post

Any brides who have been through the destination wedding routine, your advice is appreciated.  I will be using our resort to steam my dress after we arrive so it is ready for our wedding day and will have them do the same for the bridesmaid dresses, the groom's suit and groomsmen suits as well.  I was just wondering if anyone brought along a travel steamer to freshen up their dress and the bridal party prior to the wedding ceremony since we will be taking pics for a few hours prior to the actual ceremony.  Stupid question I know but I don't want everyone wrinkled in the ceremony pics.  Maybe my brain is just worrying about really stupid things with less than 3 months to go...???


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