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wedding party dilemma...

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Hi ladies just need a bit of advice. Ok so here's my issue...I have a good friend that you can tell really wants to be a bridesmaid but im keeping it to family plus my best friend of 10 years. As it is I have one too many bridesmaids..and its driving me crazy that our wedding party is uneven lol. I want her to somehow be part of the wedding but cant really think of how to include her. I feel almost guilty because so far shes been really involved in the planning and throwing ideas on the table. Any ideas on how I can include her somehow without her being a bridesmaid??

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Oh tough.... why not give her another job, like a VIE (very important extra). You could ask her to do a reading (or song if she is musically inclined) at the ceremony, speak at the reception, work the guest book table, hand out programs, or give her some other job. I have seen this called a Hostess before, I believe. 

Just be honest about everything with her, and chances are, she will totally understand.

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I am having the same issue with one of my best friends!  I am thinking of having her do a reading during the ceremony.  On that note, does anyone know of a website with good suggestions for ceremony readings?  And when in the ceremony would you have her do the reading? 

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No I dont know of any websites but I'm sure you can find something on this amazing site. They seem to have everything LOL. I haven't decided yet but I think I'm going to leave her in charge of making sure the little things are done and that things run relatively smoothly (ex. throughout the ceremony/reception/guestbook/little things while we're getting ready and whatnot). I know thats what the WC is for but theres some stuff that I would rather have done by someone that knows exactly what I want. I'm also having some games during the wedding day that ill need assistance with =)

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Oh that is a good idea too!

Originally Posted by LisaforMelanie View Post

Hello there!

I am here to support my cousin through her DW in Mexico.  While I am the MOH, she is going to have a very dear friend of hers sign the Wedding Registry as a Witness.  I think it is a beautiful idea and her friend is thrilled to have an important task on the big day. 

Hope this helps!


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