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Grand sunset princess - DJ or Audio Equipment???

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hi Ladies.. Im trying to figure out all my llittle details and a question i have is about the Dj..  Do you know if they will play my songlist that i have on my Ipod or can we send hima list of this songs we want? Or is it better off just renting the equiptment and playing the songs our selves???

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  • 7 months later...



No i have still no received an answer regarding the music issue. I am currently having my sister download all the music (ceremony, cocktail and reception) on an ipod along with CDs. I have requested to have the hotel DJ at our recpetion and then i was going to give him our ipod and see what he can do. But i am so nervous as to what will happen. Even with the ceremony..who controls the mucis??


What are your plans for the music?

Originally Posted by Brandie28 View Post

Hey There!

I was wondering if you ever found out about your question above? I'm also in the same boat and would like to know if the DJ plays your provided songs and how we are supposed to supply this to them?




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  • 4 months later...



WIth regards to the DJ, i have to say it was kinda pointless to have hired him. My sister made labeled CD's and an ipod with songs list (ceremony, reception, etc) The guy who worked the music durning the ceremony was awesome, all the music was dead on and at the perfect time, but the reception DJ wasnt the greatest. He just kinda stood there, so my sister and the rest of my BM just kept going up to his station and changing the songs themselves. It all worked out in the end, but if i were you I would just get the equiptment and pulg in your own music. Hope that helps! ANy other questions feel free to ask :)


How is the rest of your planning coming along?

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Helllo.. No worries about asking so many questions, i was the same way. Its hard planning something far away and not knowing how it all works. I had alot of songs put onto CDs and and ipod. I had about 10 songs to be played while the guests were being seated and waiting (love songs), I had a song for the GM and Groom, the BMs, myself walking down the isle, a song while we were signing our documents, and then our exit song. I also had songs to be played for the cocktail hour, and then all our reception dance music along with our first dance and instrumental music to be played while we were eating. All the CDs were label as well as put into playlists for the ipod. The hotel has a music tec that controls the music for the ceremony, and i must say there were dead on! I told Emma about my music lists and she said not to worry about as they do weddings everyday.There was a minor screw up..they didnt play the songs that i picked for the guests while there were waiting, but it was ok, when i watched out video there was music playing and it was really nice slow music..so it was ok. But the rest of the music during the ceremony was dead on! When i watch our wedding video i cant believe how perfect each song was.


Hope that helps!


Let me know if you have any other questions :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Vancity bride =

I so appreciate you helping me out. It's crazy how many questions you can have.

What did your husband wear for the wedding? Did he wear sandles or closed shoes? We were going to put my fiance and boys in nice sandals but we read that in the restarants they had to be closed toe shoes. Is this true?

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Im glad i could help you. It true, there are sooo many questions you can have. But thats only normal because you dont know what to except out there. But i can assure you they do a wonderful job. As for what my husband wore on his feet, he and his GM wore closed toe beige shoes. I did my reception in a gala room becuase we had so many ppl and i wanted it to be more private and have more time. But i did see alot of grooms wearing sandals. Just shoot your WC an email and see what she says.


Let me know if you have any other questions :)

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Originally Posted by VancityBride View Post




WIth regards to the DJ, i have to say it was kinda pointless to have hired him. My sister made labeled CD's and an ipod with songs list (ceremony, reception, etc) The guy who worked the music durning the ceremony was awesome, all the music was dead on and at the perfect time, but the reception DJ wasnt the greatest. He just kinda stood there, so my sister and the rest of my BM just kept going up to his station and changing the songs themselves. It all worked out in the end, but if i were you I would just get the equiptment and pulg in your own music. Hope that helps! ANy other questions feel free to ask :)


How is the rest of your planning coming along?

That is really good to know! My coordinator keeps trying to tell me not to make a playlist and that the DJ has tons of songs to choose from, however I am just not sure what songs are popular down there right now and if they would be the same as Canada :)

I think I am going to do it your way and do both ipod and CD's.. sorry I have a couple of questions if you don't mind ;)...

For the ceremony songs, did you have a different playlist and/or CD for each (example: playlist for guests seating, playlist for BM's, playlist for you walking down etc...) or was everything all on 1 disc or playlist.

For the reception, do they announce when you will have your first dance etc or do you have to go tell the DJ?


Really appreciate the feedback, I'm practically done the planning, just working on music and some odds and ends now :)

Overall, was everything amazing for you!?

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