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Posts posted by cherany

  1. Omg, ladies!  I can't believe I'm just now getting back on this site!  Took me a while to go through the 20+ pages posted in my absence, but I loved reading all of it!  


    CONGRATULATIONS to all the May brides!  I hope all weddings went off without too many problems!  We had our share, which I'll update about when I find time to write my planning thread, but the wedding was mostly great and resulted in a pair of very happy newlyweds, so all ended well! cheesy.gif


    I promised myself I wouldn't be one of those brides who disappears from the site after getting married, but it's been a whirlwind since the wedding!  Literally as soon as we made it home, my wife was hospitalized with extreme asthma complications, so the first few days home were spent at the hospital. After that, it took her a month to get well, and then we were overwhelmed with catching up on everything that got shoved to the back burner just before and after the wedding. Things are finally calming down, and we're getting back to a normal routine, so I hope to be around more. I learned so much planning this wedding and hope to pass on the knowledge to future brides.


    The full collection of professional pictures is still on its way to us, but quite a few photos were posted in a slideshow on the blog:



    (be sure to click "view more photos" on the right to see all; the first image is of the hotel, and the last one is a cake eating pic)









  2. Originally Posted by georgiasl View Post


    We sent in the wedding details sheet in January. We were told everything looked great. Then monday the wedding coordinator sends an email confirming an 8:30 reception time. We replied that we had requested a 7:00 reception. She replied stating hotel policy is that receptions are at 6:00 or 8:30. We let her know the situation with the photographer and that it is unacceptable to change times less than one week b4 the wedding but we havent heard back.


    I'm so sorry this happened to you!  Something similar happened to me, but thankfully, it was a few months ahead, enough time to find a new venue and work things out. It was super stressful, so I can't imagine how it would be for someone unable to switch venues!  A week before the wedding, no less!  I would've been a mess! 

  3. Originally Posted by RNtoBe View Post


    Hey ladies, 

    I'm excited to share a blog post from my photographer of our wedding photos!I couldn't be happier with them!! Here is the link: http://www.cassiescamera.com/2013/06/09/dayna-ray-just-married-calgary-destination-wedding-photographer/

    We also hired Angel Zapien from Cinematic Touch as our videographer. I will post a link once our video is ready. 


    Lovely!  I like how there is a sunny glow to all the pictures! 

  4. Originally Posted by cinnagirl View Post


    Hi May ladies! 


    I wasn't super active on this thread for the last few months leading up to the wedding (by that point I was done with planning and ready to start the party, lol), but I just got our photos back from our photographers this weekend. Hiring Katya Nova to document our wedding day was one of the best decisions we made, and looking through the photos was like reliving the day all over again. 


    Here are the blog posts they put together with photos from our wedding and our rock the dress session the morning after:




    Beautiful pictures!  I can't believe your coordinator did most of the decor with only a little inspiration from you - it's fantastic! 

  5. Originally Posted by Dazeydawl View Post


    Ahhhhhh ladies my photographer just put up the blog!!!!! I'm so excited.. I get the rest of the pics on Friday so my planning thread is coming soon but check out the blog if you wish!




    Wow!  You got some amazing shots!   Especially love the ones of you guys crossing over that long bridge!  Congratulations! cheer2.gif

  6. No time to look through the recent posts, as we are about to leave (woo-hoo!pinkie.gif), but congratulations to those who are already married! Can't wait to have some time to look through your posts and see how your weddings went! 


    My wedding is Saturday, and I know several other brides here share my date, so I'll be thinking of you!  All the good wishes in the world to the brides getting married this weekend!  I'm so excited I could literally cry! 


    3 days till I'm married!  Aaaaaahhhhhh!  love.gif

  7. Originally Posted by Lydia1120 View Post


    WOW...they came out fantastic!!!  Never worked with photoshop...mostly word or powerpoint..Congratulations!!!!


    Thanks! I think those programs are far easier to work with, but I went with what I knew and made life harder on myself in an attempt to make it easier. It worked out for me, but it taught me I really need to learn some basic programs like Word and Publisher! 

  8. Invited - 40

    Attending - 15


    There were a few people we invited knowing from the start that they could not come, but the 40 people on our list were the people we wanted there.  Most who aren't able to make it are the boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses of friends, so not quite the shunning it sounds like. wink.gif  We're actually very pleased with the crowd we're going to have, and I think only a few people will be seriously missed.  We did not invite any family members (drama, leaving it at home!), so I feel quite proud that we have 15 amazing friends excited to take the trip with us. Not everyone is so lucky in the friend department! 

  9. I paid for 1 bridesmaid's dress b/c she's struggling to come up with money for her plane ticket, but I did not broadcast that to the others. The dress was really inexpensive (under $30), so I don't think anyone would be upset that I gave her such a small amount of money, but some bridesmaids spent over $100 on their dresses (everyone has a different dress), so I think it's best not to discuss it.


    Everyone else was able to afford a dress, so I saw no reason to assist. We are paying for their lodging, as well as the usual hair & make-up, bridesmaids gifts, etc.  I know we're being quite generous already. 


    Really, I think it's a personal decision to pay or not pay for the bridesmaids, but when asked to be in a wedding, women should expect they will have to buy a dress. I've always paid for mine in others' weddings. 

  10. Originally Posted by Dazeydawl View Post



    My gosh i totally feel ya!!! Only about 6 weeks to go!!! Still so much to do I haven't even started dress fittings yet!! I have ALOT of DIY left to do and on top of everything else me and my fiancé are moving to Ontario directly after the wedding. He already has a job there and has been there for the past 3 weeks, he home this week but leaves again on the 18th and won't be back till April 16th!!!!! So on top of all the wedding g stuff I have to do I also have to pack up our apartment so that after the wedding we move out.


    Holy crap!  If I had to move after the wedding, I would be going absolutely crazy!  Wow!  Time to start bribing friends to help with all the packing!


    Your dress fittings should go fine if you start them asap.  There were several mishaps with my dress, and it's currently in the mail on its way to me after being repaired. (I bought a floor sample of a discontinued style from a shop in another state, and it was not exactly in perfect condition when I received it.)  I am pretty sure it won't need any alterations (fingers crossed!), but I'll feel a lot better when I have my dress in hand! 

  11. Originally Posted by Kal520 View Post


    You're preaching to the choir! I have a lot to do still, nothing too major but still a lot of little things. I feel your pain on the money worries and the no rest, I just planned my sister's baby shower and my best friends bachelorette party, then we had her wedding last weekend, this was all in the same month span. I am just glad it's all over and I can focus on the wedding finally!!


    Yikes!  I'm so happy for my best friend, but I'm glad my own wedding is coming first, considering how close the weddings are to one another. I'm thrilled to help her with wedding planning, but I would not want all the big tasks like her bachelorette night to be my focus right now. Kudos to you for managing that (and your sister's baby shower, wow)!  

  12. Less than 2 months to go! I'm getting so nervous! Not about getting married, but about paying off all the balances with vendors (right after taxes are due - yikes!) and leaving my dogs with a sitter while we're gone (something has always gone wrong with them when we've vacationed in the past, so it's nerve-racking). I'm also nervous about people in the wedding who STILL do not have passports - the procrastinators are scaring me!


    I still have some major DIY projects to complete, and I haven't had time to make a final to-do list, so I'm just feeling really scattered. Thinking about how soon this is all going to happen is starting to scare me. I'm sure others are in the same boat, but wow! 


    My best friend is getting married in September, and I'm the maid of honor, so no rest for me even after we return home from Mexico! 


    How is everyone staying sane with everything on the horizon? 

  13. Originally Posted by Emfayed View Post


    So I loved the idea of sky lanterns and told my mother I was planning on looking into them...

    She replied by saying not too...Apparently my aunt has already purchased them and is bringing them down..but I am not suppose to know about it. 

    This said, should I still check with the resort if they allow them?

    Any input would be appreciated!


    Definitely check. If they say no, you can have your mother tell your aunt she checked, without revealing that she told you.

  14. Originally Posted by FutureMrsPerez View Post


    So my fiancé and I have opted not to go to the Gran Caribe Real resort, it turns out that it is not really in our price range.


    Anyone have any opinions on any resorts that are beautiful and in the 700-800$ a night for all inclusive range in Rivera Maya or Playa Del Carmen? I would live to hear any suggestions. :)


    We're mini-mooning at The Royal in Playa del Carmen, an adults only all-inclusive. The cost was actually less than what you're looking for, so you might want to check them out. If you need a place that allows kids, they have a sister property right across that's a family place. We got a better price going through cheapcaribbean.com, but some friends said they got a better deal directly through the hotel, so it might depend on when you book. 

  15. Originally Posted by jnitschke View Post


    Ok... so the final count is in... and I only have... sniff... 10 guests... sigh... I need some suggestions of fun things to do, to keep things interesting with such a small group.


    Don't let the low guest count upset you. We're having just 15 adults at our wedding (including us), and 9 of us will be standing (couple, bridesmaids, friend officiating), so there will be just 8 people sitting (2 kids & 6 adults). Although bummed that some of the people we invited can't make it, I'm really happy we're having such an tight-knit affair. It means only our absolute closest friends are going to be a part of the most intimate day of our lives. These are the people whose friendships play important roles in our relationship. It feels like everyone there is part of it, you know?


    We're planning a really easygoing reception, just friends dancing and having fun. No special games or tricks necessary when you have a lively crowd to begin with; our friends love to party! I think when you have guests who like to dance and good music, things fall into place on their own.


    If you're really set on adding to the normal stuff, you could set up a photo station with fun props. With a small crowd, you'd probably get some nice group shots. 

  16. Originally Posted by meeshamillz View Post


    Very Excited about my newest purchase. It can take the place of or guest book. I found a lady online that did caricature drawings and I described to her what we expect our wedding scene to look like and she drew it out for us! I love it. Our guests will sign and write well wishes on the matted part around the picture. It looks just like my hunny! lol


    bf.jpgBrett and Felicia.JPG



    So cute! I love your colors and the clay flowers you posted! Congratulations! 

  17. If you are looking for a wedding planner happy to hear your ideas and work with you on them, I highly recommend Leanne Marie Weddings. Leanne took us from a very panicked place of having no venue and worrying none of our money saving ideas were going to work out, to suddenly feeling reassured about everything and on the road to a fabulous DIY wedding in no time!  She listens to what I'd like and suggests cost effective ways to do it, knowing we're on a budget. She has the contacts to get us pretty much anything we need for a decent price, something I was struggling with before hiring her. She's exactly what I think a wedding planner should be, an assistant to the bride and not someone who takes over when that is not wanted. It's less expensive than you might think to hire someone, and if you hire the right person, you will feel much more confident about everything!

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