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Sky Lanterns!

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So, I had planned on doing the sparkler exit at the end of our wedding, but I saw something pretty near recently: sky lanterns! So I ordered up a case of these bad boys and each of our guests will get to release one at the the of our reception. Has anyone used these at a wedding before?



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lol yes, watching the Bachelorette triggered this idea :) Also, for any that saw The Hangover 2, they released these at the end of the movie (the end of the wedding on a beach in Thailand!). I ordered them from www.theskylantern.com. I ordered them on Monday night, and we are leaving this Thursday. I called the number listed to make sure they'd get to me on time before I ordered them, and the guy who runs the company put my order through immediately. It was probably midnight his time!!! I should get them by Tuesday! I'll post pics from our wedding and the lanterns!

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We are planning to release sky lanterns at our wedding also. Does anyone know of regulations by country that would not allow these? Haven't looked into it yet, just thinking ahead. I love the idea of making a wish as they're released ( or maybe sending good wishes to the bride and groom). They look so whimsical!

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