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Posts posted by Branya2012

  1. I like the third one!


    Originally Posted by Florida1 View Post

    I'm debating all sorts of decisions including what type of dress to wear for cenote photos. I googled flowy, layers, tiered. I understand lightweight is better, and fabric like organza does not pick up as much dirt.  Could I have some opinions about these? I was hoping the layers would look interesting if I were spinning in a photo.








    Thanks for the opinions!

  2. Sorry to hear you're having a hard time! My first instinct is to say just to talk to your fiancee about it and then go and talk to her together honestly about what you are feeling, especially if you think she's trying to convince other people not to come! That being said, try to trust that the people that you care about and that truly care about you will come to your wedding and the cruise regardless of what she says!


    Hopefully you can figure out a peaceful way to continue the wedding planning process and enjoy your dream wedding when the time comes! You deserve respect from your loved ones and as DW brides, I think we all know that doesn't always happen. Best of luck!

  3. Well said! If someone is going to make you feel uncomfortable on your big day or on the vacation surrounding your big day, don't invite them! There shouldn't be a giult trip in the world big enough to make a bride or groom sacrifice their comfort and/or happiness on their big day!


    Originally Posted by FIFAbride View Post


    There was no discussion with anyone about specifics on why people were or were not invited.  We told our families who was invited and that was it.  This day is about US.  No other day get to be about us.  That  means we get to be a little selfish.  Neither of us wants the trip or day to be stressful or uneasy.  Just my personal opinion that you should not feel obligated to invite anyone.  The event is not about them.  It's your day so share with whom you wish to.

  4. Here are my sandals! I was going to go for flip flops, but knowing that grace is not my strong suit I figured that since my entrance to the ceremony is down some stairs, I would be better off in sandals that will remain attached to my feet!!! Lol. And some criteria for me was that you could see my tattoo (not that you will be able to see it under my dress...) and that there was a bit of sparkle. Mission accomplished! And for only $20!!



  5. I have done a boudoir photo shoot for my hubby-to-be!! Keeping it a secret has been the hardest part. One friend of mine knows and that's it (she came with me to the shoot for moral support). The experience itself was amazing...the photographer (whom I didn't know beforehand) was awesome; she made me feel so beautiful and comfortable with myself!


    I am taking off on a boat on the morning of the wedding and he will meet me at the wedding site later for a first look photo session. I plan on leaving the album behind for him with a card so he can open it when he is alone. I have gently suggested (lol) that he buy me a bracelet that he can have engraved for me to wear with my dress. We are paying for everything ourselves as well, but I think this surprise will be worth it! Heck, it's already bought and paid for!


    One more thing...auto saving is the best!! woot.gif

  6. Thank You is our song as well! Great idea to have it as your entrance song...we are thinking of doing it as our first dance song, in a mix with one or two others. We still have lots of time to decide, but it's great to hear someone else has incorporated Led Zeppelin into their wedding! And that you had your friend play it on his guitar makes it so much more meaningful. Awesome!


    Originally Posted by Trimalusta View Post

    I walked down the aisle to "Thank You' By Led Zepplin. It is 'our song' and we had one of our friends play accoustic guitar for it.  He had to bring his own guitar, but this way we didn't have to pay a musician and it was more meaningful.

  7. PS: Did you order them online?


    Originally Posted by Branya2012 View Post

    That's an awesome idea for thank you cards!! Thanks for the tip and the idea!


    Originally Posted by seatkins22 View Post

    FYI.  I ordered custom postage stamps through Canada Post last week.   Put a cute pic of our dog!  Plan on using them on the RSVP envelopes.    They arrived today and look awesome!  Better than expected!     So fast!! 

    I am so happy and they were so easy to do.  Yes, they do turn out to be about $1 per stamp but I think they are worth it.    I may even order some with pics of us at the wedding to use on the "thank you" cards.

  8. That's an awesome idea for thank you cards!! Thanks for the tip and the idea!

    Originally Posted by seatkins22 View Post

    FYI.  I ordered custom postage stamps through Canada Post last week.   Put a cute pic of our dog!  Plan on using them on the RSVP envelopes.    They arrived today and look awesome!  Better than expected!     So fast!! 

    I am so happy and they were so easy to do.  Yes, they do turn out to be about $1 per stamp but I think they are worth it.    I may even order some with pics of us at the wedding to use on the "thank you" cards.

  9. YAY!!! Congrats on booking! That is very, very exciting!


    Originally Posted by sillafeliz View Post



    After speaking with my BIL one-on-one, offering to pay for him for four days...his response was something along the lines of:


    "I just want you guys to know you've put me in a really hard place, because no matter what my decision, someone is going to be really upset. But I'll go for the four days."


    Sooo, at that, I emailed our travel agent and as of TODAY we are BOOKED! If he changes his mind now, then I'm going without him. Haha.


    Thanks to everyone who gave their advice. I'm glad it did work out (or has so far)...I just hope that all of our other family members can come! **Knock on wood, fingers crossed** All of our most important and closest family members have said they will come! :)


    Gin Bootles: I am soo sorry to hear that yours didn't get to happen! To me, that is truly heart breaking. Yes, it is only one day, but the memories made at a DW will last a life time, and only come around once in a life time. Thats really too bad your family didn't see it that way.


    Thanks again!

  10. Yes, I heard the same thing, that the specialty dining room will count as one of your three dinners at the specialty restaurants, but that they will do the reservation free of charge! That's fine by us, as long as we are all able to sit together!


    Originally Posted by msbadousek View Post

    Great news!  I did hear back from the Barcelo this week and there was the private dining I mentioned for $24 per person.  However, they were able to confirm a 30-person reservation in one of their specialty dining rooms for no additional charge. 

  11. Gorgeous dres, Dominican Amy! It fits you beautifully!

    Originally Posted by Dominican Amy View Post

    This is my first post..i've been lurking for a few months but now that the ball is rolling on the wedding and I've found my dress it's all getting exciting! Anyways ladies...here is the dress I fell in love with! Its perfect and so light, perfect for a wedding on the beach!



    photo.JPGphoto (1).JPG


    Thank you MissFifi!! You are so sweet!


    Originally Posted by MissFifi View Post

    I love this dress on you! This was the dress I was looking for but have had difficulty finding it in my size.  I love it and I know you will look even more beautiful on your wedding day.

  12. Just a thought, but if your fiancee wants to still get married in a DW, knowing that his closest men will not be there with him, I think that's just an attestation to how much he loves you! And wants you to be happy! And wants the day that he marries you to be a day that he will remember forever as the day that he pledged his eternal love for you and the day that you became his wife. Not the day that you became his wife and his brother/friend wasn't there. Do you know what I mean? You might both think of the people that aren't there on your wedding day, and it might be sad for a moment, but let's be real...you'll be drop dead gorgeous in your dress, you'll be on the beach, surrounded by other people that love you and are there for you, and by the end of the night, you'll be with your husband! How upset is he really going to be?? If the answer to that involves him bawling his eyes out from heartbreak of not having the best man he wanted, then maybe that's the time to consider not having the DW of your dreams (hopefully I'm not overstepping there!).


    Absolutely go forward with your dream wedding! Very well said by a lot of the ladies, above! At the end of the day, it's your wedding! Even if you change your mind and stay local, people (ie: future SIL) are still going to find ways to try and make your wedding about them. Do you really think she won't make a big deal about having to find a baby sitter for the wedding, or spending too much on the tux or something? From what you've said, she'll probably take the opportunity to complain about anything, regardless of where you get married!


    Do what's in your heart! Best of luck. cheesy.gif


    Originally Posted by sillafeliz View Post

    Thanks for everyone's thoughts!!


    As for the baby thing...I will definitely NOT be trying to persuade her to come and bring the baby...I was just wondering for my own information whether or not her concerns are valid or ridiculous. If I'm being honest, I'd rather her not be there as she is very materialistic and judgmental and I'd rather not hear the snide comments from her on our wedding day. Not to mention, you made a good point about me taking blame if anything were to happen to the baby. I'm not having that on my shoulders!


    UPDATE: Wednesday night around 11pm I got a text message asking if they could come over to talk...while we were sleeping. SO that didn't happen. Thursday night, after my birthday dinner, they again said lets talk, but this time they were too tired. Perhaps tonight we will get an answer from them. Until we do, I'll continue to feel sick to my stomach. :(


    I appreciate everyone's thoughts on the matter of my BIL coming...Now I have another question for all of you...my FI is telling me we will do it without him. BUT, this only came after they told us NO the first time and I was hysterically crying...he saw how upset I was at the thought of having to give up my dreams for them and has now decided he'd rather give up having his brother there. I keep telling him I can't do that. If the situation was reversed and it was my sister who couldn't come, I know that my FI wouldn't make me go without her. He needs to have his brother there with him...did I mention his cousin also can't come, and two of his childhood friends? He will basically have no one there for him that he is really close to! What do I do now if my BIL decides he isn't going to MAN UP and tell his wife that he's going?


    I can't stand the thought of my FI being upset on our wedding day if he doesn't have his brother there...it will make me upset and feel guilty for pushing for the DW. But then if we do stay here, I will resent them for a very long time...and my FI will know on our wedding day that its not where it should be...but at least he will have his brother beside him. Someone is going to be upset no matter what we choose...if the BIL doesn't come. What is the right answer?


    Thanks again brides!!

  13. In order to book a set of rooms (10 altogether) and hold a price, we needed to deposit $200 per person by last September for our trip this December. We didn't really feel comfortable asking everyone for a deposit, so instead we emailed all of the people that had expressed an interest in coming after we had sent out our save the date cards. We had 4 of the rooms pay their deposit, as well as our own deposit, and then we paid deposits for the 5 other rooms, reserving 10 rooms in total. We ended up paying about $2,400 for deposits that will go towards our trip (and should essentially cover it, so it's nice to have that paid for!). Like Oct 2012 Bride said, though, it all depends on how much you can afford when the deposits are due! $25 is pretty reasonable, but if it doesn't work financially, then maybe there is another way to go about depositting, if you feel comfortable asking for help? 


    Clearly our deposit amount ($200!!) was A LOT more than what you ladies are saying, but that's what our travel agent told us needed to be done so we just went along with it. We were okay with the price at the time because that money is for our trip, and it that much less for our final trip payment.


    It's interesting to see what everyone else has done!

  14. My fiancee and I are having a legal wedding ceremony at our home about a week before we leave for Mexico. We are planning on having two people (the minimum requirement for witnessing a marriage in BC) that aren't able to come to Mexico with us over for dinner and having them witness our legal ceremony. We are not making anything big of it...I'll just wear whatever I'm wearing that day, and we will celebrate our wedding in Mexico as our anniversary!


    If you really don't want to make a big deal of it, hopefully your parents respect that! Good luck making your decision! At the end of the day, do what makes you happy and makes sense for you.


    Originally Posted by maridr2012 View Post

    Ladies: can any of you share your experience in getting legally married at home before your DW? I'm coming to the realization that getting legally married in the DR is just a very cumbersome and expensive process. Between the multitude of documents required, the fees, and having no guarantee that the judge will actually marry us at our ceremony and to top it off we may not have our executed marriage license for some time after...I'm kinda over it. So, now we are thinking of just getting legally married here in the states the week before we leave and have a Pastor marry us in front of our family and friends in a spiritual ceremony. The only thing is I'm not sure if we should have a mini-celebration here when we get legally married? And I mean VERY mini... we would go down to the courthouse/city hall by ourselves and I'll wear a simple white or cream dress, get married by a judge, and have a nice dinner with just our parents and maybe our siblings, OR doing the same thing except have a justice of the peace come to one of our parents homes instead . My fear is that our parents will want to make a fuss over it especially since some close relatives can't make it to our DW, and they'll want to invite the to this instead which in my opinion takes away from our DW. If we do a mini-thing here I'd like to keep it very quiet and no-production; its just tomake it legal, thats all. I feel like our WEDDING is going to be in DR. What to do?!?!! Please share your thoughts and advice!
  15. Originally Posted by cinnagirl View Post


    I hate this too. A DW has it's own complications. While I don't have to deal with as much wedding detail work (I just send pictures and show up), I have to deal with way more family drama than I would have had for a local wedding. 


    Well said! But people tend to be self-absorbed, so that's why they don't stop to think that complaining about the fact that we're having a DW makes it tough on us!!

  16. Love your pics! You can see so much love in the first one...congratulations!!!


    Originally Posted by Sharon99 View Post

    This is my favorite thread and I am finally posting my own!! Here are a few pics that make me smile when I look at them! I had to stop at 5...it would have been an album!


    We are all on the beach with our guests circling us - laughing!



    Trying to jump on his back!



    I made it!



    Our photographers had us laughing trying to be romantic!



    Singing into the maracas!


  17. If you really don't want gifts (or anything other than cash) just say no gifts please. That's what we are doing. There are going to people out there that, whether or not they are coming to the wedding, are going to get you a gift regardless of whether you register! My mom is insisting on throwing me a bridal shower, which I don't really want because they are pretty gift-centred, if you ask me, but this is the only time I can have a bridal shower thrown for me, so I figured why not! I think that regardless of whether you register, you are bound to get gifts that you don't want. It's just the nature of the beast!


    If you want to do the honeymoon fund thing, don't feel bad about it! You can always use the money towards little extras that make your honeymoon even more special and you shouldn't feel bad about it! Registering isn't forcing anyone to buy you anything they don't want to!


    Good luck!

  18. I agree with what AllieH said - talk to them about it and try to keep it light. It might take some courage to get up the nerves to say something, but just think of it in reverse, if you were a bridesmaid and your bride had something like that to say to you. I, personally, would want to hear it from her directly. I think the note in the schedule seems a bit bride-zilla-ish and controlling, in my honest opinion. 


    Have your fiancee by your side, I'm sure that will help! And there's no harm in talking to them about it before you go.


    Good luck!

  19. Hi Kim!


    Our group is staying at the Barcelo Puerto Vallarta (we are staying there and getting married within a couple of weeks of you!!) but I haven't asked about group bookings at the restaurant yet. I will let you know once I find out, unless I see that someone else replies before then. cheesy.gif




    Originally Posted by Future Bride View Post

    Hi again,


    Also, is anyone staying at the Barcelo in Puerto Vallarta?  If so, do you know if they will do group bookings at their restaurants?





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