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Posts posted by Branya2012

  1. Your dress is amazing! You look very beautiful! Don't confine yourself to what others might think is appropriate for a beach wedding! Whatever you love and want is appropriate for your beach wedding!


    Love the bottom of your dress and agree with what Peach said - I prefer the look of the birdcage, especially if you're going to take it off for the reception.


    Originally Posted by EmilyT View Post

    hey everyone... so i finally went for my try on appointment ( still needs to be fitted ) and it was the first time i saw my dress in all ivory and i loved it ;) i tried it on in champagne ivory and made the switch to all ivory without ever seeing it so i was terrified. anyway i cannot decide between a birdcage veil and a long veil.... i decided the short veil is not for me so its one of these.... after the ceremony i am just going to put a flower/sparkly clip thing in my hair.. all opinions are welcome ;) also there were other brides there who were having destiantion weddings and ALL of them had on simpler dresses than mine... had me thinking maybe my dress is a little more much for my beach wedding =*( i LOVE the dress but maybe i made a mistake ? i dont want to look like a fool !! so here are the pics . . . also after the ceremony the back of the dress will be bustled up i just didnt get a pic of it... please let me know if you think i went a lil overboard for a wedding on the beach... and which headpiece looks best.. thank you ;)




  2. We have used a TA all along for everything, and the greatest help has been that whenever a guest or potential guest has a question about the trip (flights or hotel), we just pass them onto our TA. It is WAY less headache for us because we haven't had to worry about it at all! That being said, we booked our trip very early and then closer to the wedding date a lot of people didn't want to book with our TA because that meant being part of our group, and the price was a couple of hundred dollars more expensive. In the end, we had a bunch of people book with our TA but not as part of the group, so they did get a cheaper deal. Everyone was always free to book their own trips, and we had 3 people (out of 24) book on their own.


    At the end of the day, people are going to find deals that are cheaper than what your TA has, but you have to remember that your wedding is not a "deal."  Booking as a group meant that we paid a little more than other people, but we had secured our rooms and flights well in advance of the wedding and have our seats booked together on the plane rides.  It was worth it for us, though I wouldn't recommend it for everyone.


    I would say go with a TA (as long as he/she knows that you have found that it is cheaper on your own, and that you would expect a better deal from them if you're going to work together). It's much less headache for you and gives you more time to focus on everything else wedding related!

  3. Tough situation!


    I think what you said is beautiful. I think it would work perfectly, especially if you are the one that's speaking, to address your thanks for your parents making your wedding happen! Then if your husband wants to specifically thank his mom, he can say something himself.


    PS: We're wedding date twins! Thanks for the reminder that we should start working on our speeches...lol.


    Originally Posted by Sunshine2680 View Post

    Ok - working on the 'thank-you' speeches for the reception. Everything is pretty straight-forward except when it comes to thanking

    the parents,,,
    See...my parents paid for the entire wedding and my fiance's mom didn't contribute anything . I want to single out my parents because its a big deal that they made the day happen for us - but I dont want to disclude my fiance's mom entirely either. At the same time I don't think she should get recognition other than just being 'supportive'.... nor do I think my parents should be lumped into thanking her when they did so much more - gah! this is so difficult!wacko.gif

    This is what i have so far.....


    Last but certainly not least - we'd like to thank our parents. All the love and support you've given us over the years has shaped who

     we are today. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you and there are no words to describe our gratitude and appreciation.

     Mom..Dad…thank you especially for giving us the wedding of our dreams. We couldn't have asked for a better day and we owe

    you so much for making it all happen.


    Pleeeeaaaase tell me what you think! - ANY suggestions/advice is greatly appreciated!!!

  4. Congratulations Samantha86!! That's great to hear you had such a wonderful time! Our turn comes three weeks from today!! So exciting! I'm definitely doing my best not to let the little things bother me, and to just enjoy the experience! Can't wait to hear if you are doing a full review, and to see some pics of your special day!


    Originally Posted by samantha86 View Post

    Hola Ladies!! I am Back and a  married Women!!  I really dont know where to begin!! Im going to keep it short and if you have any questions just ask!!

    One word.......indiscribable........Seriously, you have to see it for yourself! Apsolutley no complaits!! Dont stess out! (too much) i know it can be stressful planning a wedding. but just keep in mind  WHY  you are doing this!! to marry that special somone!! stay humble about it! Bridezillas are not pretty!!

    Blanca is such a sweetie! they organize everything on the wedding day! you dont have to even look at the time!! We got married in Our Lady Of Guadalupe church down town Puerto Vallarta, and Blanca sent Jessica to help us be orgainzed!! she even came to the rehursal the night before the wedding! i felt so calm throughout the intire process!! If your concidering having your wedding here...DO IT!!!!!  I was on here 2 years ago researching Las Caletas, and yes when you know nothing about it, you want to know details! but serioulsy send the corrdiantor inspiration pictures your songs,and any other special request and she will make it happen and do the rest!!...  the food!! wow, my guest are still talking about it!! if my dress would have let me i would have ate more!!! its amazing, i wish i knew how care free it would really be before we went, please take my word!! you dont have to do much!! all the little thing we stress about are all the extra things we want!! not Need!!  Get the dress/suit  Get the rings, special songs everything else will fall into place!!

  5. First off, I'm sure that your man thinks you are perfect, just the way you are!  Feeling that way is another story for us ladies, though. I know this from experience.


    But as someone that has lost a little weight pre-wedding, and is really focused on healthy eating, my advice would be to cut out all junk (sugars, chips, even processed foods) and start exercising. You don't have to start big; like you said walks are a great place to start! Also, try not to eat after a certain time at night (usually 9pm, but earlier if you can) so that your body has a chance to properly digest your dinner before you go to bed. And always eat breakfast. I also snack throughout the day, so I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner.

    And whenever you feel like giving up, or like it's not working, just picture yourself in your wedding dress (even if you don't have it yet...I picture myself dancing with my husband and it works like a charm to get my butt moving!).


    Good luck! You can do this!

  6. Hanging out by the pool does sound fabulous, but for us when the guys go fishing (which my fiancee wants to pay for all of the guys to do), I am planning to ask the ladies if they want to travel into downtown Puerto Vallarta to go shopping and then I will buy them all lunch. 


    Our resort is a short bus or cab ride to downtown, and a lot of the guests have not been to Mexico before, so I thought it's a great opportunity for us ladies to take all the time we want to wander the markets and not have the men complaining that we're taking too long!

  7. I agree with agm04...I think demoting her might hurt her feelings! Maybe you don't have to demote her and just have your other BM help out with the things that your current MOH isn't able to help with given the space between you and her busy schedule. We are not having a wedding party at all, so I have been getting help from my friends who have been amazing helping out!

  8. I 100% LOVE the dress that I picked! I haven't had one second of dress regret whatsoever!


    Glad I'm not the only one.


    Originally Posted by heather1214 View Post

    After reading the posts the last few weeks, I have noticed a lot of dress regret.  There are so many gorgeous dresses on this thread, but am I the only one who still absolutely 100% love love loves the dress I picked out?!


    I haven't had any regret and there are some pretty amazing choices on here!  Anyway, all of you ladies 2nd guessing your 1st choice... put it back on and hopefully all of those wonderful emotions will come rushing back!

  9. Cool thread!


    We are getting married December 5, 2012, almost a year to the day that we met each other at a DW in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Since we got together, we have always celebrated December 5 as our anniversary, so when it came to choosing a date for the wedding, my husband-to-be suggested December 5!


    It's also exactly 6 months from my birthday, so it's easier for him to remember! (What's not easier to remember with iPhones these days anyways?)

  10. Your dress is beautiful! What does the back look like? My dress also has ruching on the bodice and the back laces up, so even though I have lost some weight (currently 11 pounds and working on more) my dress fits amazingly!! And then it will have a little give for the day of, just in case!


    Congrats on the almost 20 pounds, by the way!!


    Originally Posted by CourtBestBride View Post



    here is the dress!!!

    and I'm totally kicking myself for not just sticking with my guns and ordering the sample size! You live you learn unfortunately!

    But thanks, I do feel better now! :) I'm sure it will be fine, I'm just lucky there isn't alot of detail on my dress

  11. I'm sure that it makes a difference depending on where you are flying to and from, but the prices for our guests to book went down significantly in the last few months before the wedding (like our family flying from Prince George, BC, Canada to Puerto Vallarta Mexico, saved over $300 when they booked in September for our December wedding compared to people that booked further in advance). I think it all just depends on how many rooms are still available at your resort once it starts getting closer to the wedding. For us, our travel agent was trying to get everyone to book way sooner (we had about 4-5 rooms booked by last September) but if we had the choice to do it again, we probably wouldn't have booked so soon. I would've liked to have waited until even 6 months before the wedding (not necessarily 3, even though that saved our guests a lot of money).


    Booking with a group makes a difference (which, again, in retrospect, we probably wouldn't have done the group thing, at least not so early) but you never know what could happen with your prices! I am sure the travel agent knows what he/she is talking about, but I just wanted to make the point that we were told our prices were not likely to go down either, and look what happened!


    Best of luck! And great job focusing on the positive...you and your future husband are getting the wedding of your dreams and whomever makes the trip with you will help to make it a really special day.


    Originally Posted by Jencakes21 View Post

    My wedding is May 31st. The travel agent just said that the longer people wait the more expensive it would be and the less likely the hotel will have availability for them. I'm really worried that no one will come, I want to cry :( Maybe I'm just having a moment. it feels good to hear about all the other brides on here who are dealing with the same problem. I too put so much effort in finding the most economical place and hotel and I sent my save the dates a year in advance. I've explained to my family and friends that this is an opportunity for them to go on vacation and see me get married. There hasn't been a wedding in my family in over 15 years and I can't remember the last time anyone went on vacation. I'm crossing my fingers everything works out.


    Originally Posted by Tulumbride2013 View Post

    The truth is that prices will go up as time moves on. My prices have gone up about 40$ in 4 months. What did ou put for an RSVP date? I made it clear to my guests that when they book and put their $150 down, their price gets locked in and it can't go up. That's why it makes no sense to wait till the last min to book... People will come though girl, keep you chin up!
    We had a promotion going on that had an "end" date, which made everyone want to book before it was over
  12. False alarm!


    Dennise is not gone from Adventure weddings! I emailed Blanca, who forwarded my email to Dennise, who just replied to me to say she's still there, busy training and working! She'll be working on my questionnaire tomorrow.


    Good news, I like her! cheesy.gif


    Originally Posted by Branya2012 View Post

    You think we'd get a bit of a heads up that Dennise was leaving!! I was right in the middle of emailing details back and forth with her for our December 5, 2012, wedding...no wonder it's been awhile since I've heard back from her!!


    Thanks for Blanca's email address, BrideDaisy!


  13. You think we'd get a bit of a heads up that Dennise was leaving!! I was right in the middle of emailing details back and forth with her for our December 5, 2012, wedding...no wonder it's been awhile since I've heard back from her!!


    Thanks for Blanca's email address, BrideDaisy!


    Originally Posted by weliaslo View Post

    Denise is no longer there...but I agree, Blanca is great!

  14. Talk to her about it! Even if you have a rocky relationship and she isn't receptive to having an adult conversation about it, you can rest easy that you tried to handle it maturely at first. Good on you for taking the high road to involve your mom in the wedding process! Hopefully she sees your way and can be happy for you (and helpful!) during this time.



  15. I'd try to have an honest discussion with him before rescheduling a wedding date! Tell him exactly what you're telling us. You should be able to have such a frank discussion with the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with! Then you will be able to be the excited bride-to-be, set a date and get everyone excited about your wedding and the trip!


    Best of luck!

  16. That is amazingly unique and very special! I've never seen anything like it.

    Originally Posted by cschneider0027 View Post

    Hi ladies,

    I love everyone's rings!


    I'm  not one to really like the bling - I'm a little more simplistic when it comes to jewelery. So, I thought I would share my story in case there is anyone else similar. My FI and I went shopping for our wedding bands (My e-ring is a beautiful solitaire.). I liked the simple bands that matched one another but he wanted me to get an eternity band- which did not match his, obviously. He explained that matching bands was totally out of style. However, I like the symbolism of matching rings, whether it's "from the 80s" or not. Anyway, we went round and round until I finally found "our rings" on etsy. They match...so I am the big winner. But they are far greater than simple matching bands. They are custom made to have each of our finger prints etched into the band. It is symbolic of forever locking our fingers together and I just loved it instantly.I'm attaching the explanation and a picture.


    I haven't had a chance to look through the thousands of posts on this thread, so if this is repetitive, I apologize!









  17. That is a beautiful way to tell your story!! Congratulations!!


    I, too, was completely shocked by my proposal and I agree...that was an amazing feeling!! To hear about the time and effort that he put into getting the ring and planning something special for the moment he proposed (even if it wasn't any more than, this is going to happen today!!) is unlike any other! And the fact that he pulled off the complete surprise! Priceless!


    Congrats again!

  18. I think it's fine to have just close family/wedding party invited to the rehearsal dinner. Are you arriving at the resort only the day before the wedding? Because you could always have welcome drinks on the first night you are there and then a private rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding. But like you said, you don't want to overbook. Also, if people are only coming for a long weekend, it's probably best to leave them to their own devices for the most part. In my opionion. :)


    We are going to have a private "rehearsal dinner" even though there will be no rehearsing. Lol. We are thinking that on the night before the wedding we will take my fiancee's parents and brother and my mom out for a nice dinner off of the resort. We aren't having a wedding party or else we'd probably bring them, too. We are having a much smaller wedding (expecting about 20-25 people, currently have 17 booked) but I don't feel bad about leaving them to have a private dinner the night before the wedding. The wedding reception is the big dinner/party for everyone!!


    Just as a final thought...do what you want and what feels right for you! I don't think that all those guests would feel slighted if they weren't invited to the rehearsal dinner, and it's an added bonus that you guys are thinking of doing a champagne brunch the day after!

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