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Posts posted by Essential0929

  1. Congrats on finding the dress! That's such an amazing feeling!

    Originally Posted by merrylee View Post

    I am so excited, I found the most perfect wedding dress yesterday.   Tried on 4 dresses each one kept getting better and better until I tried on the 4th dress which was the one the consultant picked out.  We didn't like it on the hanger really at all.  Weren't sure about it as we were putting it on, but I loved how it made me look.  The thing I hated about myself disappeared in this dress.  Plus it had everything I said I wanted, beachy, light wait, fun skirt and a plain top.  Yay, I am so excited.


  2. I completely agree with you. I knew I wanted to get married in Cancun and just began looking at travel websites and reading up on the climate of the area for our wedding time frame. Just decide whether you are looking for a family resort or adults-only, that's a good way to start as well.

    Originally Posted by celticgirl View Post

    Well, What I did was I sat down with a travel agent and told them what time of the year that I personally thought was a good time to go, and then we went from there... for example, Cuba is very cheap, so it was definately an option for us... however, we found out that weather was not ideal during January when we wanted to go, so that quickly changed our minds... look for one who specializes in destination weddings.. look up popular sites, and then youll quickly learn what you like and dislike... ask others for advice like you are doing now too! I am going to Jamaica, it was affordable and seemed really nice...



  3. Thank you for sharing! How did you decide between the terrace locations for your reception and rehearsal dinner? When did you first connect with Paola?

    Originally Posted by ecanja View Post

    Absolutely!  I've been in contact with Paola for about a month and she has been pretty good about responding to my questions (I literally email her a question everyday so Iâ€m sure she is super annoyed of me :).  This is what I have decided for the wedding so far: 


    Flowers: There werenâ€t too many options to choose from for the flowers (Lilies and roses).  So, I decided to go with white Lilies for the bride bouquet and bridesmaidâ€s bouquet.  I had originally sent Paola a picture of the flowers (type and color) I wanted but the upgrade was a little spending.  I am also ordering 2 vases of flowers for the ceremony but no flowers for the tables.  I am going to bring lots of candles and table decorations instead of flowers....I wasnâ€t too impressed with the pictures she sent me of the flower centerpieces.


    Music: I purchased a violinist to play at the ceremony and gave Paola my song requests for her to share with the violinist.  I also purchased a Mexican Trio for the cocktail hour because, well, when in Rome (aka Mexico)!  As for the reception, Paola sent me information for audio options (DJâ€s, sound system, ect).  I received quotes from 2 different companies and decided to go with JSAV out of Cancun Palace since Carlos was the quickest to respond and seemed very professional.  We are only having 38 guests so I decided to purchase a sound system with microphones, speakers, and an iPod holder for music instead of a DJ. The DJâ€s were kind of expensive, plus we have full control of the music we want to play.  Iâ€ll let you know how that goes:)  I also added on lights for the dance floor to make it more fun.


    Location:  I choose the breeze terrace for the cocktail hour/reception.  This was a difficult decision for me since Iâ€ve never been to Cancun Palace and have no idea what the space looks like but after reading and chatting with a BDW bride who got married at Cancun Palace, she recommended this space.  The only thing Iâ€m a little hesitant about it how close it is to the rooms but she said it didnâ€t seem to bother her or anyone else....I guess the guests will have to get used to the loud dancing music right next to their rooms :)   I choose the infinity terrace for our rehearsal dinner, again because of her recommendation for this space.


    Food: We are having the Italian buffet for the rehearsal dinner (my fiancés parentâ€s choice) and the BBQ buffet for the reception.  I figured everyone will have lots of Mexican food while in Mexico and I love bbq so thatâ€s why I choose the BBQ option.  


    Well, I bet I missed something but please let me know if you have any more questions! 



  4. 1 bag per couple is a great idea! We sent our 50 STDs which would give about 100 people, but are only planning on a total of 50 guests. I have 70 bags just in case.

    Originally Posted by torilynnsmith View Post

    We are doing 1 bag per couple and then 1 bag for any singles.  We haven't bought our bags yet but probably will soon, we sent out 100 invites (yes our families are crazy!) but only expect anything from 30-60 people (it could be more but I think that's a good high end guess!) so we will probably get 3 dozen bags and we should be covered! If we have extra I am sure we can sell them on here or find a use for them.  We are doing $1 or $2 bags so I am not too too worried!


  5. I think it is worth signing up, WW helps to change your relationship with food and our vices. Just try to catch a promotion to get a discount on the sign-up fee.

    Originally Posted by MrsRobinson12 View Post

    I am also a March, 2012 bride and would like to lose 5 - 10 pounds, and basically just tone my problem areas (love handles, stomach, legs). I was going to join on line as well, they seem to have a special on right now. My problem is eating! I am constantly snacking on candy (as we speak!) and its really what's holding me back. I don't mind exercising, I am running a half marathon this weekend, but I just need the motivation from you girls to help me stay on track! Do you think it's worth it for me to sign up on line, even though I don't want to lose a large amount of weight?


  6. Thanks so much! Congrats to you as well, you're so close! I would like to know everything about your experience with the Cancun Palace. From the flowers, to the terrace locations, to the food, I would love to know everything! Do you have any information that you can share now?

    Originally Posted by ecanja View Post

    Congrats on choosing Cancun Palace! I am getting married there on July 30th, 2011 so let me know if you have any questions or concerns! I've been in contact with Paola, the wedding coordinator, and I think I'm just about done with planning...until we meet in person when I arrive in Cancun.  This has definitely been a challenge trying to plan a wedding via email AND without visiting the space/resort so it would be so helpful to talk to someone who is going through the same experience :)   Hope to talk soon!


  7. Where are my manners. I did not realize that your wedding was this coming Saturday, please excuse me for pestering you with silly questions while you are off getting married. Congratulations, I'm sure your wedding will be absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for even taking the time to respond.

    Originally Posted by skp1 View Post

    It was a lot of trial and error for me.  I took the blank template and just wrote the titles of what I wanted, printed that and see where it ended up.  I kept changing it and printing it until I got it where I wanted.  THEN I started designing the pages.  Hope that helps.  I can't access my files until next week or else I'd tell you the order.


    Good luck!


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