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Posts posted by Essential0929

  1. Congratulations and Welcome! The others here are so helpful and friendly, all you have to do is ask. Good luck with selecting a resort, there are so many wonderful ones out there and it is a difficult decision.


    Happy Planning!

  2. Congratulations on the 8lbs!!!! Your wedding is definitely the perfect motivator. Keep up the great progress!!!

    Originally Posted by deniden View Post

    Hi ladies!


    My name is Denielle and I'm an April 2012 bride.


    I joined Weight Watchers (for the 3rd time) in late May. I'm down 8lbs or so so far. I love Weight Watchers and have lost tons of weight each time I've joined. My problem has always been long-term motivation. But I think that with my wedding next year (and wanting to look super hot on my wedding day!) and then trying for a baby on the horizon, I'll have more than enough motivation to stick with it!


  3. Welcome to the forum! I got engaged at the Royal Playa del Carmen in April...such a beautiful resort! I can't wait to see how your passport invitations turn out, I'm making those too.

    Happy Planning!

    Originally Posted by deniden View Post

    Hi ladies!


    I'm Denielle and we are getting married on 04/20/12 at the Royal Playa del Carmen!


    Sent out our magnet Save the Dates in May, have a few people booked, and our website is up and running.


    I plan on making passport invitiations and sending them out in September.


  4. I actually just created them in Word. I created boxes the size I wanted and played around with pictures and fonts from dafont.com (a BDW favorite). It was really easy! The most difficult part was aligning the back side for printing. I have attached a template to help.



    Originally Posted by MrsZtoBe View Post

    These look great and are such a great idea!! My FI and I have considered making postcards for our DW in St Thomas....how did you make them though?? I'm also a low-level DIY-er :)


  5. You all are so lucky! That sounds amazing! I hope you all take the pictures! I originally intended to get married April 21, 2012 at MP...this is what happens when you give the groom too many choices.

    Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

    smile124.gifATTENTIONsmile124.gif April 2012 MP Brides.


    For those future brides that will be on the resort on April 21, 2012, Would you like to get together and take a few bridal group pictures?  It appears that I am the last (well 5pm) bride to get married so when we move to the reception, I thought it would be great if you wanted to put on your gown again, to start a BDW tradition, for us to get together and take a group picture.  If this is something that would interest you, please let me know..that way I will advise my photog.


    Merrylee will be onsite and thought this would be fab ;-) 


  6. Thanks! I'm not crafty either, but I am a perfectionist so it took me quite a while to finalize the design. Trust me, it was my initial goal to buy them and then my bright idea to make them. Hopefully the savings will net me a mariachi band ;).

    Originally Posted by JetsettinBride View Post

    GReat Job!!  Love the STDs. I'm not crafty and this project may only take a couple of hours to design and complete. I know it will probably take me weeks. So I will just have to pay to assure they get done.


  7. This excites me, I think I may go for the long table...it's my first choice! Your table was beautiful!

    Originally Posted by bondgirl0072010 View Post

    Hello! We had 36 people and it worked out completely fine! Most of our group was energetic, ready to dance and have a great time. The only time we were all seated was for dinner/the toasts so people were up and moving around the whole time anyway. I thought it had a really sleek look and I was interested in doing something that wasn't so traditional as round tables. My fiance wasn't sure at first (he thinks in a more traditional way) and when he saw it he LOVED it. We both were really happy with our choice and even choosing the black linen really made the flowers and candles pop!




    Bondgirl: Your setup was amazing! I have been thinking of doing one long table, but was worried about the social aspect as well as how many it would seat. How many were you able to seat at this table?



    Originally Posted by bondgirl0072010 View Post

    Hey sxcT,


    I did one long table for my wedding and it wasn't difficult to be social at all. I guess it really depends on your wedding party as well as energy levels, but besides for dinner, everyone was up dancing and moving around anyway. It was a really sleek look and I was thrilled how it turned out! Good luck!




  9. Congratulations!!! I wish I could say that I was down 18 pounds, but slowly I am getting back in the habit of tracking my food points.

    Originally Posted by DeeBrideToBe View Post

    Hey ladies! I just got back on track and am now down 18 pounds since January! It's an awesome feeling, I love getting rid of clothes because they're too big instead of too small. I still have a ways to go, but I am getting measured for my dress in two weeks so I would love to lose a few more and maybe drop another size! how are you all doing with your goals?


  10. Thanks! I know what you mean, it took me a week to get the alignment correct for the back side and I went back and forth about the font I used for "Cancun". I am not very crafty at all, but you have to trust yourself.

    Originally Posted by Sllefebvr View Post

    Very Very Nice..... I would love to do DIY everything but I would never stop changing what I was doing so I figured having someone else do them would definitely save some $$!! Too bad :(


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