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Posts posted by AnnCam2011



    Originally Posted by babigirl21 View Post


    I've been on the site now for about two months and this has been such a helpful site.  We have heard nothing but great reviews about Aruba and wanted to have our wedding somewhere different.  We are looking at August 2011 (the month we met and began dating) and we had the whole hurricane season in mind when we decided that Aruba would be a nice fit.  Initially we thought the RIU would be nice but after our recent stay at the RIU Montego Bay we decided that their beds are way too hard, they do not offer real premium alcohol (we are drinkers), the food was just average, and their wedding locations are not private at all.  


    Reading this thread has been really helpful in narrowing down our choice to the Renaissance for our wedding and ceremony.  It would be a truly unique experience for all.  Now we just have to get a price quote for rooms and see if it is feasible to have our guests stay there.  The great thing is that we do not have to necessarily stay there to have our wedding there so our guest can have options if they chose to stay at different resorts.  I'm hoping to at least get solid rates from the Ren which includes breakfast daily for guest that way they can venture out for lunch and dinner to experience Aruba.


    For all the Renaissance brides, generally what price did you pay for the ceremony/reception side based on your guest number?  I see there are packages but they are mainly for the ceremony and maybe a cocktail hour.  I'm trying to get an idea of how much it would cost for the ceremony, cocktail hour and reception for under 60 people.  I would like to keep my wedding budget at under $10,000 (not including our travel).  Also, did anyone receive the free honeymoon deal? 


    We are strongly considering the Renaissance for our March 2011 wedding. I am about ready to fax in the request form, just need to know a few more details before we are ready. We are inviting around 60 people and are trying to keep our budget as low as possible since we are paying for everything ourselves. Our good friend is a wedding photographer and he did a wedding at the Ren a few years ago. I told him we had considered it and his opinion was that you can't find a better location to have a wedding than on the private island. Nice to hear this from a seasoned traveler and wedding photographer! I told him we were considering not paying the extra cost to be able to stay out on the island till 11pm, and maybe hold the reception back on the mainland. He said it is worth the money to have the reception on the island, that no one will have ever been to a wedding (and maybe never again go to one) where everything was as private and secluded. I like that aspect of it, just time to crunch numbers to be sure it can happen!


  2. I found a lot of veils on etsy.com. I am in LOVE with this site and decided I am going to buy as much as I can for the wedding from etsy (jewelry, invites, veil, small gifts), since everything is handmade and really unique. The last thing I want is to have someone spot something I picked out at a store and know how much I've paid for something, or possibly seeing at another wedding.  

  3. I found some cute bags at Target that could be used as OOT bags. I tried looking for a picture online, but didn't have any luch. They are in the gift wrap aisle and are reusable "gift" bags made out of jute, and come in a variety of sizes and tropical colors. Think the largest one might have been around $4 or $6? I'll keep searching online for a picture, but next time you are at Target (which for me is at least once a week!) check it out! Hopefully they will continue selling them or the next few months - I'd buy them but I don't have any idea how many people we have coming yet!

  4. I looked at the Kissing Fish website last night and they food looks awesome! I've never had conch before :o) Think that might be a good way to go if T&C works out. I really appreciate all the info you have given me - Now I can go into the weekend feeling a little less frazzled!


    Last night was another sleepless night for me - kept waking up worried about finding the location and started to wonder if we should just throw in the towel on the DW idea, have a regular old wedding here then take a honeymoon trip. I kept thinking about my cousin's wedding, how they really wanted to do a DW but since they have large families, they opted to stay home and do the norm. Thinking back on it, they really didn't seem all that into their own wedding - the ceremony was outside in a lovely garden with a gazebo, but the reception was very average: dance music was blah, food was blah, the whole night just seemed like they both didn't really want to be there (if that's the right way to put it?). Thinking back on their wedding now, it seems like they were bored with it, maybe because it wasn't done the way they really wanted? And I don't want to give up on this idea and have a "regular old wedding" at home. So, that being said, I am NOT giving up! We WILL find a great location! I WILL drink frozen fruity drinks there!! :o)

  5. We looked into the Marriott Renaissance Aruba resort - they have 2 sections: 1 is adults only, 1 is family friendly. We also are searching for a place that is kid-friendly since there will be young nieces and nephews along as well. We ended up not booking the Ren due to our sad little budget, but it looks great. Private island and all! Check it out.

  6. I think a resort where AI is an option would be ideal, but I know it would be tough to find. I am not against doing AI - I think it would be easier for our guests to not have to worry about paying each time they get a drink or a meal. I was in Jamaica a few years ago, and while it was a nice trip (cheaply done since I was in college) I would rather go someplace I haven't been before. My fiance loves to travel and has a hang-up on going to the same place twice. I realize there are different areas of the island, but it's just his opinion!

  7. Thanks everyone! I am doing my best to be patient with my mom. She can be like a 6 year old sometimes and goes off in a bunch of different directions. Some of the stuff she has suggested to me has been so far in the opposite direction of what we are looking for it can be hard not to cringe (ex super-tacky cake topper, OMG NO!) :o)  I think I will to talk to my aunt and make sure she is still feeling included with things, and try not worry about anything else. Just wasn't sure if it was a social blunder for the MOB to "throw" the shower.


  8. Krys, thank you for posting picts from Ocean Club - it is one place I have in a request for information and am waiting to hear back on dates. The place looks amazing and T&C is on the top of our list. This would be awesome if everything prices out they way we are hoping, and they have some dates open in March! Still waiting to hear back from the TA on that info, she has been super patient with us, and am surprised she hasn't kicked us to the curb yet (haha!). The Sands also looks great, but from what I was able to find online, the rooms are not cheap. Maybe I need to talk to them directly for any discounts?


    Are all weddings in Turks coordinated by the same 2 companies? I was reading online and sounds like there are 2 options for weddings. Maybe I am reading this wrong? We just want something super simple - the ceremonies you show in the 2 T&C links pretty much nails it what we are looking for. Also, not 100% set on going thru the resort for the reception - are there restaurants that can accommodate groups within walking distance from the Ocean Club? Otherwise if the OCW has a spot that we can be outside for most of the night would be ideal.


    Thanks again for the info. Looking forward to your response! I was running on panic mode most of this week and think I have calmed down. I am just anxious to get a location set, the rest will be easy (easier?) :o)



    Originally Posted by Tropical Imaging View Post

    For the Turks and Caicos, we have a lot of options but if you are watching your budget and want simple/within walking distance to other restaurants etc  here are a few ideas for resorts:






    The Sands has a great stretch of beach, there are no resorts on either side of the property.  They also have a nice deck area overlooking the beach that has been used for ipod cocktail/receptions etc, it additionally is easily in walking distance to many shops/restaurants etc.  When we have family and friends coming down this is the resort we recommend.


    Ocean Club and Ocean Club West are also both great options.  Ocean Club is the older of the two, but also has a very nice stretch of beach.  They additionally have a meal plan option that people can do if they would like to have some meals included and you can use both resorts pools and facilities.


    Both of the resorts are condo/hotel style resorts, which allows people to cook or fix breakfast/lunch if they like.  We have  grocery store within walking or a quick shuttle ride from them so people don't have to eat every meal out.  


    If you want something in a higher price range or lower, let me know and I can give you some other options, I didn't want to overwhelm you with more choices.


    Depending on when you go in March will determine if deals are going on as you are entering the busy season.  We do have Jet Blue starting service from NY and Boston in February (they'll start listing flights in Oct).  AA flies from Miami and New York, Delta flies from Atlanta and USAirways flies through Charlotte NC, depending on where you are, those would be the connecting cities.   


    Here are some blog posts of weddings we have done at those venues to give you an idea of what they look like

    Ocean Club




    The Sands





    If you have any other questions about the T&C let me know, I have lived here 15 years and am about 5 minutes away from Grace Bay Beach at all times.







  9. My fiance and I are completely stuck as to where to go for our destination wedding. We got engaged the start of this summer, and would like to get married March 2011. We have looked at a ton of places online, and after looking at so many options, we are left completely stuck. Part of me wants to just say "forget it" and either have a small wedding in town, or just ELOPE! Both of which are not something we really want to do, and isn't that part of the fun of YOUR wedding day? Making is special for the B&G?


    We have looked at places in Aruba, T&C, Mexico, PR, St Lucia but haven't been able to find THE resort to travel to. My fiance is set on NO all inclusive, since part of the fun of traveling is finding interesting places to eat, which I am on board with. The issue is we want it to be somewhere special enough, but still budget friendly for us (since we are paying for everything) and for our guests to get to.


    We are open to anywhere in the Caribbean, but would prefer to stay away from Mexico. We were there a few years ago, and just want to have the wedding location somewhere a little more off the beaten path (and maybe fewer spring-breakers!).


    Can anyone give me some direction - resorts to check out that maybe I haven't already? I have been in contact with a TA here in town, but am getting the feeling she is just as frustrated as we are, and I have the feeling she is pushing a few resorts in Mexico in specifically for her kick-back. I feel like I have looked so much everything is starting to look the same, and am to the point of "I just don't care" - even though I should! I've waited 11 years for this to happen and it would be nice if we could find a great spot for the occasion.


    Any ideas you can throw out there where to look would be appreciated. We want a simple beach ceremony, cocktail hour, then dinner with ipod music if people want to dance. :) Simple, right?

  10. I am recently engaged (May '10) after 11 years to a wonderful man. We are planning a small destination wedding and want to keep everything as simple as possible. The issue is my very excitable mother. Ever since we got engaged, she has said she is going to stay out of any wedding plans, and only give advice or her opinion when asked. So far, this is going well, with the occasional very strong opinion, on where to go, things to buy/wear, etc.


    My latest issue is her involvement in the wedding shower my aunt was hosting for my mom's side of the family. So far, my mom has pretty much done all the planning and shopping for things like invites, games/prizes (GAG), decorations, etc. The date hasn't been set yet, but I am not sure how I feel with the amount of time and effort she is putting into the shower that was originally going to be hosted by my aunt. Is it a huge faux pas for my mom to be so involved with the shower planning? It almost feels to me like my aunt has little to do with it, and my mom is now hosting. She is really excited for all this wedding stuff since it's been so long in the making, but I am afraid of what people will think. I am doing my best to keep my mouth shut since she is so excited about it all. She has recently gone through cancer surgery and chemo this past winter, where we weren't sure if she was going to make it. Her own wedding was really small (shot-gun since she was preggo with my brother!) and didn't get to do all this stuff for her own. I feel she is trying to make up for things she missed out on, but am concerned about how this should be handled since she is the mother-of-the-bride.


    Any advice out there?

  11. HELP!


    We are considering a T&C wedding for March/April 2011. We have looked into the Alexandra Resort or Ocean Club West, Beaches looks great too. Any photos,tips, advice you can give me? We've had a really had time figuring out a location - there are too many places in the Caribbean that look amazing, nearly booked Aruba but changed our minds last minute. T&C was one of our first choices and just need a little help (push?) making it final.


    All we want is an amazing location, since this is vacation too for us and friends/family, beach wedding, simple reception with hos' devours, dinner, and a place we can hang out for the night, maybe some drinkin' and dancing? 

  12. There is no way I'd have my MIL come dress shopping with me. She has some very strong opinions, and somehow finds strange ways to criticize if she doesn't like it. When she doesnt get her way, she pouts and gets short with people. Like I need that on the day I find my dress! Her daughter was married about 10 years ago, so she was able to do all the "mother of the bride" thing once before. I am the only daughter, so this was something special for just me and my mom.

  13. Here's another question: Is it crazy to try and have 2 Rounds of invites?


    I am against the "save the date" cards - it is an additional cost and once we have the date and location we are going to order and send out the invites as soon as possible. We are shooting for next March/April and should have things set in the next week or so. We are hoping to have invites out by the start of October - how long do you give people to RSVP? 2 months? That would give us enough time to do a second round of invites (if we need to) since we would know by December who will be able to make it or not from Round 1. There are several aunts/uncles that I am pretty sure won't be able to come, if we know they aren't coming, why not invite some friends who we couldn't put in Round 1 because of family?


    Once we have the final list, I am planning on putting together a more detailed info packet (things to do, places to see) along with either a luggage tag or passport holder for each guest to mail out a month or so before the trip.


    Has anyone else done this?? Am I crazy?


  14. We are going to have a very simple reception when we get back. We are going to rent a pavillion at a local park ($400 for the day) that includes outdoor game equipment, paddle boats, lawn games, etc. and are just going to do BBQ pig roast and get a keg! It's our goal to keep the cost under $1500 for everything and make it an all day thing. That way people can come and go as they please, if they can only come for a short time, no big deal. It is going to annoy my FMI that it is going to be so simple - she wanted to call and book the country club for a big extravagant party, which is NOT our style (hello, DW to begin with to avoid that!). She doesn't know that we are going to do a picnic-y reception - it might be entertaining to watch her reaction to the idea!


    We decided to do a reception like this at home since there are so many people that we simply can not invite to the wedding due to cost. I come from a large extended family and there is no way we can keep our guest list at the right number just with my family alone. This will also give an opportunity for out of town people to come for the weekend and relax and enjoy eachother's company.

  15. Those are so cute! With all the information we are going to have to provide to guests about the trip (travel agent info, resort info, things to do, etc) I think this is a great way to give everyone the information. We were going to do regular invites, and my fiance wanted to include an additional letter with the travel information, and to let people know we understand if they cant make it since it is costly (that we will also be having a reception at home once we return). This is a great way to organize it all in one!

    Originally Posted by jszy10 View Post

    I would definitely send something out...a lot of people here do Passport Invitations -- I just made my own to give a formal invite, tell people about the resort, and give information on how to book (if they haven't already).  That might be nice!


    Here is mine...I made mine on my own with a template, but you can have them made by companies too.




    Or you could do pocket invites..

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