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Posts posted by angelalanahung

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cutierosie View Post

    Glad you found the answers to your questions, let me know if you have any more. Best of luck to you in your wedding, I know it will be great :)

    I am looking to have my evening reception on the Tucan terrace. Could you please tell me how well lit the area is? Do they provide lighting?

    Also, my WC said the fireworks would go off after the ceremony which is at 1pm. I explained it would be pointless as we wouldn't be able to see them. I asked if we could have these in the evening instead and I was told they could be replaced for the bubble machine for the ceremony. I really don't want this and would like to know how you got your fireworks in the evening.

    Thanks so much :)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cb280182 View Post
    Many congrats! I think i got swept along with the idea of the package with all the pretty pictures etc. When me and my partner sat down and actually thought about want we HAD to have and what we would LIKE to have (rather just having it for having sake) we decided on the free and added on horse, photo package, DVD and disc of photos. I would like to have a cocktail party and the Mexican trio but still undecided. I have seen sooooo many things i want to buy (tables decs/candles/parasols for the bridesmaids/flowers) my H2B has had to try and reign me in I think!! We are suppose to be saving money by getting married abroad. x
    It is so easy to get carried away. We still don't quite know how we are going to plan out the day yet. So much to think about! :0
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyN View Post
    Hi Ladies!!!

    I got married on June 26, 2009 and had Ivan as our photographer. Sorry it took me so long to post, but here they are...
    Nereida & Hugo Photo Gallery by Ivan Luckie at pbase.com

    I am SO SO SO happy with our photo's. They are more then we expected. I'm in love with them :) I heart Ivan Luckie Photography!

    Here is the link for my wedding review. I'm not totally done yet...but by tomorrow I wil be... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t48386

    Please let me know if you have any questions! I hope you ALL book Ivan for your weddings :)
    Your pictures are amazing. How does this whole photography thing work? Did you tell him what photos you wanted or did he tell you how to stand and what to do etc??

    Thanks :)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vikki View Post
    I also would imagine it would be hot-if your dress is long/big have you thought about changing into a special dress for the reception?

    Well I am only planning on doing this once so I am going to stay in it for the whole day. :)

    I am also worried that the cake will mealt a little or because we are outside in the dark you are not going to be able to see the pictures very well. :~
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tonir View Post
    Wow those are gorgeous! I personally love the diamond, and I'm also a fan of the sapphire (but I don't think that would go as well with your colors like the diamond or emerald would). It will be beautiful!
    Thanks! I too think the diamond or emerald. I think the diamond would go with anything so swaying toward that more now :)

    Anyone else want to add any comments?

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Islandbride2b View Post
    im glad you ask these questions! I am getting married in May as well, and our wedding begins at 2:00pm. i wanted 4 but someone already has it?!! Anyway Im having issues with trying to figure out what to do between 3:30 and 9!! for our guests.. we arnt having a big reception.. we are doing a small one for just our parents and us at 7.. so our guests get to rome free till 9 I guess.. idk what to do!! I hope you get some great ideas.. so that i may work from them too!! Good luck girly..

    this is one idea i have had and am tossing around.. depending on how big our guest list is, i was thinking of doing a sunset cruise for our guests to have a few drinks on and such.. i think sun set is around 6? dont quote me on that, im going to go look it up again. but its just an idea.. depending on budget of course!! (we have a small one)
    Hey! I have just checked your wedding date, May 5th right? Anyway at 4pm it's free!! You can chek for yourself here Check Civil Wedding Availability
  7. Hi guys,


    I am getting married at 1pm at the Moon Palace next May. I am really unsure as to what to do for the day.


    The ceremony itself should take 30 minutes. Then I would imagine photos will take and hour after.


    That takes us to 2.30pm


    I figure then we will head to one of the restuarants for our included reception. I would imagine this will last until 4.30 - 5pm. We won't have speeches then as we will be around other people.


    I think we will have a private buffet on the terrace at 8pm where we can have our fireworks, speeches, cake cutting etc....


    Now, this is where I have the problem. What do we do from 5pm - 8pm?


    And what time does the sun set during May? We would love pictures at sunset :)


    Thanks for any help and suggestions! :)

  8. Hi everyone. I need a little help if possible please.


    First of all, this is the bridesmaid dress I have chosen: Coast Stores - Wedding - Victoria Jane Dress


    For my bouquet colours I would like: white, pink, hot pink and maybe purple. I am not sure what colour scheme to have for the ceremony that ties in with the flowers. I have uploaded the colour choices for the ceremony.


    Also, in my bouquet I would like Peonies, fushia lillies, roses and calla lillies. I wold be grateful if anyone has any photos of bouquets of that description. I am able to find just the rose and peony bouquets but thats it. Also, I am not sure whether to have any other flowers like hydragenas, any suggestions would be welcomed.


    Thanks for all your help :)




  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cb280182 View Post
    Hi, after completing many excel spreadsheets I have decided to go with the Virgin free package and add on separate extras ( horse and carriage / cocktail party) Im stuck on prices for the Hair salon on site. Ive had a good look through the posts on 2008/2009 thread and even with the search options cant find the prices. Ive tried a google search and found prices for the spa but nothing else. Can anyone help me out with this? Also has anyone had any of the soloist/trio options and what did they think? I am considering the mexican trio . thanks for all you help
    You need to go here Palace Resorts Weddings

    HTH :)
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