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Posts posted by Bride010101

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alipires1 View Post
    I got a shirt one time for a wedding and the only time we wore it was for the plane ride because they asked us all too. Don't want to bum you out but if there are a lot of 20 somethings going they will probably feel the same way.
    Thanks for your honesty... that is pretty much my concern as well. No matter how I picture the design... whether it has our names/date or has nothing to do with us and is on our location... I imagine most people only wearing it while we are there and then not again (except for painting/working out/whatever).

    Hmm... I guess I'll just have to see what price I can get them at and see if its worth it.
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  2. Nevermind... thanks to my sister I found the quote I was looking for! I figure I'll post it in case anyone wants it in the future....


    Soon I will have my feet in the sand

    Watching the sunset and holding Sean’s hand

    Standing in white by the Caribbean Sea

    Professing my love to my husband-to-be.

    Steel drums will play a Caribbean beat

    Palm tress will sway in the tropical heat

    And nothing would give me more joy and pride

    Than to have you standing right there by my side.


    Will you be my bridesmaid?

  3. Help! This past week I was looking at different "will you be my bridesmaid" quotes/poems and came across the perfect one... it had to be either on here (but I can't seem to find it) or on the Knot (which I don't use nearly as much so I can't efficiently search). I was on my parents computer so I didn't bookmark it, thinking I would remember the wording well enough to find it again... but of course now I am drawing a blank.


    I'm thinking it was similar to the one below... but I felt like it was more beachy? Something with sand or palm trees or something... sound familair to anyone?


    The day, the dress, the bride, the groom;

    The joy, the tears, will all come so soon.

    Professing true love to my husband-to-be;

    with family and friends all watching me.

    I hope the sun will be shining down;

    keep your fingers crossed that I'll fit my gown.

    But there's one more thing that needs to be;

    and thats to have you standing with me.

    Name, will you be my Bridesmaid?

  4. I think taking pictures really helps... then you can pull them up side by side on the computer and figure out what you like in each dress and what you don't. I noticed details when I got home that I overlooked in the store... it was the little things that helped me pick the one! After looking at them... I couldn't get my dress out of my head.. so I new it was it! (It was a Maggie as well... I just love the detailing and fit of those dresses!) Good luck!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by luv2love View Post
    Great suggestions!
    I am giving each guest a beach towel ($4 from textileshop), because I know last time I went on vacation I only brought one and wished i had brought another (one to lie on and one to dry with). Plus it takes up lots of space in the bag so it doesn't look empty! Still haven't finalized what else is going in the bag.
    Can someone reccommend a good place to buy the insulated mugs?

    I know a lot of girls on here have you used discountmugs.com and have been fairly happy with them. A local screen-print shop is thinking about matching the prices from the site... but we will see if it happens. I called around to different places in my area and got a variety of quotes.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
    Check out this thread, it has some pretty good responses...


    Originally Posted by newfiebride View Post
    Do you think a bag per couple is fine? (instead of a bag per person) I will have two travel mugs, etc in them...I figured it would mainly be the women bringing their bags to the beach...

    I was thinking the same thing. 1 bag per couple/family (with individual mugs and possibly snacks) and then a bag for each single.
  7. We haven't started looking... but I was thinking of doing something similair. I really like the one you have picked out for you!


    I have a friend who bought a more traditional girl one with lots of diamonds... and rarely wears both of her rings because she feels its too much. I think I would be the same... so it makes more sense to buy one you will actually wear! Plus I think the whole matching thing is cute.

  8. I know we have a ton of OOT threads out there... and as I read through them my list of ideas for OOT stuffers grows and grows. To keep the bags a bit more budget friendly I am trying to narrow down the list of contents I want to include to things that are fun for my guests but also something they are actually going to use.


    I know things like Travel Mugs (for AI), packets of ibuprofen/pepto and chapstick will be used by most guests. However, I am wondering whether things like playing cards, travel candles, hand soap, or puzzle books will be actually used. Then things like sunscreen and flip-flops I could see being good additions if I decide to distribute the bag ahead of time... but if I wait until we get there, won't most people already have packed those items on their own?


    So I guess what I'm asking is... for those of you have recieved an OOT bag or already given them to your guests... What items were popular and used with your guests? What items do you wish you hadn't bought?

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jmhein View Post
    Mammee Bay IS semi-private, and I have it booked for 42 people next Tuesday for my wedding. I'll let you know how it turns out.
    Can't wait to hear how it goes! Have a great time! :)

    Quick question... do you know how you are handling the seating at Mammee yet? One long table or several tables? Seat arrangments or free seating?
  10. Do you know how long it takes after filing the I-130 to get an interview and then become a permanent resident? (I feel like I should be able to find it on the site... but am having issues finding the proper timeline) I know it says since it is a spouse that they don't have to be on the waiting list... but curious on how long it takes to approve the application.


    Now I'm worried though because I was also looking at something today about the sponsorship and being able to prove I can financially support my FI 125% above the poverty line... right now I'm a student with no income (unless you count my student loans). We don't graduate until May '09... but once we do it won't be a problem (we are both going to be pharmacists... so right now have pretty good job security). Argh...


    Maybe we do need to a hire a lawyer... any idea on what the total cost of a lawyer is roughly?

  11. Hi... I'm in the same boat. I am a US citizen and my FI is from Canada.


    Any help would be greatly appreacited... the process seems a bit overwhelming and we really want to try and do it ourselvse w/o lawyers (as we are 2 poor college students).


    My FI is currently in the states on a student visa that will expire in May 09. Our Jamaica wedding will occur in Jan 09 but we are considering doing the legal part here in the states sooner than that.


    This morning I just started looking at all the papework/requirements. It's my understanding that the easiest way to go about the citizenship process is file the paperwork (I-130 Petition for Alien Relative) AFTER we have our marriage license. Is that correct?

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